321Published 1992“…He does not work on it himself, but wants Henri Kesdi – a silenced classical composer and a survivor of the Holocaust – to write it. Kesdi, living in Denmark, is coaxed out of retirement by the inspired musicologist. …”
323by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)“…<br/>- Paris conference on chemical weapons <br/>- Developments in Montenegro <br/>- Polish situation <br/>- Polish democratic party criticizes official trade union's opposition to reform <br/>- Riot police break up demonstration with water canon in Prague <br/><br/>Domestic Affairs: <br/>- Church leaders call on Europe pleading for Hungarian brothers in Romania <br/>- American house of representatives delegation in Hungary <br/>- Independent Lawyers' Forum becomes social organization <br/>- "Radio Juventus Balaton" regional studio to start broadcasting soon on the Balaton shore <br/>- Military historian Péter Gosztonyi: "Don catastrophe caused not by dilettantism, but poorly informed and mistaken political view" <br/>- "The Hungarian Holocaust" <br/>- The book and its author <br/>- István Csurka: "The dead were not found, but the murderers are here" <br/>- Romanian people smuggling in Debrecen Külpolitika: <br/>- Szovjet-afgán tárgyalások <br/>- Ki kinek mit szállít és ki gyárthat vegyi fegyvereket? …”
Published 1989-01-15T00:00:00Z-1989-01-15T23:59:59Z
324Published 1984“…Duration: 01:25:00 Set in an underground dungeon inhabited by huddled, ragged human beings, after the nuclear holocaust. Eight hundred survivors wait for a "space-Ark” to arrive and rescue them while their habitat falls apart. …”
325Published 2007“…By contrast, Jewish Holocaust survivor and boutique owner Monty has an unusual relationship with Betty, a black nurse. …”
326Published 1999“…Death” is a cinematic portrait of the life and career of the infamous American execution device designer and Holocaust denier, Fred A. Leuchter, Jr. Son of a prison guard, Leuchter found himself in the execution game when, as an electrical engineer, he offered his services to help fix the electric chair used in North Carolina. …”
327Published 2000“…Soros Documentary Fund A documentary about two men in their seventies with a bond between them – both Holocaust survivors and Czech/American émigrés, who left Prague as dissidents under the Communist regime. …”
328Published 2006“…Bossy 80-year-old Lena, a lawyer and judge, and her 85-year-old sister-in-law, mild-mannered Minia, a laborer, have known each other since their girlhood in Lodz. Both Holocaust survivors, they share a history and numerous family secrets, but hold different values. …”
329by Fondation Léon Lesoil“…François Vercammen, L.R.T. 11/5. Holocauste. Antisémitisme, mouvement ouvrier et résistance anti-nazi. …”
Published 1979-1979
331“…Il s’est aliéné la communauté internationale en décrétant que le régime sioniste « devrait être rayé de a carte », avant de remettre en cause l’existence de l’Holocauste. Sa relative impunité, garantie par Ali Khamenei, pourrait cependant tomber, à cause de l’échec de sa politique économique, marquée par une inflation galopante, et du vote de sanctions internationales par le Conseil de sécurité. …”
332Published 1999“…Quelle: hr / 1979: Im Fernsehen läuft die amerikanische Fernsehserie "Holocaust" an, die das Schicksal der jüdischen Familie Weiß während der NS-Zeit schildert. …”
333by Gruppe der SPD-Abgeordneten in der Sozialistischen Fraktion des Europäischen Parlaments, Union Druckerei, Frankfurt“…Es ist eine Illusion zu glauben, in Rom lebe es sich sicherer als in Bonn, oder in Paris sicherer als in Brüssel, in London sicherer als in Kopenhagen oder umgekehrt. Der nukleare Holocaust würde vor nationalen Grenzen nicht haltmachen. …”
Published 12.1983