Protokoll 2. Sitzung des Exekutivkomitees der IGF in der 8. Amtsperiodie am 7. und 8. november 1972 = proceedings of the Second Meeting of the IGF Executive Committee during the 8th Inter-congressional period, held on 7th and 8th november 1972 = procès-verbal de la 2ème réunion du Comité exécutif de la FGI au cours de 8ème exercise, les 7 et 8 novembre 1972 = protokoll fört vid IGF:s executivkommittés 2a sammantrâde under 8 kongressperioden den 7 och 8 november 1972
Corporate Authors: | Internationale Graphische Föderation (IGF), International Graphical Federation (IGF), Fédération Graphique Internationale (FGI), Internationella Grafiska Federationen (IGF) |
Institution: | Amsab-Institute of Social History |
Format: | TEXT |
Language: | German English French Swedish |
Published: |
Bern: IGF; FGI
Subjects: | |
Online Access: | |
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