3by Van Genugten, Willem“…This book sets out the standards by which these international financial institutions are bound under international human rights law as it currently stands. …”
Published 2015
4by Lesay, Ivan“…The paper then looks at the real grounds for reform: particular attention is paid to ideological and political grounds, the influence of the international financial institutions and institutional investors' efforts to expand the financial markets. …”
Published 2006
5by Elborgh-Woytek, Katrin, Newiak, Monique, Kochhar, Kalpana, Fabrizio, Stefania, Kpodar, Kangni, Wingender, Philippe, Clements, Benedict, Schwartz, Gerd“…The analysis presented in this Staff Discussion Note is based on research undertaken in academia and by other international financial institutions, in addition to the IMF’s own surveillance and research work.”…”
Published 2013
6by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)“…Imre Mécs thinks the Party should not represent itself officially <br/>- Austrian chief contractor demands ATS 4 million compensation after Gabčíkovo-Nagymaros dam construction halted <br/><br/>Economy: <br/>- Parliament passes agricultural coop law, modification of land law <br/>- Parliament debates economic plan package <br/>- Bankers' conference in Székesfehérvár <br/>- National Bank official statement on contradictions of the loan agreements signed with international financial institutions Külpolitika: <br/>- Egy magyar riporter a romániai helyzetről <br/>- A szovjet sajtó a magyarországi belpolitikai eseményekről <br/><br/>Belpolitika: <br/>- A BTK módosításával eltörölték azt a paragrafust, mely politikai cselekményekért halálbüntetést szabhatott ki <br/>- Németh Miklós parlamenti beszéde június 16-ról <br/>- A Történelmi Igazságtétel Bizottság tájékoztatót tartott a temetéssel kapcsolatban. …”
Published 1989-06-01T00:00:00Z-1989-06-01T23:59:59Z
7by Rosskam, Ellen“…Issues discussed include the role played by international financial institutions, how foreign firms enter the market for provision of services, the impact of GATS on services, impact on clients receiving services and the impact of liberalization on the quality of service delivery. …”
Published 2006