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    Published [ca. 1985]
    “…Postcard contains a graphic image which represents caricature of Jerzy Urban, naked and on all fours, with a television set around his belt, with caption "TV wishes happy holiday".…”
  6. 6
    Published 2003
    “…He takes with him his mule and television set to different local people from the Sierra Maestro and interviews them about their life and the problems in the community. …”
  7. 7
    Published 2003
    “…He takes his mule and his television set to different local peoplefrom the Sierra Maestra (Cuba) and interviews them about their lives and the problems in the community. …”
  8. 8
    Published 1974
    “…When they buy it, the wardrobe with its built-in television set begins to totally manipulate their life - it controls their actions, interferes in their intimacy and finally sets strict rules of conduct. …”
  9. 9
    “…High-defi nition television sets have reached three-quarters of households, while 13 percent of those listening to the radio now do so via the internet. …”
  10. 10
    “…Th is does not represent an increase of diversity in terms of content, but rather in terms of audience reach. Th e television set remains the most common media device in Italian households. …”
  11. 11
    by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)
    Published 1988-10-28T00:00:00Z-1988-10-28T23:59:59Z
    “…International Politics: <br/>- Warsaw Pact member states issue political statement on their foreign ministerial session <br/>- Polish government criticizes Walesa again <br/>- UN statement regards situation along Iraq-Iran frontline as explosively tense <br/>- More details on the Czechoslovak amnesty decree <br/>- Demonstration against ban in Prague <br/><br/>Domestic Affairs: <br/>- Presidential council in session: decrees on firearms and 1990 census <br/>- Warsaw Pact foreign ministers meeting in Budapest received in Parliament by Károly Grósz <br/>- Károly Grósz confirms that he will depart from the post of premier on the November 24 parliamentary session <br/>- Péter Várkonyi's statement: the Iron Curtain is disappearing <br/>- Young Communist League (KISZ) Central committee in session <br/>- Interview with Károly Grósz on Hungarian-Iranian relations <br/>- First national league football match fixing <br/><br/>Economy: <br/>- Interview with Videoton director János Kázmér on the factory's new products: cordless telephone, new television sets Külpolitika: <br/>- A VSZ tagállamainak külügyminiszteri üléséről politikai nyilatkozatot tettek közzé <br/>- Ismét bírálja Walesát a lengyel kormány <br/>- Az ENSZ jelentése szerint továbbra is pattanásig feszült a helyzet az iraki iráni frontvonal mentén <br/>- Újabb részletek a csehszlovák amnesztia rendeletről <br/>- A tilalom ellenére tüntetés volt Prágában <br/><br/>Belpolitika: <br/>- Elnöki Tanács ülése: rendelet a lőfegyverekről és az 1990-es népszámlálásról <br/>- Grósz Károly a parlamentben fogadta a VSZ Budapesten ülésező külügyminisztereit <br/>- Grósz Károly megerősítette, hogy a parlament november 24-i ülésén megválik miniszterelnöki tisztétől <br/>- Várkonyi Péter nyilatkozata: eltűnik a vasfüggöny <br/>- Ülést tartott a KISZ KB <br/>- Interjú Grósz Károllyal a magyar-iráni kapcsolatokról <br/>- Az NB l-es foci-bunda <br/><br/>Gazdaság: <br/>- Interjú Kázmér Jánossal, a Videoton vezérigazgatójával a gyár új termékeiről: Drót nélküli telefon, új TV készülék…”
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