Communique of the Permanent Commission of the Preparatory Committee for the Meeting of Youth and Students from countries of the Balkan and Adriatic Region Letter by the Permanent Commission of the Preparatory Committee for the Youth and Students' Meeting from countries of the Balkan and Adriatic Region

Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Συνάντηση Νεων και Φοιτητών των Χωρών της περιοχής Βαλκανίων και Αδριατικής θαλάσσης (Βουκουρέστι, 1-2/1960) / Προπαρασκευαστική Επιτροπή, Balkans and Adriatic Sea Youth and Students' Meeting (Bucharest 1-2/1960)
Institution:Contemporary Social History Archives (ASKI)
Format: Πολυγραφημένο image/jpeg image/jpeg
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