721“…If you mean rouge and liquid powder, blue eyelids and blackened lashes — certainly not! …”
722by Larsman, Pernilla“…Studies I and II were cross sectional studies based on questionnaire surveys among blue-collar workers at Swedish assembly plants and elderly female computer users in four European countries, respectively. …”
Published 2006
723“…Logo's: ANTWERPS HOLEBI OVERLEG; RED & BLUE; Stad Antwerpen het ritme van uw stad."…”
724“…Retransmission de la soirée par les Radios Alternatives en F.M. 101,7 MHZ 15.30 Raphy Marchal (chanson française) 16.30 GAM (chansons de lutte) 17.30 Joffroi (chanson française) 18.00 Rock 'N' Roland (Rock) 19.00 Bob de Marco et Embargo (jazz-rock) 20.30 Hamsi Boubeker (Folk algérien) 22.00 Red and Black Power Blues Band 0.30 Maurice le Gaulois 1.30 Sono. Soutien du Ministère de la Culture française * Tournées Art et Vie. …”
725by Great Britain. Inter-departmental Committee on Social Insurance and Allied Services, Davison, Ronald C. (Ronald Conway), 1884-“…Those below working age mainly to be covered by children's allowances. Class VI (blue symbols). Those retired above working age and covered by pensions. …”
Published 1943
726“…To such poisoning half the ills that girls suffer from is due — headache, liability to "colds," tonsillitis, influenza, lumbago, "bilious attacks" and the blues! Keeping the inside clean will save many a doctor's bill; and the best way to do this by natural means and not by chemical means — drugs — is by eating foods that keep themselves on the move, such as oatmeal, green vegetables, salads, wholemeal bread and fruits; specially figs, dates and prunes. …”
727“….); 1 mei-jongerenfeest in zaal Zendpiraat (Markt): live-acts van All TV (14u.), Iosuno (15u.), Blue Garden (16u.), Fat Freddy's Froozen Froodoo (17u.); 1 mei-seniorenfeest in zaal Teutenhof (Lepelstraat): Sylhug Combo (13 - 18u.), Jos Wijninckx, muziek - dans - humor; politiek kaffee in zaal Teutenhof (Lepelstraat): Limburgse politiekers ondervraagd door de aanwezigen (14u. - 15u. - 16u. - 17u.). …”
728“…De roode vlamHeute wollen wirMatrosenliedJohn BrownBiancaA tavern in the townA stirring romanceMonsieur vous êtes jeun' hommePhilomeenMy bonnieSchwarzbraun ist die haselnussJuanitaTrouwe liefdeWenn alle brünnlein fliessenThe blue bells of ScotlandBin I mit Mei verlangeDe dochter van den dominéMalbroughPetrusOh! …”
729by Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft - Vereinigte Kriegsdienstgegner (DFG-VK)“…Pazifismus kontrovers/Pro and con of pacifism; Blues & Soul Music 21.00 Uhr/9 p.m. Sonntag/sunday, 31 May Auswertung/Evaluation; Abschlußveranstaltung/Closing event 11.00 Uhr/11 a.m. …”
Published 1998-1998
730by Stern, Andy“…While CEO salaries soar and business and the wealthy are handed plentiful tax shelters, the incomes of both white-collar and blue-collar workers stagnate, leaving most Americans struggling to pay off ever-escalating debt, instead of saving for retirement. …”
Published 2006
731Published April 1942“…This certificate is on a blue form and costs 5/-. If the doctor gives a certificate that he is not satisfied that the workman is suffering from the disease that also will cost 5/-. …”
732Published April 1942“…When this happens, workers look slightly blue; lips, tongue, and the mucous membranes become a greyish purple colour. …”
733by Mew, E. B. ; Miller, Mary F. ; Norman, E. M. ; Roberts, D. ; Galbraith, H. ; Worden, M. ; Daukes, A. ; Waterworth, E. M. ; Mottram, D. B., Capener, Norman“…This they are doing with great energy by means of the Blue Book of Golden Opinions, a most ingeniously devised scheme which enables donors of a penny upwards to take a direct share in the provision of equipment. 11 292/841.51/2/2…”
Published 1932
735“…ABC-SongFragen eines StadsbewohnersEntscheide dich für dichDie Erben des ManifestesLied von der gemeinsamen Aktion der KinderRheinliedLied von der FriedenspflichtVerjagt den FlickDas UnternehmerrisikoLied von den SeptemberstreiksWenn ick nach de ArbeitIch könnt ein Kommunist wohl seinLohnpredigtSolidaratätsliedKalle KottbusJahre und FlaschenFliessbandbabyAuf dem MarktWir stehen immer am RandeDas, was man bei uns hier Freiheit nenntDer ImkerEs fällt schwerEin Schwein bleibt ein SchweinBetriebsgeheimnisStreiklied der FliesenlegerDreher FranzHör mir zu, BulleSolidarisieren, nicht marschierenDas Goldene ReichMarktVorsorgeKaputtes machen - KaputtmachenWenn du mal echt auf der Rolle hängstUnternehmersongSolidaritätssongBleibt cool, FreundeKapitalisten-SongWarum geht es mir so dreckigSklavenhändlerMenschenjägerIch will nicht werdenKeine Macht für NiemandDer Traum ist ausAlles verändert sichSolidaritätDie Karriere der Marion S.In SupermarktregalenKattong-BluesRotes LiebesliedDie RübeMuckstadtliedPu Pam und Pam PuHänschen in der SchuleAuf die StrasseA la calle!…”
736by van de Merwe, Jaap“…t Is nu eenmaal zoZé da SilvaSpijs en drankPersoneelsfeestJef PladijsBaas, 'k wou vragen...Keessie MafferSabota-boem-di-jeeLied van het genaaid wordenSchoolDaar sta je dan...Morgen kan het juo ook overkomenStempel BluesKreupelMijne laatste franOpmars der vrouwenBrood en rozenBlank en zwart of tusseninFijn in 'n gestichtBegrafenisWaarom zo droevig dat liedSvobodaDe grote weg : Heng yo hai ho!…”
Published 1976
737by Great Britain. Ministry of Health ; Central Council for Health Education (Great Britain), Clegg, Hugh Anthony, 1900-“…It is stupid to stay in the water until your fingers and toes go white or blue. There is really no point in showing off to your friends and relations by swimming just too far just a bit too often. …”
Published 1943
739“…The Paranoid Polaroids 21.00 u. The Blues Brothers (Boogie Boy & Roland) 23.00 u. Brendan Croker & The 5 O'Clock Shadows (GB). woensdag 10, donderdag 11, en vrijdag 12 augustus: telkens te 20.15 u. - in het stadspark: De Internationale Nieuwe Scène met Tricolore Triste. …”