Έκκλησις Appeal by the Administrative Committee of the Associations of the University of Athens (DESPA) to the PM, to the Vice-president of the government, to the Parliament presidium, to the Special Committee for the article no 35 of the Constitution, to the part

Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Προεδρείο της Βουλής (contributor), Presidency of the Greek Parliament (contributor), Πολιτικά κόμματα (contributor), Political Parties (contributor), Ελληνικός τύπος (contributor), Greek Press (contributor), Μπέης Παν. Δ., Beis Pan. D., Σκεμπέας Παν. Γ., Skebeas Pan. G., Προεδρείο της Κυβέρνησης, Greek government, Δ.Ε.Σ.Π.Α. / Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο, Administrative Committee of Students' Associations of the University of Athens (DESPA) - Board of Directors
Institution:Contemporary Social History Archives (ASKI)
Format: Δακτυλόγραφο image/jpeg image/jpeg image/jpeg
Online Access:http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11841/54D4BC94-0432-4146-82A1-690ECF6AE83F

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