4902by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)“…Documentary on the severe climate conditions in northern cities and which calls for the development of social legislation for the northern regions. Featured in the program: Shpektor, Igor' Leonidovich (President of the Union of Cities of the Arctic Russian Far North); IUdaev, E.G. …”
Published 1991-1993
4903by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)“…Featured in the program: Yeltsin, Boris Nikolayevich (President of the Russian Federation); Khasbulatov, Ruslan Imranovich (Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation); Zor'kin, Valerii Dmitrievich (Chairman of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation); Mitiukov, Mikhail Alekseevich (Chairman of the Committee for Legislation of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation); IAvlinskii, Grigorii Alekseevich (Politician) Общественное мнение по поводу политического кризиса в России. …”
Published 1992-1994
4904by Great Britain. Office of the Minister of Reconstruction. Social insurance ; Great Britain. Inter-departmental Committee on Social Insurance and Allied Services. Social insurance and allied services ; Beveridge, William Henry Beveridge, Baron, 1879-1963, Clarke, Joan Simeon“…Government pronouncements were tepid and lugubrious. Social Security legislation, which had seemed just round the corner, now seemed to be remote. …”
Published 1 October 1944
4905by Frantz, Laurent B.“…This last step in the "legislative device" is the application of an approach new in our law but being resorted to with increasing frequency. …”
Published 12 December 1953
4906“…La première partie retrace l’évolution de la législation « sécuritaire » depuis le Règlement général pour la protection du travail jusqu’aux adaptations les plus récentes figurant dans le Code sur le bien-être au travail. …”
4907“…Yet, our plea to policy-makers is to refrain from legislating too early and to take the time to understand how the supply and the demand of these services behave and their equilibrium. …”
4908Published 2014“…But from largely disappointing international conferences like Rio II to the U.S.’s failure to pass meaningful climate legislation, governments’ progress has been lackluster. …”
4909by Rescourio-Gilabert, Michèle“…Du fait de l'absence de précisions législatives, les incompréhensions mutuelles de ce que veut dire "conditions de travail" aboutissent parfois devant le juge, qui apporte des solutions souvent imprévues aux contentieux. …”
Published 2014
4910by Skalski, Jérôme“…On parla bientôt d'une " Révolution des casseroles " pour décrire les événements qui s'y déroulèrent et qui aboutirent, en quelques semaines, à la démission de son gouvernement et à l'anticipation d'élections législatives qui virent arriver au pouvoir une gauche armée d'ambitions réformatrices radicales sous la pression de la société civile islandaise. …”
Published 2012
4911by Eichhorst, Werner“…The institutional status of 'insiders' was hardly affected by legislative changes. This dualisation trend was reinforced by micro-level dynamics in industrial relations and company employment practices where we can observe growing reliance on mechanisms of internal flexibility for the skilled core work force and increasing use of non-standard types of employment in less specifically skilled occupations."…”
Published 2012
4912Published 2011“…., establishment of a fiscal advisory council, and legislated gradual increase of the state pension age from 65 to 68 by 2028). …”
4913“…The recent labour market reform legislation is a positive step to reduce excessive protection of workers in permanent contracts, although some uncertainty remains on how courts will interpret it. …”
4914by Ashiagbor, Diamond“…Increasingly, as the European Union's employment policy has matured, employment and economic policy discourses have come to displace discourses around social policy and social law, a displacement which has occurred in tandem with a shift from legislative harmonisation to the use of 'soft law' and governance by means of guidelines. …”
Published 2005
4915“…Relaxation of job protection legislation could also raise productivity growth for a while in many OECD and non-OECD G20 countries, although the effects are estimated to be smaller than those from product market reforms. …”
4916Published 2009“…Cet ouvrage présente les contributions élaborées et discutées au cours d'un séminaire qui a réuni juristes, sociologues et économistes en 2007-2008, autour du thème de la rupture du contrat de travail et des évolutions législatives des dernières années (CNE, loi de modernisation, etc.). …”
4917by Slatin, Craig“…Those efforts led to a worker health and safety section in the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986. The legislation mandated regulation of hazardous waste operations and emergency response worker protection, and establishment of a national health and safety training grant program - which became the Worker Education and Training Program (WETP).Craig Slatin provides a history of labor's success on the coattails of the environmental movement and in the middle of a rightward shift in American politics. …”
Published 2009
4918by Syndicat national unifié des impôts“…Il offre une piste de réflexion originale sur l'instauration de règles communes pour rapprocher les législations fiscales : l'instauration d'un impôt européen et de taxes globales à l'échelle européenne…”
Published 2008
4919by Committee on Hazardous Substances, Dortmund“…Since cancer is considered to be a particularly severe disease and the Carcinogens Directive assumes that an exposure level below which no health hazard occurs cannot be determined, legislation provides for particularly far-reaching preventive measures for these substances."…”
Published 2008
4920“…But because few crowdworkers currently enjoy social protections, this study also offers a broad variety of legislative options that could work to address such shortcomings within several legal systems."…”