Showing 4,521 - 4,533 results of 4,533 for search '"France"', query time: 0.04s Refine Results
  1. 4521
    by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)
    Published 1988-10-27T00:00:00Z-1988-10-27T23:59:59Z
    “…International Politics: <br/>- Stalemate in Yugoslavia <br/>- Tense situation in Czechoslovakia at anniversary of the declaration of the republic: celebrations, arrests <br/>- Glasnost in the Soviet budget <br/>- Rakowski urges carrying out economic reform <br/><br/>Domestic Affairs: <br/>- Károly Grósz tells Hungarian Radio on his way back from Tehran that he will probably no longer be Premier in November <br/>- Foreign minister Dumas mentions Grósz's forthcoming Paris visit as sign of France's new Eastern policy <br/>- Border guard police commander recommends that Iron Curtain be dismantled at the western border <br/>- Scandal in Szeged council <br/>- State prosecutor Halmai on the draft election law: who can propose parliamentary representatives, and how <br/>- Law professor Belényi analyzes existing council law in force <br/>- Football bribery case <br/><br/>Economy: <br/>- Fate of the Ózd Metalworks <br/>- Two American companies acquire majority shares in Csepel Works Clothing Machinery and Bicycle Production Company Külpolitika: <br/>- Jugoszláviában marad a patt-helyzet <br/>- Feszült hangulat Csehszlovákiában a köztársaság kikiáltásának évfordulóján, ünnepségek, letartóztatások <br/>- Glasznoszty a szovjet költségvetésben <br/>- Rakowski a gazdasági reform végrehajtását sürgette <br/><br/>Belpolitika: <br/>- Grósz Károly Teheránból hazautazóban nyilatkozott a Magyar Rádió-nak: novemberben valószínűleg már nem lesz kormányfő <br/>- Dumas külügyminiszter Grósz közelgő párizsi látogatását a francia kormány új keleti politikájának jeleként említette <br/>- A határőrség parancsnoksága javasolta, hogy a nyugati határon szüntessék meg a műszaki zárat <br/>- Botrány a szegedi tanácsban <br/>- Halmai államjogász a választási törvénytervezetről. …”
  2. 4522
    “…Georgian-Abkhaz conflict; armed conflict in Tajikistan; a referendum on the ratification of the Maastricht Treaty in France; review by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on the "Case of the Communist Party"; wine festival in Hungary. …”
  3. 4523
    “…Government session; flooding in France; the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh. Featured in the program: Chubais, Anatolii Borisovich (Politician) Contributors: Ogorodnikov, Pavel (Anchor) Series description: A program of Channel One, broadcasted since February 10, 1986. …”
  4. 4524
    “…Featured in the program: Kohl, Helmut (Chancellor of Germany); Chirac, Jacques (President of France) Series description: A television newscast, shown on Channel One Russia (since 1995), уфкдшук on the First Program of the Central Television of the USSR. …”
  5. 4525
    “…Consideration by the Constitutional Court on the "Case of the Communist Party"; a referendum on the ratification of the Maastricht Treaty in France; the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict; armed conflict in Tajikistan; the anniversary of Armenia's independence; the Kazakh president's visit to Germany; the presidential elections in Estonia. …”
  6. 4526
    by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)
    Published 1989-05-25T00:00:00Z-1989-05-25T23:59:59Z
    “…International Politics: <br/>- Correspondence from Beijing <br/>- Soviet opinion polls indicate that half of the Soviet population wants openness and strengthening of freedom of speech <br/>- Estonia still plans to form economic zone independent of USSR <br/>- NATO general secretary rejects idea that NATO and Warsaw Pact be dissolved at the same time <br/>- France cancels poorest developing countries' debts <br/>- Arab summit <br/><br/>Domestic Affairs: <br/>- Németh-Vranitzky talks in Vienna on the dam affair <br/>- Németh receives Dutch defense minister <br/>- In practice it is certain that Vienna and Budapest will win right to hold 1995 World Exposition <br/>- Alliance of Free Democrats (SZDSZ) expert and general secretary of Austrian Greens' opinion on the World Exposition <br/>- Péter Medgyessy holds talks in Switzerland <br/>- Cardinal Paskai's Transcarpathian visit finishes with press conference in Uzhgorod <br/><br/>Economy: <br/>- Government and Chamber of Commerce hold joint talks to discuss economic plan package <br/>- Pricing Office president states it would be good to successfully halt acceleration of inflation <br/>- Pál Iványi says it is regrettable that the