4921by Gubin, Eliane“…Il permet aussi de rappeler le contexte : la législation en matière d'égalité des sexes, le difficile essor des women's studies, les limites de la politique d'égalité des chances, l'ouverture à la démocratie paritaire."…”
Published 2007
4922by Mazuyer, Emmanuelle“…Ce processus unique en son genre de tentative d'encadrement juridique de la globalisation économique reste marqué par la complexité puisque différents niveaux normatifs (communautaire, national, transnational) et différents acteurs (États membres, institutions communautaires, autorités nationales, juges, partenaires sociaux) se trouvent associés à l'élaboration et à la mise en œuvre de normes communes d'harmonisation "dans le progrès" des législations nationales du travail. L'auteure retrace les étapes de ce processus, étudie ses réalisations et révèle les mutations sociales et juridiques qu'entraîne cette forme de régulation régionale du travail constitutive d'un modèle social européen…”
Published 2007
4923by Jackson, Andrew“…Ultimately, success will lie in organizing enough women in low-pay occupations to make a real difference in the economics of low-wage industries, in maintaining and increasing good jobs in public and social services, and in promoting pay and employment equity legislation. These are, of course, daunting challenges." …”
Published 2004
4924by Cranor, Carl F.“…Both are the outcome of legislative, corporate, and judicial choices. Congress created laws that in fact keep public health officials and the wider population in the dark about the toxicity of virtually all substances other than prescription drugs and pesticides. …”
Published 2017
4925“…Moreover, we find that a number of measures which decrease the stringency of regulation (such as reforms which reduce employment protection legislation, product market regulation, and collective bargaining) increase the flexibility of the labour market as they have a positive and statistically significant impact on worker flows."…”
4926by Bordogna, Lorenzo“…This selection shows how the principles of Convention No. 151 have been implemented through legislation and/or collective bargaining."…”
Published 2018
4927by Brown, Duncan“…It was the sixth employer to publish its gender pay gap data under the new gender pay gap reporting legislation which came into effect on 5 April 2017. …”
Published 2017
4929by M'Gonigle, G. C. M. (George Cuthberth Mura), -1939“…Conditions of life have from time to time been modified by legislation enacted by Parliament as a result of the pressure of public opinion. …”
Published November 1936
4930by Labour Party (Great Britain). Advisory Committee on Public Health. Sub-committee on Maternal Mortality“…Your sub-committee, being charged by its terms of reference to consider the question of Maternal Mortality, while agreed that: (a) Research into causes, (b) Legislative action, (c) Administrative action, are all essential to the reduction of maternal mortality, is of opinion that further administrative action by Local Authorities, under the terms of the Maternity and Child Welfare Act, is immediately practicable, should be made compulsory, and would result in a substantial reduction in both maternal mortality and morbidity. 3. …”
Published November 1929
4931by Labour Party (Great Britain). Advisory Committee on Public Health. Sub-committee on Maternal Mortality“…Your sub-committee, being charged by its terms of reference to consider the question of Maternal Mortality, while agreed that: (a) Research into causes, (b) Legislative action, (c) Administrative action, are all essential to the reduction of maternal mortality, is of opinion that further administrative action by Local Authorities, under the terms of the Maternity and Child Welfare Act, is immediately practicable, should be made compulsory, and would result in a substantial reduction in both maternal mortality and morbidity. 3. …”
Published November 1929
4932“…Ses effets se font encore sentir dans la législation actuelle du travail à domicile Bibliogr. f. 553-576…”
4933“…Comment répondre aux nouveaux besoins de reconnaissance professionnelle du travailleur handicapé dans un contexte qui associe une législation modifiée élargissant les droits de la personne et une situation socio-économique complexifiée ? …”
4934“…Bibliothèque internationale de science et de législation financières, publiée sous la direction de Gaston Jèze,... …”
4936by Strasky, Jan“…Regulatory burdens could be alleviated by better impact assessment for legislative proposals and ex post evaluation of policies. …”
Published 2016
4937Published 2015“…Dans cette édition 2015 sur la politique sociale dans l'Union européenne, les auteurs abordent les thèmes suivants : l'état de la politique de l'UE après les élections législatives, la socialisation du semestre européen, les méthodes de protestation politique, le plan d'investissement Juncker, les investissements contradictoires en matière d’éducation de l'UE, l'influence contestée de l'UE sur les réformes nationales des soins de santé et le cheval de Troie néolibéral du Partenariat transatlantique de commerce et d'investissement (PTCI)."…”
4938by Brighenti, Benedetta“…EU institutions and legislation should provide a sound framework, institutional and legal guidance and ongoing access to expertise and other assistance appropriate for implementation; - calls, however, on all EU institutions dealing with the issue of the SE to adopt a holistic approach in addressing the SE as an economic, political and social phenomenon and to coordinate their efforts, in view of the widespread changes the SE could cause to current economic systems, through a comprehensive public policy drawing up an SE public policy agenda built collaboratively; considers that many of the sectors touched by SE have a sometimes disruptive impact at the local and regional level and that it should therefore be possible for them to be governed or regulated as necessary by local and regional authorities (LRAs) in compliance with the principle of local autonomy in order to allow LRAs to adapt SE initiatives and ventures to local conditions."…”
Published 2015
4939by White, William R.“…These international standards are intended to provide guidance for the drawing up of national legislation and regulation, and have already had a pervasive influence around the world. …”
Published 2014
4940by Vogelaar, Floris“…These cross-references refer to relevant sources in EU secondary legislation and Commission Notices, to a selection of further cases on the same issue, to leading scholarly articles on the subject and to interesting annotations adding to the understanding of a particular case. …”
Published 2010