301Published 2009“…Verzio9 FF Submission What is anti-Semitism today, two generations after the Holocaust? In his continuing exploration of modern Israeli life, director Yoav Shamir travels the world in search of the most modern manifestations of the “oldest hatred", and comes up with some startling answers. …”
303Published 1976“…Here, in the crucible of Krakow's Krzysztofory Gallery, where the work premiered, Kantor incites and conducts the psychosis at the core of personal and collective memory – memory shaped in this case by the traumas of two World Wars, the Holocaust, and the eradication of the Jewish part of Polish culture – and he pushes his avant-garde poetic into its final phase, the "Theatre of Death."…”
304Published 1998“…In "The Last Days," survivors journey back to their hometowns and to the places where they faced the Holocaust. Their eyewitness testimony and rare archival footage reveals the harrowing journey that meant death for millions and survival for a precious few.…”
305Published 2003“…After considerable effort and a correspondence which provoked strong emotions on both sides, it was possible to persuade the son of the oppressor and the son of the victims of Holocaust to meet to discuss the memories of the past.…”
308Published 2008“…Their instinct for self-preservation urged them to ignore the Holocaust. It was not until 1945, while they were convalescing in Sweden, that they discovered the truth about what happened to their families……”
309by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)“…International Politics: <br/>- Opinions on the new American president entering into office <br/>- Pause in troop withdrawals from Afghanistan <br/>- Holocaust, remembering Kristallnacht and the Jenninger scandal <br/>- Kohl visits Bush to pay his respects <br/><br/>Domestic Affairs: <br/>- András Hegedűs recommends autonomy for Transylvania at the peace conference <br/>- Romanians living in Vienna claim that two more villages have been destroyed; Bucharest denies the claim <br/>- Free Initiatives' Network forms today as “Alliance of Free Democrats" (SZDSZ) social organization <br/>- “Committee for the Victims of Nazism” raises voice against spread of neo-Fascist ideas <br/>- Smallholder politician Dezső Futó reminisces <br/>- Opinions on the events of 1956 in connection to a radio program Külpolitika: <br/>- Vélemények a hivatalba lépő új amerikai elnökről <br/>- Szünetel a csapatkivonás Afganisztánból <br/>- Holocaust, <br/>- Emlékezés a Kristály-éjszakára és emlékeztetés a Jenninger-botrányra <br/>- Kohl tisztelgő látogatása Bushnál <br/><br/>Belpolitika: <br/>- Hegedűs András Erdély autonómiáját javasolja a béketalálkozón <br/>- Bécsben élő románok állítása szerint Romániában leromboltak újabb két falut, melyet Bukarest cáfolt <br/>- A Szabad Kezdeményezések Hálózata ma "Szabad Demokraták Szövetsége" néven megalakult,társadalmi szervezetként <br/>- A "Nácizmus Üldözötteinek Bizottsága" a terjedő újfasiszta eszmék ellen emelt szót <br/>- Futó Dezső kisgazdapárti politikus visszaemlékezései <br/>- Vélemények az 56-os eseményekről egy rádióműsor kapcsán…”
Published 1988-11-13T00:00:00Z-1988-11-13T23:59:59Z
310Published 1955“…Juxtaposing color and black-and-white film, "Night and Fog" brings the horror of the Holocaust to the present. An elegy on memory and immeasurable sorrow, this tightly structured half-hour film foreshadows Resnais' remarkable feature films. …”
311Published 1985“…Duration: 02:29:00 "Shoah" is Claude Lanzmann's landmark documentary meditation on the Holocaust. Assembled from footage shot by the filmmaker during the 1970s and 1980s, it investigates the genocide at the level of experience: the geographical layout of the camps and the ghettos; the daily routines of imprisonment; the inexorable trauma of humiliation, punishment, extermination; and the fascinating insights of those who experienced these events first hand. …”
312Published 1985“…Duration: 02:29:00 "Shoah" is Claude Lanzmann's landmark documentary meditation on the Holocaust. Assembled from footage shot by the filmmaker during the 1970s and 1980s, it investigates the genocide at the level of experience: the geographical layout of the camps and the ghettos; the daily routines of imprisonment; the inexorable trauma of humiliation, punishment, extermination; and the fascinating insights of those who experienced these events first hand. …”
313Published 1985“…Duration: 02:05:00 "Shoah" is Claude Lanzmann's landmark documentary meditation on the Holocaust. Assembled from footage shot by the filmmaker during the 1970s and 1980s, it investigates the genocide at the level of experience: the geographical layout of the camps and the ghettos; the daily routines of imprisonment; the inexorable trauma of humiliation, punishment, extermination; and the fascinating insights of those who experienced these events first hand. …”
314Published 1985“…Duration: 02:23:00 "Shoah" is Claude Lanzmann's landmark documentary meditation on the Holocaust. Assembled from footage shot by the filmmaker during the 1970s and 1980s, it investigates the genocide at the level of experience: the geographical layout of the camps and the ghettos; the daily routines of imprisonment; the inexorable trauma of humiliation, punishment, extermination; and the fascinating insights of those who experienced these events first hand. …”
315Published 1999“…German historian and member of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum Klaus Muller interviews the dozen surviving victims, now frail and wizened, who recount their experiences in front of the camera. …”
316Published 2005“…is a love story between two people who met in one of modern history’s worse imaginable moments, the Holocaust. Nevertheless, Jurek and Stella found a strong connection that helped them to survive the persecution of the Jews. …”
317Published 2008“…Verzio FF Submission “The House on August Street” tells the story of Beate Berger, a German Jew who single-handedly and with great resolve and vision rescued over 100 children during the Holocaust, smuggling them from Berlin to Palestine in the 1930s. …”
318Published 2008“…She tried desperately to forget the horrors of the Holocaust and thought Christianity would protect her children. …”
319Published 2007“…Verzio FF Submission Duration: 01:13:00 German artist Gunter Demnig offers a new way to remember the victims of the Holocaust. He has embedded brass-plated stones with 17 000 names of forgotten Nazi victims into concrete pavements in European countries. …”
320by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)“…Передача Российской государственной телевизионной и радиовещательной компании (РГТРК) "Останкино" (Москва, Российская Федерация) была записана группой мониторинга Исследовательского Института радиостанции Свободная Европа/Свобода (Мюнхен) как часть проекта по анализу официальных средств информации стран бывшего Советского Союза. Program on Holocaust Remembrance Day. Featured in the program: Zhirinovskii, Vladimir Vol'fovich (Deputy of the State Duma) Contributors: Svanidze, Nikolai (Anchor) О Дне памяти о Холокосте. …”
Published 1993-1995