421by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)“…Pieces were generally contributed by the staff of the research and analysis departments and treated current affairs in the region. Civil Ceremonies Still Unpopular Central Committee Plenum Results in Personnel Changes National Advertising Conference Investments: Two Years after the Conference of Economic Activists Increasing Hungarian-Yugoslav Agricultural Co-Operation Poultry Farming at Babolna State Farm Achieves World Standards Bumper Crops Cause Storage Troubles…”
Published 1973-11-06T00:00:00Z-1973-11-06T23:59:59Z
422by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)“…Rezso Nyers on Questions of Living Standard Policy New Limits Placed on Profit Premiums Increasing Pressure for Civil Ceremonies Hungarian Humor Faces a "Crisis" Hungarian Joint Enterprises Abroad Tourism in 1971 Private Plot Problems Again in the Foreground An Official Plea for the Retention of the Current Management in the "Weak" Farmers Co-Operatives…”
Published 1971-03-09T00:00:00Z-1971-03-09T23:59:59Z
423by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)“…Broadcast of the funeral ceremony. Featured in the program: Gorbachev, Mikhail Sergeevich (General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU) Трансляция церемонии похорон. …”
Published 1984-1986
424by Graphopresse“…Notre photo montre un aspect de la cérémonie. FULL TEXT AVAILABLE AT AMSAB-ISH"…”
Published 1941-09-21
425by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)“…Intellectuals Stand Up for Ethnic Turks Discussion Club Criticizes the Government for Creating a National Crisis / by Stephen Ashley Unrest among Bulgaria's Pomak Community / by Stephen Ashley A Political Trial in Varna / by Stephen Ashley Two-Year-Old Decision on State Ceremonies Partly Abandoned / by Rada Nikolaev…”
Published 1989-09-01T00:00:00Z-1989-09-01T23:59:59Z
426by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)“…Rapacki's Visit to Cuba Polish-US Relations Khrushchev-Gomulka Meeting No Diplomatic Relations with Portugal Republic of Dahomey Friendship Visit to Poland Gomulka Quotes Pope John XXIII Regime Answer to Pastoral Letter on Atheism Peasant Day Ceremonies Comparison of the Old and New UPP Presidia and Secretariat Polish-Austrian Trade Agreement Food Rush Dies…”
Published 1962-06-13T00:00:00Z-1962-06-13T23:59:59Z
427by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)“…Hungarian-West German Contacts Coverage of French CP Congress New Departures in Hungarian-Polish Foreign Trade Relations "Civil Ceremonies": The Present Position Local Party Organizations Help to Boost Livestock Production in Private Plot Farming The Importance of Cattle Breeding Revision of Collective Contracts The 1969 Plan Fulfillment and the Economic Reform Problems of Manpower Migration…”
Published 1970-02-10T00:00:00Z-1970-02-10T23:59:59Z
428by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)“…The Housing Problem New Trade Papers in Hungary Difficulties in Hungarian-Czechoslovak Industrial Co-Operation Expansion of Foreign Trade with South American Countries Diplomatic Reshuffle International Military Camp in Hungary Increased Efforts to Popularize "Civil Ceremonies" Prospects of Selling Livestock Products Abroad The Harvest Begins: Mechanization and Storage Difficulties Enterprises Organize More Agricultural Study Tours Abroad…”
Published 1970-07-14T00:00:00Z-1970-07-14T23:59:59Z
430by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)“…International Politics: <br/>- International reactions to funeral ceremony of Imre Nagy and colleagues <br/>- Second round of Polish elections <br/>- Official Bonn celebrations on “Day of German Unity” <br/><br/>Domestic Affairs: <br/>- Many thousands paid their respects on Saturday at graves of Imre Nagy and colleagues <br/>- Reactions to the funeral <br/>- Hungarian Democratic Forum (MDF) organizes commemoration for Imre Nagy and colleagues in Eger, requiem in the Basilica <br/>- President Bush wants to give Hungary allowances as recognition of democratization <br/>- Imre Pozsgay receives Mother Theresa whose order is opening a house in Budapest to help the poor <br/>- Cardinal Paskai holds ceremonial mass for Mother Theresa <br/>- Historical Justice Committee talks of its work to date and future plans Külpolitika: <br/>- Nagy Imre és mártírtársai gyászszertartásának külföldi visszhangja <br/>- A lengyel választások második fordulója <br/>- Hivatalos bonni ünnepség"az ún. német egység napján" <br/><br/>Belpolitika: <br/>- Szombaton is több ezren rótták le kegyeletüket Nagy Imre és társai sírjánál <br/>- A temetés világvisszhangja <br/>- Egerben, a MDF kezdeményezésére megemlékezést tartottak Nagy Imre és társai tiszteletére, a Bazilikában gyászmise volt <br/>- Bush elnök gazdasági kedvezményeket kíván adni Magyarországnak a demokratizálódás elismeréseként <br/>- Pozsgay Imre fogadta Teréz anyát, aki Budapesten is házat nyit a szegényeket szolgáló rendjének <br/>- Teréz anya ünnepélyes fogadtatásán Paskai prímás misézik <br/>- A Történelmi Igazságtétel Bizottság eddigi és további munkájáról beszél…”
Published 1989-06-17T00:00:00Z-1989-06-17T23:59:59Z
431by Photo Acta“…Mardi prochain commenceront les cérémonies commémoratives à l'occasion des cent ans d'existence de l'Observatoire royal de Belgique. …”
432by 11.11.11“…"Collection: Projectnummer: 2671; Kleurenfoto, van de ceremonie en de uitreiking van de getuigschriften. …”
Published 1992-1998
434Published 1940“…Their pilgrimage climaxes by the colorful ceremonies of the Nuremberg Congress as they parade before their Führer and are addressed by Nazi youth leader Shirach, Rudolf Hess, and Hitler himself. …”
435Published 1993“…Meanwhile, while the changes are being made, train passengers from France and Germany, Holland and Poland, watch the ceremony mutely as much in dismay as in disbelief.…”
437Published 2012“…Celina Murga's observational camera is subtly tuned to the traces of the political in the everyday, whether in the flag-raising ceremony, classroom discussions on the constitution, or the workings of the student council. …”
438by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)“…Передача государственного телевидения (Москва, СССР) была записана отделом мониторинга радиостанции Свобода (Мюнхен) как часть проекта по анализу официальных средств информации республик Советского Союза. Speech at the ceremonial meeting dedicated to the awarding of the Order of Lenin in Vladivostok Featured in the program: Gorbachev, Mikhail Sergeevich (General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU) Речь на торжественном собрании, посвященном вручению Владивостоку ордена Ленина. …”
Published 1985-1987
439by Gay and Lesbian International Sport Association“…Tekst: DEUX SPECTACLES GRANDIOSES! Cérémonie d'ouverture. Samedi 26 juillet 2006. Dès 19h30 au Stade olympique. …”
Published 2006
440by 11.11.11“…Ze waren degenen die verantwoordelijk waren voor de ceremonie. Hun tevredenheid werd gedeeld door veel vrouwen die enthousiast deelnamen aan deze belangrijke gebeurtenis voor hun gemeenschap. …”