Summary: | An information bulletin produced by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty based on extensive monitoring of communist bloc news outlets and primarily intended for internal circulation. Pieces were generally contributed by the staff of the research and analysis departments and treated current affairs in the region.
Former Defense Minister Appointed Ideological Chief / by Michael Shafir
Ceausescu, Honecker and Perestroika / by Mihai Sturdza
Isolated Romania Resisting Movement on Human Rights at CSCE / by Vladimir Socor
Rural Reorganization Planned / by Paul Gafton
Romania's "Agricultural Revolution" with Sickle and Scythe / by Dan Ionescu
Wage Increase of 10% Approved / by Paul Gafton
"Bad News" Is No News in the Romanian Media / by Michael Shafir
The Literary Monthly Secolul 20 / by Crisula Stefanescu
Arbitrary Detention of Dissidents / by Vladimir Socor
The "Romanian Democratic Action" on the Environment / by Dan Ionescu