4861by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)“…International Politics: <br/>- UN Security Council position in support of Pretoria convicted <br/>- Polish parliament after sitting <br/><br/>Domestic Affairs: <br/>- Police organizations' statement on opposition mobilizations on the anniversary of Imre Nagy's death <br/>- Dangerous waste storage facility to be built in Nova <br/>- Great anticipation for summer Young Pioneers' camp <br/>- Lack of legislation protecting historical monuments <br/><br/>Economy: <br/>- Finance minister on budget experiences to date Külpolitika: <br/>- Az ENSZ BT állásfoglalása a pretoriai elítéltek védelmében <br/>- A lengyel parlament ülése után <br/><br/>Belpolitika: <br/>- A rendőri szervek nyilatkozata az ellenzéki megmozdulásról Nagy Imre halálának évfordulóján <br/>- A veszélyes hulladéktárolót Nován fogják felépíteni <br/>- Alig várható érdeklődés a nyári úttörőtábor iránt <br/>- Műemlékvédelmi jogszabály hiánya <br/><br/>Gazdaság: <br/>- A pénzügyminiszter a költségvetés eddigi tapasztalatiról…”
Published 1988-06-18T00:00:00Z-1988-06-18T23:59:59Z
4862“…Parti Ouvrier Belge. Elections législatives de 1929. Le socialiste Vandervelde au premier ministre Poullet: Allez donc, encore un petit effort et nous stabilisons à 107 francs la livre sterling. …”
4863by King, Samantha“…Pink Ribbons, Inc. grapples with issues of gender and race in breast cancer campaigns of businesses such as the National Football League; recounts the legislative history behind the breast cancer awareness postage stamp—the first stamp in American history to raise funds for use outside the U.S. …”
Published 2008
4864by Bourion, Christian“…Mais aussi, et surtout, les conséquences économiques de ce qu'il considère comme un véritable fléau dans une société où le travail demeure une valeur prioritaire, malgré une législation trop rigide en la matière qui empêche toute fluidité. …”
Published 2016
4865“…Ce mal a suscité une déferlante législative à tel point que le droit du travail apparaît aujourd’hui comme une forêt obscure où seuls les spécialistes peuvent trouver leur voie. …”
4866“…Nonthreshold carcinogens are without a safe level of use. European worker legislation prescribes that those substances should be substituted wherever possible. …”
4867Published 2015“…"Lawyers who apply EU labour law will find here a matchless aid to practice – an article-by-article commentary on each specific piece of EU legislation relevant to arguing labour law cases. In an utterly practical and straightforward format, the book presents all information necessary to quickly find the best and most complete answer to any question in EU labour law, no matter how arcane or controversial. …”
4868Published 2010“…Consequently, the report also includes options for management and legislation to try and compensate for the purported negative health effects of portable IT use."…”
4869by Sattar, Sarosh“…The governments in the region allocated substantial resources toward the health and education of both women and men. They also adopted legislation that treated women and men equally in the labor market and they provided child care services. …”
Published 2012
4870“…Hereby, it distinguishes between four different approaches: First, unions can demand and lobby for changes in legislation in order to limit, prevent or even forbid certain forms of precarious employment. …”
4871“…Focusing on the main axes of the flexicurity concept, new datasets are used to examine changes in employment protection legislation, unemployment benefits and active labour market policies. …”
4872by Fialová, Kamila“…Our results indicate that the one institution that unambiguously increases shadow economy production and employment is the strictness of employment protection legislation. Other labor market institutions?active and passive labor market policies, labor taxation, trade union density and the minimum wage setting?…”
Published 2010
4873Published 2010“…Quelle est l'évolution de la législation et des dispositifs, de la place accordée à la négociation et à la conciliation, à la médiation et à l'alarme sociale ? …”
4874by Australia. Safe Work Australia, de Crespigny, Fleur, Pratt, Barry, Kyaw-Myint, Su Mon“…The aims of the current study were to determine in construction and maintenance workers: • current levels of awareness of the risk of exposure to asbestos • current levels of compliance with OHS legislative requirements for working with ACMs • key perceptions, attitudes and motivations that act as barriers and enablers to compliance, and • current level of exposure to asbestos in selected construction and maintenance work activities. …”
Published 2010
4875“…We also find that high-skilled workers are much more sensitive to social security benefits while low skilled workers are more attracted by a protective job and employment legislation. "…”
4876by Keller, Odile“…Cet ouvrage examine les procédures mises en place par la Communauté européenne afin d'aménager les disparités législatives et réglementaires entre ses différents Etats membres de façon à prévenir l'apparition de nouveaux obstacles. …”
Published 1992
4877Published 2002“…Cette troisième édition du Bilan social de l’Union européenne se penche sur deux grands chantiers politiques ouverts en 2001 : d’une part, le dossier de la qualité de l’emploi, au sens large, c’est-à-dire englobant les initiatives législatives, le dialogue social et la stratégie européenne pour l’emploi; de l’autre, la méthode ouverte de coordination appliquée à de nouveaux champs d’action européens. …”
4878Published 2008“…However, in a number of countries, the directive has driven extensive legislative reform, for example in the UK and Ireland, where a ‘voluntarist’ industrial relations tradition predominates, and in many of the new Member States. …”
4879Published 2004“…Have unions been able to use New Labour legislation to recover lost membership? What are the pros and cons of union-management partnerships in the public sector? …”
4880by Lesay, Ivan“…The paper describes the legislative and institutional basis of the two systems, their respective components and the ways of disbursing pensions in each system. …”
Published 2006