421by Pascouau, Yves“…This situation is not satisfactory given forthcoming demographic and economic challenges which call for a rethink of an EU-wide migration policy, addressing the issue of common admission rules in the framework of the Single European Labour Market. …”
Published 2013
422“…We compared chemical analyte concentrations for pregnant and non-pregnant women using least square geometric means, adjusting for demographic and physiological covariates. Results: The percent of pregnant women with detectable levels of an individual chemical ranged from 0 to 100 percent. …”
423Published 2008“…Now, however due to powerful global economic, political and demographic tendencies tensions between social and economic interests and values are increasing. …”
424Published 2010“…There are also similarities in the demographic challenges faced by China and the EU. In both cases the population is ageing, with ageing even more advanced in China than the EU. …”
425“…Furthermore, social position (sex, educational level and occupational position) influence the retirement pattern: blue collar workers retire earlier than white-collar workers. Demographic factors also affect retirement decisions. …”
426by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)“…International Politics: <br/>- Weapons disarmed in the GDR arrive in Kazakhstan <br/>- Soviet-Polish historians' discussions <br/>- Czechoslovak-Polish heads of state in talks <br/>- Foreign affairs weekend in the US <br/>- National minority conflicts in the USSR <br/><br/>Domestic Affairs: <br/>- Károly Grósz's remarks in Szekszárd <br/>- Interview with János Berecz <br/>- 'disorder' was planned for March 15 <br/>- International Press Institute conference <br/>- Csemadok (cultural society of ethnic Hungarians in Slovakia) meeting in Bratislava <br/>- "KMK": report on people who refuse to work <br/>- Demographics <br/>- Highest number of cancer deaths in Hungary <br/><br/>Economy: <br/>- Stock exchange conference Külpolitika: <br/>- Kazahsztánba érkeznek az NDK-ban leszerelt hadászati rakéták <br/>- Szovjet <br/>- Lengyel történész tanácskozás <br/>- Csehszlovák<br/>- Lengyel kormányfői tárgyalás <br/>- Külpolitikai hétvége az Egyesült Államokban <br/>- Nemzetiségi konfliktusok a SZU-ban <br/><br/>Belpolitika: <br/>- Grósz Károly felszólalása Szekszárdon <br/>- Interjú Berecz Jánossal <br/>- A március 15-re tervezett "rendzavarás" <br/>- Nemzetközi Sajtóintézet konferenciája <br/>- CSEMADOK ülés Pozsonyban <br/>- "káemká": riport a közveszélyes munkakerülésről <br/>- Demográfia <br/>- Magyarországon hal meg a legtöbb rákbeteg <br/><br/>Gazdaság: <br/>- Tőzsdei konferencia…”
Published 1988-03-12T00:00:00Z-1988-03-12T23:59:59Z
427by Sundaram, Ramya, Hoerning, Ulrich, de Andrade Falcão, Natasha, Milan, Natalia, Tokman, Carla, Zini, Michele“…Specifically, the report presents portraits of the out-of-work population of six countries (Bulgaria, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Lithuania and Romania) in terms of distance from the labor market, human capital, and labor supply conditions, as well as demographic conditions. The analysis relies on the European Union Statistics of Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) surveys for the years 2007 to 2011. …”
Published 2014
428Published 2015“…Other changes, however, are the result of major structural forces operating in the global economy: the rapid pace of technological innovation, globalisation and demographic change. These forces are likely to continue to cause dislocation and disruption in European labour markets for the foreseeable future. …”
429Published 2010“…The impact of the economic crisis on the labour market outcomes of immigrants is examined, taking into consideration gender, sectors of employment and different types of contracts, as well as the demographic dynamics of native and foreign-born populations during the period under review. …”
430by Münz, Rainer“…"This paper discusses the size of Europe's migrant population, its demographic structure, and the socio-economic position of migrants. …”
Published 2008
431“…"This paper estimates potential output losses from the global financial crisis by comparing recent OECD published projections with a counter-factual assuming a continuation of pre-crisis productivity trends and a trend employment rate which is sensitive to demographic trends. Among the 19 OECD countries which experienced a banking crisis over the period 2007-11, the median loss in potential output in 2014 is estimated to be 3¾ per cent, compared to 2¾ per cent among all OECD countries. …”
432“…IZA proposes the creation of job centers that act independently from local and federal authorities in order to avoid the organizational maze of unclear responsibilities. (4) Immigration policy reform: Germany needs high-skilled immigrants to cope with demographic change and skilled labor shortages. A selection system for permanent immigrants and a market-based solution for temporary immigrants would substantially increase the economic benefits of immigration and create additional momentum for the realization of full employment."…”
433Published 2009“…Les auteurs – statisticiens, épidémiologistes, médecins, démographes, sociologues – ont réuni leurs compétences pour réaliser cette photographie de la santé des femmes en 2008. …”
434“…"Globalization, soaring public deficits, migration, new social demands, structural changes on the labour market, and not least demographic developments challenge existing welfare arrangements in Europe. …”
435by Arias, Omar S., Sánchez-Páramo, Carolina, Dávalos, María E., Santos, Indhira, Tiongson, Erwin R., Gruen, Carola, de Andrade Falcão, Natasha, Saiovici, Gady, Cancho, Cesar A.“…In answering them, the report examines the role of reforms, firms, skills, incentives and barriers to work, and labor mobility through the lens of two contextual factors: the legacy of centralized planned economies and the mounting demographic pressures associated with rapid aging in some countries and soaring numbers of youth entering the workforce in others. …”
Published 2014
436“…"In times of demographic ageing and potential skills shortages, employment of older workers becomes an increasingly important topic. …”
437Published 2009“…Réunissant les contributions de démographes, sociologues ou économistes, cet ouvrage confronte les déclarations des employeurs et des employés et analyse les évolutions récentes, des dispositifs officiels aux petits arrangements informels. …”
438“…The report is part of a joint EU and OECD project, which aims to help the EU Government Expert Group on Demographic Issues in evaluating national family policies. …”
439by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)“…Gorbachev via telegram on his appointment as President <br/>- Hungarian Democratic Forum (MDF) discusses Hungary's demographic situation in Szeged, where Sándor Püski guest of honor <br/>- Romanian national minority problems <br/>- Czechoslovak CP economy secretary urges experts to inform public on environmental problems of Gabčíkovo-Nagymaros hydroelectric power station <br/>- Hungarian Olympic team wins 11 golds, 6 silver and 6 bronze medals Külpolitika: <br/>- Külföldi lapvélemények Gorbacsov államfővé választása után <br/>- Gorbacsov beszéde államfővé történő kinevezése után <br/>- A román külügyminiszter az ENSZ-hez fordult segítségért a ún. nacionalizmus és a belügyekbe történő beavatkozás ellen <br/><br/>Belpolitika: <br/>- Grósz Károly pártfőtitkár-kormányfő és Straub F. …”
Published 1988-10-01T00:00:00Z-1988-10-01T23:59:59Z
440by Khanna, Parag“…This has profound consequences for geopolitics, economics, demographics, the environment, and social identity. Connectivity, not geography, is our destiny. …”
Published 2016