Showing 541 - 560 results of 573 for search '"international trade"', query time: 0.10s Refine Results
  1. 541
    “…Analysis of the growth errors shows that the OECD projections in the crisis years were larger in countries with more international trade openness and greater presence of foreign banks. …”
  2. 542
    Published 2014
    “…"In this important volume, nine studies identify the complexities of protecting labour rights in a mobile global economy by assessing the role of ILO standards, as well as public, private, and public-private initiatives, in countering the potentially negative impact of international trade and investment flows on labour rights. …”
  3. 543
    Published 30 June 1937
    “…016a-0009-001 IFTU Warsaw June 1937 RESOLUTION The General Council of the International Federation of Trade Unions, meeting in Warsaw on the 30th June, 1937, with representatives of twenty-three National Centres and nineteen International Trade Secretariats in attendance, affirms with force its full and unconditional solidarity with Republican and democratic Spain, which is fighting heroically against the aggression of Italian and German Fascism. …”
  4. 544
    “…This was due to the differential effect of the downturn on different sectors where some sectors such as the construction and public sectors were significantly hit, while the international traded sectors have been relatively immune from the downturn and have seen continued growth. …”
  5. 545
    by Schevenels, Walther, b. 1894
    Published 27 November 1936
    “…To Affiliated National Centres. To International Trade Secretariats. Dear Comrades, In accordance with the urgent request received from our Spanish National Centre, and after consultation of the members of the Executive and the leaders of the LSI, we have decided to call a special joint meeting of the IFTU General Council and the LSI Executive to discuss the situation in Spain. …”
  6. 546
    “…(ii) to what extent does wage bargaining shape the effect of trade on wages? International trade favours exports but also creates opportunities for offshoring. …”
  7. 547
    “…The study was commissioned by the Ex-Ante Impact Assessment Unit of the Directorate for Impact Assessment and European Added Value, within the Directorate General for Parliamentary Research Services (DG EPRS) of the General Secretariat of the European Parliament, at the request of the European Parliament’s Committee on International Trade (INTA). The main conclusions were presented to the MEPs on 1 April 2014 in the INTA Committee."…”
  8. 548
    Published 2010
    “…Yet this is an open economy, conditioned significantly by developing patterns of international trade and by European Union policy initiatives. …”
  9. 549
    by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)
    Published 1988-05-13T00:00:00Z-1988-05-13T23:59:59Z
    “…International Politics: <br/>- Powell informs US Senate of Geneva agreement <br/>- Gromyko in Romania <br/>- Warsaw Pact military council meeting in Sofia <br/><br/>Domestic Affairs: <br/>- Péter Várkonyi's account of foreign ministers' meeting in Berlin <br/>- György Fejti talks at the Technical University on the importance of Party meetings <br/>- “Green corridor” border crossings to be introduced at Sopron and Hegyeshalom -Pilot census in Nógrád <br/>- Dangerous waste disposal furnace at Nagykanizsa <br/><br/>Economy: <br/>- First quarterly imports down <br/>- 30 countries at the spring Budapest International Trade Fair Külpolitika <br/>- Powell tájékoztatja a Szenátust a genfi megállapodásokról <br/>- Gromiko Romániában <br/>- A VSZ katonai tanácsának szófiai ülése <br/><br/>Belpolitika: <br/>- Várkonyi Péter beszámolója a berlini külügyminiszteri találkozóról <br/>- Fejti György a Műegyetemen beszél a pártértekezlet jelentőségéről <br/>- Sopronnál és Hegyeshalomnál "zöld folyosó" nevű határátlépést vezetnek be <br/>- Kísérleti népszámlálás Nógrádban <br/>- Veszélyes hulladékégető Nagykanizsán <br/><br/>Gazdaság: <br/>- Csökkent az első negyedévi import <br/>- 30 ország a tavaszi BNV-n…”
  10. 550
    “…Holstein, chief editor of the weekly "Business Week"; segment on the work of the Center for International trade in Moscow. Contributors: Shal'nev, Aleksandr (Anchor) Визит в Москву Государственного секретаря СШA Уоррена Кристофера; российско-американские торговые отношения; чрезвычайная сессия глав государств и правительств Европейского Союза; беседа с предпринимателем Михаилом Бочаровым, президентом Международного Русского клуба, о российской собственности за рубежом; сюжет о женевских банках; беседа с Уильямом Холстином, главным редактором газеты "Business Week, сюжет о деятельности Центра международной торговли в Москве. …”
  11. 551
    by Cialani, Catia
    Published 2014
    “…Paper [II] This paper examines the relationships among per capita CO2 emissions, per capita GDP and international trade based on panel data spanning the period 1960-2008 for 150 countries. …”
  12. 552
    by Gilpin, Robert, Gilpin, Jean M.
