1081“…This paper evaluates whether generous social policies have a disincentive effect on single mother employment. Using the Luxembourg Income Study (LIS), we conduct a crossnational, multi-level analysis of the effects of social policy generosity on single mother employment in 17 affluent democracies. …”
1082Published 2008“…"This volume commemorates the career of Sir Francis Jacobs KCMG QC, who served as British Advocate General at the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg from October 1988 until January 2006. The essays in the volume examine the key developments in EU law over the period that Sir Francis served as Advocate General, one that saw momentous changes in the character of the Union and its legal order. …”
1083by Parolin, Zachary“…Using data from the Luxembourg Income Study and the U.S. Current Population Survey, I measure the ‘routine task intensity’ of occupations across 15 OECD Member States and the 50 United States from the 1980s onward. …”
Published 2019
1084“…Ondertekenaren: België: Arbeid - VSB – Pour le Socialisme – Groupes d'Action Socialiste (Fontaine-l'Evêque et Thuin) – Mas (Ath) — Denemarken: Venstresocialisterne — Spanje: Movimento Comunisto (sic) – Organizacion (sic) de la Izquierda Comunista – Partido de Trabajo de Espana (sic) — Frankrijk: Parti Socialiste Unifié – Comité d'Action contre l'Europe Germano-Américaine – Centre d'Etudes Anti-Impérialistes – Organisation Communiste des Travailleurs – Union Démocratique Bretonne — Ierland: Sinn Fein (sic) — Italië: Democrazia Porletaria (sic) — Groot-Britannië (sic): Big Flame — Luxembourg: Cercle de Travail Socialiste — Euskadi: EIA — Portugal: Movimento de Ezquerda (sic) Socialista (MES) — BRD: Kommunistischer Bund — Nederland: Sneed. …”
1085by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)“…International Politics: <br/>- Genscher's visit to Romania <br/>- Talks begin in Czechoslovakia concerning Soviet troop withdrawals <br/>- GDR roundtable talks: siege of state security HQ <br/>- Swiss investigations into Ceauşescu bank accounts <br/>- USSR: situation between Armenia and Azerbaijan <br/><br/>Domestic Affairs: <br/>- Luxembourg's Foreign Minister in talks in Budapest <br/>- Romanian-Hungarian cultural relations <br/>- The Bokor affair <br/>- Dunagate scandal <br/>- Hungarian Democratic Forum (MDF) demonstration against price increases and re-privatization <br/><br/>Economy: <br/>- Japanese premier discusses economic questions in Budapest Külpolitika: <br/>- Genscher romániai látogatása <br/>- Csehszlovákiában megbeszélések kezdődtek a szovjet csapatok kivonásáról <br/>- Az NDK kerekasztal tárgyalások; az államvédelmi központ ostroma <br/>- Svájci nyomozás Ceauşescu-bankszámlák ügyében <br/>- SZU: az örmény és azerbajdzsáni helyzet <br/><br/>Belpolitika: <br/>- A luxemburgi külügyminiszter budapesti tárgyalásai <br/>- Román-magyar kulturális kapcsolatok <br/>- Bokor-ügy <br/>- Dunagate-botrány <br/>- MDF tüntetés áremelés és reprivatizáció ellen <br/><br/>Gazdaság: <br/>- A japán kormányfő gazdasági kérdésekről tárgyal Budapesten…”
Published 1990-01-15T00:00:00Z-1990-01-15T23:59:59Z
1086by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)“…International Politics: <br/>- Danube-Adriatic cooperation summit in Venice <br/>- Crisis in Afghanistan <br/>- National flag raised in Kiev <br/>- East German coalition in crisis <br/><br/>Domestic Affairs: <br/>- Belgium, Holland and Luxembourg lift visa requirements <br/>- Hungarian Democratic Forum (MDF)-Alliance of Free Democrats (SZDSZ) pact breaks up <br/>- Charges raised in the Dunagate case <br/>- Debate over the new draft land law <br/>- Gyékényes shingle miners on strike <br/>- Forest fire in Táborfalva, Pest County <br/><br/>Economy: <br/>- High demand but short supply on the Budapest Stock Exchange Külpolitika: <br/>- Duna-Adria együttműködési csúcsértekezlet Velencében <br/>- Afganisztáni válság <br/>- Nemzeti lobogó avatása Kijevben <br/>- Válságban a keletnémet kormánykoalíció <br/><br/>Belpolitika: <br/>- Belgium, Hollandia és Luxemburg feloldja a vízumkötelezettséget <br/>- Repedezik az MDF-SZDSZ paktum <br/>- Vádemelés a Dunagate-ügyben <br/>- Vita az új földtörvény tervezetéről <br/>- Gyékényesi kavicsbányászok sztrájkja <br/>- Tűz a táborfalvi erdőben <br/><br/>Gazdaság: <br/>- Élénk kereslet és kevés kínálat a budapesti tőzsdén…”
Published 1990-07-25T00:00:00Z-1990-07-25T23:59:59Z
1087by Burger, Anna S.“…The article uses data from the author’s extreme working hours standardized meta-database which had been compiled from two large micro data collections: the Luxembourg Income Study database (LIS) and the Multinational Time Use Study (MTUS)."…”
Published 2015
