5041by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)“…Conflict between the legislative and the executive powers in Russia; negotiations between Ukraine and Russia; the economic crisis in Russia; the use of vouchers; the armed conflict in Tajikistan. …”
Published 1991-1993
5043“…Cette étude décrit, dans un contexte référentiel transformé par des nouvelles donnes économiques et législatives (la Réforme Hospitalière, la loi contre les exclusions), les modifications des pratiques déjà opérées par les assistants de service social en psychiatrie et leurs souhaits et stratégies d'adaptation future. …”
5044by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)“…International Politics: <br/>- Baker-Gorbachev-Shevardnadze talks <br/>- Kohl and Genscher's visit to Moscow <br/>- The future of Germany: reprivatization in the GDR <br/>- Bonn government extends loan to USSR to purchase foodstuffs <br/>- Temporary legislative body created in Romania <br/>- Establishment of Czechoslovak-Israeli relations <br/>- Yugoslavia: Kosovo crisis <br/><br/>Domestic Affairs: <br/>- Hungarian-Vatican relations <br/>- Ferenc Glatz in Vienna <br/>- Gyula Horn's Canadian talks <br/>- József Antall holds press conference on his experiences in the States <br/>- Election: election programs, the church calls for electoral participation <br/>- Hungary unilaterally renounces 1979 agreement signed with Romania that excludes the possibility of dual nationality <br/>- László Tőkés's Budapest schedule and press conference <br/><br/>Economy: <br/>- Japanese bank extends 5 billion yen loan to the Hungarian National Bank Külpolitika: <br/>- Baker-Gorbacsov-Sevardnadze tárgyalások <br/>- Kohl és Genscher moszkvai útja <br/>- Németország jövője; reprivatizálás az NDK-ban <br/>- A bonni kormány hitelt nyújt a SZU-nak élelmiszer vásárlásra <br/>- Az átmeneti törvényhozó testület létrehozása Romániában <br/>- A csehszlovák-izraeli kapcsolatok alakulása <br/>- Jugoszlávia: a koszovói válság <br/><br/>Belpolitika: <br/>- Magyar <br/>- Vatikáni kapcsolatok <br/>- Glatz Ferenc Bécsben <br/>- Horn Gyula kanadai tárgyalásai <br/>- Antall József sajtótájékoztatója amerikai tapasztalatairól <br/>- Választás: választási műsorok, az egyházak felhívása a szavazáson való részvételre <br/>- Magyarország egyoldalúan felmondta a kettős állampolgárság kizárásáról 1979-ben Romániával megkötött egyezményt <br/>- Tőkés László budapesti programja és sajtótájékoztató <br/><br/>Gazdaság: <br/>- Egy japán bank 5 milliárd yenes hitelt nyújt a MNB-nak…”
Published 1990-02-09T00:00:00Z-1990-02-09T23:59:59Z
5045Published 2013“…Eileen also recalls the implementation of Equal Pay Legislation in the early 70s, having previously been paid half the wage of a man for doing the same job. …”
5046by Chatelet, Pauline“…Cette intégration des normes issues de l Union européenne au niveau national est inhérente à la nature de l organisation qui souhaite voir émerger un rapprochement entre les législations de ses États membres. À ce titre, plusieurs stipulations du traité de Lisbonne viennent réaffirmer que ces derniers sont les principaux responsables de la mise en oeuvre de ce droit. …”
Published 2016
5047by Conter, Bernard“…Bernard Conter fait d’abord un état des lieux des deux composantes antagonistes, la flexibilité et de la sécurité, dans la législation et dans les indicateurs de flexicurité, tels qu’ils sont construits par l’Union européenne. …”
Published 2011
5048by Rossi, Giampiero“…Dans un récit à la fois poignant et palpitant, le journaliste Giampiero Rossi nous fait vivre la longue bataille législative, politique, judiciaire et médiatique engagée, à l’initiative de deux syndicalistes, Bruno Pesce et Nicola Pondrano, par toute une communauté pour obtenir réparation des dégâts causés par Eternit. …”
Published 2012
5049by Dony, Marianne“…La deuxième partie présente les principales politiques de l’Union européenne : le régime juridique du marché intérieur, avec ses quatre libertés, le régime de la concurrence et l’harmonisation des législations ; l’espace de liberté, de sécurité et de justice, profondément remanié par le traité de Lisbonne ; les politiques à caractère économique, au premier rang desquelles l’Union économique et monétaire, sérieusement malmenée par la crise économique et financière et par la crise des dettes souveraines ; les politiques à caractère non économique qui ne cessent de monter en puissance ; l’action extérieure de l’Union enfin, appelée à prendre une place croissante dans le contexte de la mondialisation. …”
