Showing 81 - 99 results of 99 for search '"Acid', query time: 0.06s Refine Results
  1. 81
    by Sanger, Margaret, 1879-1966
    Published [1915?]
    “…All of these are quite harmless and cheap (vinegar about 5 cents a pint, citric acid about 4 cents an oz., hydrogen peroxide about 25 cents a 4-oz. bottle). …”
  2. 82
    Published 2012
    “…"This Volume 100A covers Pharmaceuticals, specifically Busulfan, Chlorambucil, Methyl-CCNU, Cyclophosphamide, Etoposide in combination with Cisplatin and Bleomycin, Melphalan, MOPP, Tamoxifen, Thiotepa, Treosulfan, Diethylstilbestrol, Estrogen-only Menopausal Therapy, Combined Estrogen-Progestogen Menopausal Therapy, Combined Estrogen-Progestogen Contraceptives, Azathioprine, Chlornaphazine, Ciclosporin, Plants containing Aristolochic Acid, Methoxsalen plus Ultraviolet A Radiation, and Phenacetin. …”
  3. 83
    Published 1946
    “…The Family Doctor Vital as are the hospital and specialist services, the acid test of the scheme, however, will be the impression it makes on the vast majority of people who, from time to time, need the services of a doctor or dentist or midwife but rarely, if ever, need in-patient 11 15X/2/98/21…”
  4. 84
    Published June 1926
    “…" That this opinion was correct was shown by the fact that in 1912 the addition of boric acid to milk was made illegal, and nowadays it is very exceptional to find preservatives in milk. …”
  5. 85
    Published June 1926
    “…It has always been recognised that a person suffering from nephritis is adversely affected by the consumption of boric acid. Whilst it is generally 292/840/1/3…”
  6. 86
    by Foley, Elizabeth, Cocker, Edith A.
    Published October 1939
    “…The warmth of your mouth will set up fermentation in the tiny particles of starch or sugar, and form an acid [illustration] 10 177/5/8/4…”
  7. 87
    “…Bemerkungen: [] = Absatzmarken im Volltext des Originals; NUIT du VENDREDI 24 au SAMEDI 25 MAI 1968. [] TEMOIGNAGE 2. [] "... nous venons de voir un jeune garçon (17 ans environ) atteint d'une blessure incroyable de cruauté et de précision sadique. [] Surpris au moment où il venait d'atteindre un CRS par un jet d´acide sulfurique, il a provoqué la rage inqualifiable et aveugle d'autres CRS. …”
  8. 88
    by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)
    Published 1990-07-23T00:00:00Z-1990-07-23T23:59:59Z
    “…International Politics: <br/>- East German government crisis <br/>- Lithuanian-Soviet relations <br/>- Attempted plane hijacking in the Soviet Union <br/>- University students demonstrate in Bucharest <br/>- Accident at the Smolensk nuclear power plant <br/><br/>Domestic Affairs: <br/>- Hungarian parliament calls on Soviet parliament to condemn the intervention in the 1956 uprising <br/>- Law on right to immunity passed <br/>- József Antall receives Parisian cardinal Jean-Marie Lustiger <br/>- Péter Boross is the new leader of the National Security Office <br/>- Arguments over how to elect the President of the Republic <br/><br/>Economy: <br/>- Employment issues arising from Transylvanian immigration <br/>- Budapest Chemical Works sulfuric acid plant closes Külpolitika: <br/>- Keletnémet kormányválság <br/>- Litván-szovjet viszony <br/>- Gépeltérítési kísérlet a Szovjetunióban <br/>- Egyetemisták tüntetnek Bukarestben <br/>- Baleset a szmolenszki atomerőműben <br/><br/>Belpolitika: <br/>- A magyar parlament felszólítja a szovjet parlamentet, hogy ítélje el az 1956-os beavatkozást <br/>- Mentelmi jogról szóló javaslat elfogadása <br/>- Antall József fogadta Jean-Marie Lustiger párizsi bíborost <br/>- Boross Péter a Nemzetbiztonsági Hivatal új vezetője <br/>- Vita a köztársasági elnök megválasztásáról <br/><br/>Gazdaság: <br/>- Erdélyiek bevándorlásának munkaügyi vonatkozásai <br/>- Bezárt a Budapesti Vegyiművek kénsav üzeme…”
  9. 89
    Published May 1939
    “…Soda should never be used for aluminium pans or utensils; any stains may be removed with a little lemon, or by boiling acid fruit, such as rhubarb, green gooseberries, or apples in the pan. …”
  10. 90
    by Sanger, Margaret, 1879-1966
    Published 1920
    “…If this is done, any astringent such as boric add, alum, citric acid, hydrochlorate of quinine used in the solution will do. …”
  11. 91
    by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)
    Published 1990-04-02T00:00:00Z-1990-04-02T23:59:59Z