1088by Chauvel, Louis“…Here, we propose a comparison between the US, Danish, French, and Italian dynamics of distribution of after tax and transfers equivalised income by age, period and cohort, to assess how different welfare regimes gave different trade-offs between intra and inter cohort inequality. The Luxembourg Income Study (LIS) data are used to analyze the transformations of the intra cohort inequalities (based on interdecile ratios) and the changes in the cohort life chances. …”
Published 2008
1089“…"Le Bureau technique syndical européen pour la santé et la sécurité a organisé, fin 1992 à Luxembourg, une Conférence sur « La prévention sur les lieux de travail à la veille de la mise en oeuvre de la Directive-cadre communautaire ». …”
1090“…This article introduces a new dataset on occupational “routine task intensity” (RTI) and “offshorability” (OFFS) for use with the Luxembourg Income Study (LIS) Database. To produce these data, we recoded 23 country-specific occupational schemes (74 LIS countryyears) to the two-digit ISCO-88 scheme. …”
1091by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)“…International Politics: <br/>- Comecon-EEC agreement signed in Luxembourg <br/>- Overview: state-church relations in Poland, Czechoslovakia, GDR and USSR <br/>- The Financial Times is 100 years old: Budapest conference <br/>- Rude Pravo on the Hungarian-Romanian debate <br/><br/>Domestic Affairs: <br/>- Civil demonstration registered for Monday with Budapest Police HQ <br/>- Trade Union of Academics formed <br/>- Possible modifications of the election law <br/>- Employment policy, unemployment <br/>- Hungarian pilgrims in Austria <br/>- Csaba Kesjár's fatal Formula 1 crash <br/><br/>Economy: <br/>- Crisis industries in agriculture Külpolitika: <br/>- Aláírták a KGST<br/>- EGK megállapodást Luxemburgban <br/>- Körkép: állam és egyház viszonya Lengyelországban,Csehszlovákiában, az NDK-ban és a SZU-ban <br/>- 100 éves a Financial Times: budapesti konferencia <br/>- A Rude Pravo a magyar-román vitáról <br/><br/>Belpolitika: <br/>- Tüntetést jelentettek be állampolgárok hétfőre a BRFK-nál <br/>- Megalakult a Tudományos Dolgozók Szakszervezete <br/>- A választási törvény lehetséges módosítása <br/>- Foglalkoztatáspolitika, munkanélküliség <br/>- Magyar zarándokok Ausztriában <br/>- A Forma-1-es Kesjár Csaba halálos balesete <br/><br/>Gazdaság: <br/>- Válságágazatok a mezőgazdaságban…”
Published 1988-06-25T00:00:00Z-1988-06-25T23:59:59Z
1092by Davies, Steve“…The EU 15 (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and the UK) were joined by the 10 Accession countries (Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovenia, Slovakia). …”
Published 2004
1093“…The decrease in cross-sectional inequality was accompanied by an increase in mobility, and therefore a decrease in the importance of the permanent component relative to the transitory component in Denmark, Belgium and Spain, and by a decrease in earnings mobility in Germany, France, UK, Ireland and Austria. In Luxembourg, Italy, Greece, Portugal, and Finland, the increase in cross-sectional inequality was accompanied by a decrease in mobility, whereas in Netherlands by an increase…”
1094“…We use micro-data from the Luxembourg Income Study to examine household market inequality, redistribution from transfers and taxes, and the underlying social programs that drive the changes, for 20 countries from the mid-1980s to mid-2000s. …”
1095by Naguib, Costanza“…In the restricted sample 27 countries are considered for the 1981-2010 period and inequality data from the Luxembourg Income Study are used. The estimation technique employed are fixed effects, random effects and GMM Arellano-Bond. …”
Published 2015
1096Published 1990“…Peter Moss, Londres, et un autre de Mme Bettina Knauth, Office statistique des Communautés européennes, Luxembourg."…”
1097by Rovny, Allison E.“…The analyses are conducted by combining both macro-level policy data and household-and person-level micro-data from the Luxembourg Income Study (LIS) cross-national database. …”
Published 2014
1098Published 2014“…Some of the countries that have been most successful in attracting companies – Ireland, Luxembourg and the Netherlands – are also currently under investigation by the European Commission for making competition-distorting arrangements with transnational companies behind closed doors. …”
1099by Airio, Ilpo“…Data that is used is derived from the Luxembourg Income Study (LIS), Finnish Household Budget Surveys and from European Community Household Panel (ECHP). …”
Published 2008
1100“…Théâtre Alice dans les Jardins du Luxembourg P.A.F. 80 F et 100 F. Sa. 23/05 20.30 Nouveau rock Digital Dance PAF 80 F et 120 F. …”