Published 2012
5050Published 2008“…An appendix includes relevant EC legislation and the ECJ opinions in Laval and Viking. …”
5051Published 2009“…A problem that has recently raised a lot of discussion and legislative proposals is whether sufficient representativeness of trade unions is required in order to be legitimised for collective bargaining and the conclusion of binding collective agreements. …”
5052Published 2009“…Les évolutions de la législation suite à la catastrophe d'AZF visant à améliorer la coordination de la sécurité entre les entreprises utilisatrices et les entreprises extérieures constituent-elles un progrès ou restent-elles purement théoriques ? …”
5053“…A strict employment legislation against dismissals, unlike the strictness of the regulation regarding the use of temporary contract, tends to protect employees in Taylorist forms of work organisation while weakening the protective effect of Simple and Constrained learning forms. …”
5054by Great Britain. Central Office of Information.“…The National Health Service is part of a programme of social legislation which also includes the National Insurance Act and National Assistance Act. …”
Published 1948
5055by Journal of the American Medical Association“…The facts are that prior to the new Service, over twenty million people were already entitled to general practitioner treatment as "insured persons" under the old National Health Insurance legislation. No similar provision was made for the families of insured persons. …”
Published 1948
5056by Hastings, Somerville, 1878-1967“…The suggested changes are for the sake of clarity set out in the form of steps, but in many cases two or more steps can be carried out at the same time by a single piece of legislation. (1) National Health Insurance. National Health Insurance is composed of two distinct sections which have really no direct connection with one 15 292C/155/1/1…”
Published July 1932
5057by Davies, Margaret Llewelyn, 1861-1944 ; Phillips, Marion, 1881-1932 ; Webb, Emily, MacArthur, Mary R. (Mary Reid), 1880-1921“…1918 1918 1910s 2 pages (2) The inclusion in the organisation of the Ministry of a strong Maternity Department largely staffed by women. (3) The exclusion of any representation of "interests" in the Ministry. (4) The power to take over Health Services now administered through other Departments. II. That legislation establishing the Ministry of Health should be accompanied by an extension of the powers of the local Public Health Authorities in regard to Maternity and Infancy work. …”
Published [1918?]
5058by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)“…The armed conflict in Tajikistan; the cooperation between Russia and Kazakhstan; teachers' strike in Bryansk; legislative opposition to executive power in Russia; Ukraine and Russia negotiations; the 30th anniversary of the beginning of the Missile Crisis. …”
Published 1991-1993
5059by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)“…Mutual meeting of the leaders of the republics within the Russian Federation and the heads of regions, territories and autonomous lands for discussing the project of the new Constitution; start of the work of the Committee for legislative suggestions under the President of the Russian Federation; the results of the polling of the Russian citizens about the degree of their trust for the pre-election blocs; the program of privatization; crisis of Russian forest economy; the rise of the railway tariffs; the conference on adoption of the first Russian military doctrine; the conference on the problems of the Middle East; survey of international news; press conference of the Central Bank of Russia; restoration of the Church of the Kazan Mother of God in Moscow. …”
Published 1992-1994
5060by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)“…President's visit to South Korea; the conflict between the executive and legislative branches of the Russian Parliament; a discussion on the naval blockade of Yugoslavia; the enactment of the housing privatization law. …”
Published 1991-1993