    “…International Politics: <br/>- Report about the Romanian situation <br/>- Gypsies sentenced for bloody riots in Târgu Mureș (Marosvásárhely) <br/>- West German Foreign Minister recommends abolition of visas for East Europeans <br/>- The Lithuanian Parliament will not withdraw its declaration of independence <br/>- Pro-independence party is founded in Byelorussia <br/>- Böhme, chair of the German SDP, resigns <br/><br/>Domestic Affairs: <br/>- Hungarian Democratic Forum (MDF) economic policy concepts <br/>- Delegates withdraw in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county <br/>- Expulsions in the Independent Smallholders, Agrarian Workers and Civic Party (FKGP) <br/>- The Romanian intelligence service is still active in Hungary <br/><br/>Economy: <br/>- ÉLGÉP plant in Körmend closed down <br/>- Fewer and fewer sulfuric acid factories in the country <br/>- Contakta plants wound up in Oroszlány <br/>- Springer has bought "Dunántúli Napló" magazine Külpolitika: <br/>- Beszámoló a romániai eseményekről <br/>- Cigányok elítélése Marosvásárhelyen a véres zavargások miatt <br/>- A nyugatnémet külügyminiszter javaslata a vízumkényszer feloldására a kelet-európaiak számára <br/>- A litván parlament nem vonja vissza a függetlenségi nyilatkozatot <br/>- Fehéroroszországban függetlenségi párt alakul <br/>- Lemond Böhme, a német SDP elnöke <br/><br/>Belpolitika: <br/>- Az MDF gazdaságpolitikai elképzelései <br/>- Képviselők visszalépése Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg megyében <br/>- Kizárások a Független Kisgazdapártban <br/>- A romániai hírszerzés folytatja tevékenységét Magyarországon <br/><br/>Gazdaság: <br/>- Az ÉLGÉP körmendi üzemének bezárása <br/>- Egyre kevesebb kénsavgyár üzemel az országban <br/>- A Contakta felszámolta egységeit Oroszlányban <br/>- A Springer megvette a Dunántúli Naplót…”
  12. 92
    by Massard-Guilbaud, Geneviève
    Published 2010
    “…"Avec l'ère industrielle, des pollutions d'une nature nouvelle et d'une ampleur sans précédent font leur apparition : gaz acides, dioxyde de carbone et métaux lourds relâchés dans l'atmosphère par centaines de tonnes, pollution généralisée des rivières alimentant les villes en eau... …”
  13. 93
    Published April 1942
    “…1942-04 1942 1940s 44 pages as well as special clothing for those handling chemicals or acids, working in great heat or among flying sparks or splinters. …”
  14. 94
    Published October 1942
    “…In the factories the dirt and dust may come from substances used in production which themselves give rise to skin irritation &mdash; oils, powders (especially T.N.T. and C.E.), acids, alkalis, etc. Irritation from any of these and many others can lead to inflammation of the skin which is known as dermatitis. …”
  15. 95
    Published April 1942
    “…But goggles are made for different purposes; for protection against impact, for protection against dust and vapours, against splashed acids, against glare, and against infra-red and ultra-violet rays, as in oxyacetylene welding. …”
  16. 96
    Published March 1942
    “… (6) Vitamins B and C are more stable in the presence of acid ; which is sometimes added as vinegar. The addition of alkali (carbonate or bicarbonate of soda) will, on the other hand, hasten the destruction of the vitamins. 127/NU/5/5/1/28…”
  17. 97
    by Horder, Thomas, 1871-1955
    Published 11 September 1943
    “…One of the difficulties encountered when trying to provide pleasant and attractive rooms for the resident staff is due to the fact that the small wear and tear marks such as stains of ink, acid, cosmetics, and other liquids, the marks of pictures on the walls, etc., make a room unattractive to the newcomer. …”
  18. 98
    by Sanger, Margaret, 1879-1966
    Published [1915?]
    “….), and &frac12; oz. of boric acid powder. Mix the powder and the vaseline very thoroughly together, or get the chemist to do so ; the mixture can be kept in a jam-pot. …”
  19. 99
    by Hill, Leonard, Sir, 1866-
    Published October 1917
    “…Particularly in times of scarcity when there is any restriction of diet, it is advisable that vegetable food, such as potatoes, should form a large proportion of the available diet, for the vegetables contain salts which neutralise the acids formed in the vital processes of the body. …”
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