135781“…The various expressions used to refer to ‘sharing’ platforms, by now appropriated by practitioners and stakeholders, are ‘floating signifiers’ for all sorts of different activities, in what can be called the rhetorical politics of platformisation. Terms and concepts are used in such confused and confusing ways that it is at times difficult to ascertain whether advocates, opponents, regulators, and policy makers are discussing the same phenomenon. …”
135782by Blackburn, Robin“…The exotic commodities produced by the slave plantations helped to transform Europe and North America, raising up empires and stimulating industrial revolution and ‘market revolution’ to bring about the pervasive commodification of polite society, work and everyday life in parts of Europe and North America. …”
Published 2011
135783“…"Basic income schemes are discussed among all political parties in Germany. A basic income is a specific form of a guaranteed minimum income for every citizen. …”
135784Published January 1943“…If we do not get something like it into being before the war is over, the political consequences will be serious. Instead of victory we shall have suffered defeat.…”
135785Published September 1944“…Doctors should have full freedom of speech, publication, and political association and action, in just the same way as teachers do. …”
135786Published November 1941“…The Committee was responsible for saving many thousands of Spaniards, young and old, from the bitter vendettas and political and fraternal strife which accompany all civil wars. …”
135787by Middleton, J. S.“…But I have chosen them also because after long contacts with all classes of society and politics, I have reached the conclusion that it is almost exclusively the people from whom the powerful source of any life now surviving in our country can spring. …”
Published 03 February 1937
135788Published August 1942“…His contract with the local authority would not be disturbed, and he would continue to be protected from undue political pressure in virtue of a security of tenure guaranteed by higher authority. …”
135789by General Federation of Nepalese Trade Unions (GEFONT)“…This federation could not exist after 1960, when the autocratic Panchayat system was forcefully imposed and unions along with the political parties were declared banned. After 19 years of continuos repression, in 1979, the historical mass movement gave rise to more than half a dozen trade unions. …”
Published 1996
135790“…And they deal with creating a more transparent policy process that more clearly separates political decisions from analytical evaluations."…”
135791“…The profession recognises its need. No political party dare support its postponement. IS CHANGE FAIR TO THE DOCTOR ? …”
135792Published 10 February 1943“…Provoke Public Opinion. Non Party Political and Unsectarian. Our Creed is the Need of the Aged Poor. …”
135793Maternal mortality : report of meeting held at Friends' House. Euston Road on November 15, 1932Published November 1932“…Joan's Social and Political Alliance : Does voting for the resolution imply that we favour advice and instruction in contraceptive methods being given at clinics set up by Local Authorities under the Public Health Acts? …”
135794Published [1945?]“…The British Medical Association has for many years demanded an extension of National Health Insurance, but public and political opinion has gone far beyond that idea. A really complete service available to all citizens is a far bigger thing. …”
135795by Stevenson, Daniel M., Sir“…Subscriptions sent to Miss Riffkin, the Unit Secretary, 5, Cleveden Road, Glasgow, will be gratefully acknowledged, and the work, being purely humanitarian, may confidently be supported by all men and women of goodwill irrespective of politics or party. Yours faithfully, D.M. Stevenson, Chairman. 292/946/42/139…”
Published 05 June 1937
135796by Garratt, G. T.“…Just at this time there was a big attempt in some quarters to make the return of the children a political question. Our position throughout was clear; children were to go home to the parents so soon as they asked for them and conditions were safe for them to do so. …”
Published 04 February 1938
135797by International Federation of Trade Unions ; Labour and Socialist International“…"The General Council of the IFTU urgently requests the Executive to do everything in its power, in conjunction with the LSI, to bring about a uniform attitude in the field of international policy on the basis of a short programme of action, with a view in particular to the real maintenance of world peace and of international understanding in the economic and political fields, and notably through the organisation of an international conference of governments to which all States should be invited. …”
Published 19 December 1938
135798“…Galois dans "La Révolution prolétarienne", 10 juin 1936, et sous le titre "Sur le tas, souvenirs d'une exploitée", dans "Les Cahiers de "Terre libre"", n° 7, 15 juillet 1936 ; "Expérience de la vie d'usine", écrit à Marseille en 1941, publié sous le pseudonyme d'Émile Novis, sous le titre "Réflexions sur la vie d'usine", dans "Économie et humanisme", juillet 1942, reproduit en 1946 sous le titre "Factory work" dans "Politics", vol. 3, n° 11 ; "Condition première d'un travail non servile", écrit à Marseille en 1941 ou 1942, publié en partie dans le n° 4 du "Cheval de Troie" en 1947. - Les autres textes sont inédits : Le "Journal d'usine", écrit lorsque S. …”
135799Published 1944“…It should not be allowed to become, for political or other reasons, a secondary or subsidiary responsibility. 23. …”
135800by Mock, Dave“…Following Qualcomm's example, your company can: * attract investors by presenting even complex products and technologies in customer- and market-focused language * prove that its product is essential not only to customers but also to competitors -- so that they come to depend on you rather than trying to defeat you * make its product and its operations compatible with those competitors, turning rivalries into profitable strategic alliances * learn from setbacks, and leverage the knowledge and strengths of your partners to overcome obstacles You'll also learn crucial strategies to help you define and develop your core business; identify and maximize your company's role and position in the value chain for customers and shareholders; strike a balance between sharing and protecting proprietary information; and handle regulatory and political concerns both domestically and globally. …”
Published 2005