003886-004069 in English Reaction of the international community to the situation in the former Yugoslavia, 1991-92: UN; Council of Europe; OSCE (CSCE); Organisation of the Islamic Conference; International Conference on the Former Yugoslavia; International League for Human Rights; Gesellschaft fur Bedrohte Volker (Society for Threatened Peoples); World Campaign “Save Humanity”. The file contains, inter alia: the Yugoslav government’s reaction to Turkey’s proposal to send troops to Bosnia and Herzegovina (a letter to the Secretary-General), December 1992; Final Communique of the 91st Session of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, 5 November 1992; Conclusions of the Stcockholm CSCE Council Meeting, 15 December 1992; Report of the CSCE Human Rights Rapporteur Mission to Yugoslavia (12-20 December 1991; 7-10 January 1992); Resolutions adopted by the 6th Extraordinary Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers, December 1992; Intervention by the Secretary of State, Steering Committee of the International Conference on the Former Yugoslavia, December 1992; Findings and Recommendations of the Mission to the Former Yugoslavia of the International League for Human Rights, 14-22 November 1992 [recommends to establish an international criminal tribunal] [Keywords: Individual accountability for war crimes]