    Published 2001
    “…He employs the conventional theory of international trade, insights from the theory of industrial organization, and endogenous growth theory. …”
  13. 553
    Published 2014
    “…The second part concerns international actors, like the International Employer’s Organisations and the International Trade Union Movement, as well as Human Resources Management. …”
  14. 554
    by Stolz, George
    Published 10 September 1936
    “…To National Centres To International Trade Secretariats Dear Comrades, General Council Meeting, Paris. …”
  15. 555
    by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)
    Published 1988-05-16T00:00:00Z-1988-05-16T23:59:59Z
    “…International Politics: <br/>- Soviet troop withdrawals from Afghanistan <br/>- Yugoslav parliament's new economic reform initiatives <br/>- Mitterrand announces parliamentary elections <br/>- Pope's pastoral mission in South America <br/><br/>Domestic Affairs: <br/>- Visit of Finnish and Greek finance ministers <br/>- Marjai takes part in Comecon executive committee session in Moscow <br/>- Budapest International Trade Fair opens: Prince Edward of Kent and Bavarian state finance minister take part <br/>- National committee session on developing telecommunications <br/>- American-Hungarian academic conference on biotechnology <br/>- Magvető to publish “New Moon” journal Külpolitika: <br/>- Szovjet csapatkivonások Afganisztánból <br/>- Jugoszláv parlament új gazdasági reform intézkedései <br/>- Mitterrand parlamenti választásokat ír ki <br/>- A pápa dél-amerikai pásztori missziója <br/><br/>Belpolitika: <br/>- A finn ipari és a görög gazdasági miniszter látogatása <br/>- Marjai a moszkvai KGST VB ülésen vesz részt <br/>- BNV megnyitó: Edward kenti herceg és a bajor gazdasági államminiszter részvételével <br/>- Országgyűlési bizottsági ülés a távközlés fejlesztésének lehetőségeiről <br/>- Egy hetes nemzetközi szociológia tanácskozás kezdődött <br/>- Amerikai<br/>- Magyar tudományos konferencia a biotechnológiáról <br/>- A Magvető kiadja az Újhold folyóiratot…”
  16. 556
    by Ojeda-Aviles, Antonio
    Published 2014
    “…In the course of his consistently engaging study, the author identifies and synthesizes such interrelated (and relatively new) new patterns of labour relations as the following: off-shoring; private labour contracts; global and regional employers’ associations; transnational collective bargaining; international trade unionism; company by-laws; and codes of conduct designed to declare corporate social responsibility. …”
  17. 557
    “…Negative economic consequences are especially large in South and South-East Asia whereas other regions will be less affected and, in some cases, benefit thanks to adjustments from international trade. Emissions to 2060 will have important consequences in later decades and centuries. …”
  18. 558
    “…022_0014-001 F&Eacute;D&Eacute;RATION SYNDICALE INTERNATIONALE INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF TRADE UNIONS INTERNATIONALER GEWERKSCHAFTSBUND 9, AVENUE D&#039;ORSAY, PARIS - VIIe ADRESSE T&Eacute;L&Eacute;GRAPHIQUE: TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS: INTERFED, PARIS TELEGRAMMADRESSE: T&Eacute;L&Eacute;PHONE: INVALIDES 45-88 Situation Espagne 92 St/G/sz FOR YOUR INFORMATION 2nd March, 1937 To Affiliated National Centres To International Trade Secretariats To Delegates Dear Comrades, IFTU AND LSI CONFERENCE RE SPAIN We are sending you herewith a delegate&#039;s card to the International Conference on Spain to be held on the 10th and 11th March, 1937, in the Library of the Central Hall, Westminster, London. …”
  19. 559
    by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)
    Published 1988-05-19T00:00:00Z-1988-05-19T23:59:59Z
    “…International Politics: <br/>- Estonia's plans for autonomy <br/>- Conflicts in Beirut <br/>- Talks between Common Market and Comecon <br/>- Egyptian foreign minister in Moscow <br/><br/>Domestic Affairs: <br/>- Grósz reports on his UK visit <br/>- 50,000 Hungarian faithful expected at Pope's Austrian visit <br/>- Hungary and Austria submit application for 1995 World Fair <br/>- Soros Foundation gets medicines to Hungary worth 0.5 m USD <br/><br/>Economy: <br/>- Announcement on industrial reorganization <br/>- Prince of Kent visits Rába factory <br/>- Factory directors: Paper Company <br/>- Professional events at Budapest International Trade Fair Külpolitika: <br/>- Észtország autonómia tervei <br/>- Bejrúti harcok <br/>- Közös Piac és KGST közti tárgyalások <br/>- Az egyiptomi külügyminiszter Moszkvában <br/><br/>Belpolitika: <br/>- Grósz beszámolója Nagy-Britanniában tett látogatásáról <br/>- Ötvenezer magyar hívőt várnak a pápa ausztriai látogatására <br/>- Magyarország és Ausztria benyújtotta pályázatát az 1995-ös világkiállításra <br/>- A Soros<br/>- Alapítván fél millió dollár értékű gyógyszert juttatott Magyarországra <br/><br/>Gazdaság: <br/>- Tájékoztató az ipari szerkezetátalakításról <br/>- A kenti herceg látogatása a Rába-gyárban <br/>- Ipargazdák:a Papíripari Vállalat <br/>- Szakmai rendezvény a BNV-n…”
  20. 560
    Published 2007
    “…En devenant le Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, l'ancien Ministry of International Trade and Industry n'a pas dérogé à la mission qui lui avait été fixée en 1949 : faire en sorte que le Japon redevienne une puissance mondiale en gagnant la bataille du Marché. …”
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