IMF judges the country's economic situation exclusively according to how the market functions Külpolitika: <br/>- Pekingi tudósítások <br/>- Szovjet közvélemény kutatási adatok szerint a szovjet polgárok közel fele a nyíltság, a szólásszabadság megerősítését kívánja <br/>- Észtországban továbbra is a SZU-tól önálló gazdasági környezet kialakítását tervezik <br/>- A NATO-főtitkár visszautasítja, hogy a NATO-t és a VSZ-t egyszerre oszlassák fel <br/>- Franciaország elengedi a legszegényebb fejlődő országok tartozásait <br/>- Az arab csúcsértekezletről <br/><br/>Belpolitika: <br/>- Németh-Vranitzky megbeszélés Bécsben vízlépcső ügyben <br/>- Németh fogadta a holland védelmi minisztert <br/>- Gyakorlatilag biztosra vehető, hogy Bécs és Budapest megkapja a az 1995-ös világkiállítás rendezési jogát <br/>- Az SZDSZ szakértőjének <br/>- És az osztrák zöldek főtitkárának véleménye a világkiállításról <br/>- Svájcban tárgyal Medgyessy Péter <br/>- Paskai bíboros kárpátaljai látogatása befejeztével sajtóértekezletet tartott Ungváron <br/><br/>Gazdaság: <br/>- A kormány és a Gazdasági Kamara közös ülésen vitatja meg a gazdasági csomagtervet <br/>- Az Árhivatal elnöke kijelentette, már az is jó, ha sikerül megállítani az infláció gyorsulását <br/>- Iványi Pál sajnálatosnak nevezte, hogy a Nemzetközi Valutaalap az ország gazdasági helyzetét kizárólag aszerint ítéli meg, hogy mennyire működik a piac…”
  7. 4527
    “…Cooperation between the USA and the USSR concerning the conflict in Afghanistan; problems with an agro-industrial complex; Gorbachev's meeting with representatives of the Catholic clergy; the Millennium Anniversary of Christianity in Russia; coverage of astronauts in orbit; parliamentary elections in France; settlement of the Afghan-Pakistani conflict. …”
  8. 4528
    by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)
    Published 1989-03-17T00:00:00Z-1989-03-17T23:59:59Z
    “…International Politics: <br/>- 1989 could be the year of Soviet reform <br/>- "why did France recall its ambassador to Bucharest?" <br/>- Why did Czechoslovakia cease interfering with RFE transmissions? …”
  9. 4529
    “…Thermonuclear facility in Kyrgyzstan; mass planting of cotton in Azerbaijan; construction of gas-filling stations; opening of a press center in Prague; the outcome of Thatcher's visit to the USSR; the expulsion of some Soviet citizens from France. Featured in the program: Gorbachev, Mikhail Sergeevich (General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU); Budaev, V.P. …”
  10. 4530
    “…The construction of a new hydropower plant in Kyrgyzstan; home farming; restructuring of the oncological services in the USSR; discussion on amendments to the Constitution and a new election law; negotiations concerning the appointment of Benazir Bhutto as the Prime Minister of Pakistan; the former Korean dictator Chun Doo Hwan made ​​a public apology for the mistakes committed during his rule; Portugal's accession to the European Union; the Pentagon demonstrates top-secret B-2 project; meetings of miners in France; military conflict in Afghanistan; astronauts on the space station Mir. …”
  11. 4531
    “…Meeting of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Council of heads of government; Ukraine's departure from the ruble zone; the Chechen conflict; voucher auction in Kaliningrad; exporting LADA cars to South America; customs restrictions on postal services from Belarus; the hearing on the "Case of the Communist Party" by the Constitutional Court of Russia; the opening of the press center of the Government of the Russian Federation; a visit from the Russian Foreign Minister to France; the first press conference of the newly elected U.S. …”
  12. 4532
    “…Interim results of factories and enterprises transitioning to self-financing schemes; tensions and conflicts in Sri Lanka, France, and Peru; the report of the State Commission on the Crimean Tatars; Secretary of State George Shultz visits the USSR to discuss the Iran-Iraq war. …”
  13. 4533
    “…Air Force Day in the USSR; construction of housing estates in Vilnius; social care for the elderly; the establishment of the Soviet-Hungarian marketing center; the Iran-Iraq ceasefire; coverage from the United Arab Emirates; the national day of trade union rights and freedoms in France; coverage from Prague; economic enterprises in rural areas in China; parachuting in Mexico; segment on wedding traditions in Nagorno-Karabakh; excavation of Sarmatian burial mounds in Bashkiria. …”
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