161Published [1919?]“…— Every county hospital should have well-equipped and staffed clinical and pathological laboratories, to the help of which for diagnosis and treatment every practitioner within the county should be entitled. 28. …”
162Published [1944]“…(vii) Ancillary services such as pathological; X ray; electro-therapy; 11. 292/847/2/43…”
163by Chaumette, Patrick, Daubas-Letourneux, Véronique, Emane, Augustin, Héas, Franck, Coutanceau, Christophe“…Le projet s'articule autour de trois axes complémentaires : Produire de la connaissance sur les expositions passées, en partant de cas individuels pour éclairer des situations collectives ; Aider à la reconnaissance des maladies professionnelles si des expositions professionnelles identifiées peuvent être liées aux pathologies survenues, et questionner le dispositif de prise en charge institutionnelle ; Mettre en place des actions de prévention en mettant en perspective les expositions d'hier avec le travail d'aujourd'hui : si des expositions à des agents cancérogènes perdurent aujourd'hui, travailler en lien avec les CHSCT, la médecine du travail, l'Inspection du travail, les responsables santé-sécurité, les ingénieurs conseil CARSAT, etc. sur les modalités de prévention (substitution, équipements individuels et collectifs de sécurité) ; étude de la législation (nationale et internationale) sur les substances identifiées. …”
Published 2014
164Published 1944“…Any plan of development should include extension of the system of cottage hospitals suitably equipped, an increase in the provision of maternity beds, and the provision of radiological and pathological facilities. The terms and conditions of service of rural practitioners should take into consideration the relative sparseness of population and the time and cost incurred in travel. …”
165Published 31 March 1950“…The increase was particularly noticeable in gynaecology, radiology, pathology and ophthalmology, but affected other specialities as well. …”
166by Loat, Lily“…In view of the menagerie of animals used for its cultivation, all that can be truthfully said of the final product is that it is an indefinable pathological mixture capable of forming vesicles which are characteristic of nothing more specific than common pus-forming agents. …”
Published 30 November 1928
167“…A lorigine de cette évolution, des parents progressivement entrés dans un « processus de désaffiliation » caractérisé par une situation économique dégradé, labsence de logement, un isolement social, de graves pathologies 2. les nombreuses difficultés éprouvées par certains parents dans lexercice de leurs fonctions amènent les travailleurs sociaux à préconiser des séparations durables avec peu doccasions de rencontres avec leurs enfants bien que le projet détablissement postule pour un maintien des liens et le retour en famille. …”
168Published 1946“…What general practitioners need, above all, is the provision of facilities for fuller diagnosis, with special emphasis on pathology and radiology. The extent to which such facilities can be made available in health centres should be a matter of widespread experimentation before the lines of central policy are laid down. 21. …”
169Published 1946“…What general practitioners need, above all, is the provision of facilities for fuller diagnosis, with special emphasis on pathology and radiology. The extent to which such facilities can be made available in health centres should be a matter of widespread experimentation before the lines of central policy are laid down. 21. …”
170by National Anti-Vaccination League (Great Britain)“…In 1922, Professors Mcintosh, of Middlesex Hospital, and Turnbull, of London Hospital, published in the "British Journal of Experimental Pathology" proof that they had found vaccination to be a direct cause of encephalo-myelitis. …”
Published 1929?
171Published 1944“…(b) Can a patient be a private patient for general practitioner services and a public patient for consultant and/or hospital services, including radiological and pathological investigations and treatment, and vice versa? …”
172Published 30 April 1938“…Whereas, until comparatively recently, medicine found its sanction to a large extent in the sciences of pathology and morbid anatomy, it now approaches the problems of health and disease from the standpoint of applied biology, concentrating not only on the causes and treatment of disease in its individual manifestations but on the promotion and maintenance of positive health. …”