401by Solera, Cristina“…It provides a comprehensive discussion of demographic, economic and sociological theories and contains large amounts of information on changes over time in the two countries, both in women's work histories and in the economic, institutional and cultural context in which they are embedded. …”
Published 2009
402Published 2009“…The next section briefly describes aging and its fiscal implications in the light of demographic developments in the countries of Southeastern Europe. …”
403by Guest, Justin“…But today members of the same demographic, feeling silenced and ignored by mainstream parties, have moved to the political margins. …”
Published 2016
404“…The increasing average age of populations does not only affect social systems, countries and communities, but also has a strong impact on the work of businesses and companies. The decline in demographic fitness will not only hit countries like the U.S., the Western European countries, or Japan, but also the upcoming societies in China or in the Eastern European countries. …”
405“…Many of those who have tenured positions work part-time, not full-time, and many both full-time and part-time workers have fixed-period contracts, contracts which only guarantee employment for a specified period of time. Some demographic groups are overrepresented among those with those types of jobs, young people, women, immigrants, ethnic minorities, and older workers, who to a large extent for different reasons do not have a very strong position in the labour market. …”
406Published 2018“…It demonstrates why existing income gaps, demographic differences, and rapidly declining transportation costs mean that global mobility will continue to be a key feature of our lives for generations to come. …”
407Published 2018“…Contributors offer prescriptions for how to respond to the demands generated by demographic changes, the changing role of the family, new features of labor markets, the challenges of aging societies, and technological change. …”
408by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)“…International Politics: <br/>- Perestroika in Soviet women's lives <br/>- PLO hijacks Israeli bus <br/>- Chirac's press conference <br/>- Poland: remembering the events of 1968 <br/><br/>Domestic Affairs: <br/>- Genscher visits Budapest <br/>- International Press Institute conference <br/>- Wage systems <br/>- Inequality of women <br/>- Demographic wave in compulsory education <br/><br/>Economy: <br/>- World Bank loan: 1 billion debt <br/>- Forthcoming agreement with Suzuki regarding car assembly in Hungary Külpolitika: <br/>- Peresztrojka a szovjet nők életében <br/>- A PFSZ izraeli busz eltérítése <br/>- Chirac sajtóértekezlete <br/>- Lengyelország: megemlékezés a 68-as eseményekről Belpolitika <br/>- Genscher Budapestre látogat <br/>- Nemzetközi Sajtóintézet konferenciája <br/>- Bérezések <br/>- Nők esélyegyenlősége <br/>- Demográfiai hullám a közoktatásban <br/><br/>Gazdaság: <br/>- Világbank hitel: 1 milliárdos adósság <br/>- Közelgő megállapodás a Suzuki autók magyarországi összeszerelésére…”
Published 1988-03-08T00:00:00Z-1988-03-08T23:59:59Z
409“…It describes their functioning and the socio-demographic profiles of the participants, reviews their economic and social effects, discusses the possible policy implications, and concludes with a research agenda to support European level policy making. …”
410Published 2014“…Finally, we discuss our observations with reference to the employment-centred welfare reforms that were prominent in European countries since the mid-1990s, and link the analysis with a broader perspective on the socio-economic, demographic and paradigmatic evolutions in contemporary welfare states."…”
411“…However, the impact is likely to vary extensively across EU countries, in line with national pension legislation, demographic profiles, the macro-financial situation and cultural preferences. …”
412Published 2012“…At the same time the characteristics of migrants - not just skills, but socio-demographic characteristics and attitudes - and also their labour market integration are shown to be very diverse and to vary substantially between different sending and receiving countries. …”
413by Quintini, Glenda“…However, there is significant variation across countries and socio-demographic groups. Our meta-analysis of country studies suggests that over 35% of workers are over-qualified in Sweden compared with just 10% in Finland, with most other OECD countries located between these two extremes. …”
Published 2011
414Published 1999“…Because of fundamental economic and demographic trends, these systems will become increasingly difficult to sustain over the coming decades. …”
415Published 2010“…While Member States share similar fundamental challenges there are considerable differences in the timing of demographic ageing, the design of pension arrangements, the growth potential and in constraints on account of the fiscal situation and external competitiveness. …”
416by Zambre, Vaishali“…I decompose the gender gap into components attributable to socio-demographic factors, academic performance and skills, intended college major choice, career motives, personality traits, economic preferences, measures for students’ confidence and expected wage risk. …”
Published 2018
417“…The econometric specifications include, in addition to GDP, micro (individual-level) explanatory variables from the Eurostat Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) – i.e., socio-demographic variables such as gender, age, and education – in order to capture the key determinants of the individual flows. …”
418“…"Rapid urbanization and economic growth, new demographic trends, and climate change are key challenges that developing countries must face as they strive to meet growing energy demand. …”
419“…"Most conceptualisations of the bottom billion assume that "the poor" are a minority group in a state of continuous dependency, identifiable by region and demographic. Using a flow analysis (inflow and outflow) of poverty, rather than a stock analysis, we explain why poverty is more appropriately understood as a dynamic, with the majority of people flowing in and out of poverty for short durations. …”
420by Hemerijck, Anton“…Intensified global competition, industrial restructuring, budgetary austerity, changing family relations and demographic ageing have thrown into question the once sovereign and stable welfare systems of the Golden Age’. …”
Published 2006