Κανονισμός εργασιών του Α΄Συνεδρίου της Ε.Φ.Ε.Ε. -Ε΄Πανσπουδαστικού Regulation for the First Conference of the National Students’ Union of Greece (EFEE)/Fifth All-Students Conference
Main Authors: | Ε.Φ.Ε.Ε. (Εθνική Φοιτητική Ένωσις Ελλάδος) (contributor), National Students' Union of Greece (EFEE) (contributor) |
Institution: | Contemporary Social History Archives (ASKI) |
Format: | Πολυγραφημένο image/jpeg image/jpeg image/jpeg image/jpeg |
Language: | Greek |
Subjects: | |
Online Access: | http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11841/E3938B06-A436-4ECA-B658-4DCB88A87164 http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11841/6668D747-DC98-4989-8E15-1CF1A7DDAB47 |
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by: Νεάρχου Περικλής, et al.