221by Roberts, Wilfrid“…Harris the other day, when they were here, though Mr. Brinton saw them. I may report that the whole situation here is very much improved. …”
Published 28 May 1937
222Published 01 October 1937“…A report was presented by the Labour deputation which saw the Foreign Secretary on this matter last Friday. …”
223by Brook, Charles Wortham, 1901-1983 ; Morgan, H. B. (Hyacinth Bernard Wenceslaus Morgan), 1885-1956 ; Citrine, Walter, 1887-1983 ; Tewson, Vincent ; Gillies, William“…At the conclusion of the discussion it was agreed that an attempt should be made by the Spanish Medical Aid Committee to ascertain where the ambulances were at present situated, and it was understood that consideration would be given to the position in time for some recommendation to be made to the International Joint Committee on Friday morning. Dr. Morgan saw Mr. Tewson after the termination of the meeting and informed him that the ambulances had not yet reached Catalonia. …”
Published 04 November 1936
224Published 2014“…Real household income declined significantly between 2008 and 2012, employment rates are lower and the number of people in poverty saw a steady rise with a growing divergence between EU countries. …”
225by Cornish, F.“…1901-12-30 1901 1900s 6 pages John — Collenbeck — not Beck William 10309 Visited 16 Milton Road saw Mrs Collenbeck who said her husband was a porter on the G.N. …”
Published 30 December 1901
226“…No man should take orders who was ignorant of how to deal with some of the terrible things he saw around him, and when he could speak with knowledge he would be listened to, even 46 200/B/3/2/C693/1/71…”
227Published February 1902“…— A child of 6 years was ordered a hip splint, and came with a neighbour, the mother being ill. The visitor saw that if the child had 378/IMSW/A/1/1/9…”
228Published 1946“…I tried to draw out these men, all of them experienced and able administrators of the British Empire, what they saw in the future, and especially in the future of the colonial system and of our joint relations with the many peoples of the East ... …”
229by Cornish, F.“…1901-12-30 1901 1900s 6 pages re Hall — Christine — 8 months Dec 30th 1901 8a/1902 1902 Visited 112 Morley Avenue saw Mrs. Hall who said her husband worked at Kings Cross for Carter Pattison and earned 24/- a week The family consisted of man and wife and 7 children, the eldest a girl of 16 had been at service but not being strong had had to come home about 6 weeks ago, and has earned nothing since. …”
Published 30 December 1901
230by Cornish, F.“…1901-12-30 1901 1900s 6 pages re Hall — Christine — 8 months Dec 30th 1901 8a/1902 1902 Visited 112 Morley Avenue saw Mrs. Hall who said her husband worked at Kings Cross for Carter Pattison and earned 24/- a week The family consisted of man and wife and 7 children, the eldest a girl of 16 had been at service but not being strong had had to come home about 6 weeks ago, and has earned nothing since. …”
Published 30 December 1901
231by International Federation of Trade Unions ; Labour and Socialist International“…Therefore, the workers must make clear their point of view to those Governments, and it was felt that instead of national deputations when, time after time, the same representatives of the workers saw the same Government representatives, the approach should be made from an international angle. …”
Published 19 December 1938
232by Listowel, William Francis Hare, Earl of, 1906-“…Sir, —Will you allow me, as one of those who saw Senor del los Rios, a Vice-president of the Cortes and ex-Minister for Education, at the Spanish Embassy in Paris last Friday morning, to make one or two observations suggested by your friendly report of the meeting on behalf of the Spanish Medical Aid Committee held that evening at the Friends' House in London? …”
Published 18 August 1936
233by Bull, John“…" She, too, is full of gratitude for all that is being done for them. When I saw her she did not know where she would go when she left the camp. …”
Published 05 June 1937
234Published 1943“…He has been ill for several weeks. First he saw a doctor who told him to go to work. Now he has seen another who has ordered him into hospital. …”
235by Cornish, F.“…1901-12-30 1901 1900s 6 pages Spinks — Alfred — 10374 Visited 70 Avondale Rd Saw Mr. Spinks who said he was a painter and in the summer could earn £2 a week (when at work) and up to this year had gone to work in the gas factory in the winter but could not do so this winter as his chest was too weak. …”
Published 30 December 1901
236by Mew, E. B. ; Miller, Mary F. ; Norman, E. M. ; Roberts, D. ; Galbraith, H. ; Worden, M. ; Daukes, A. ; Waterworth, E. M. ; Mottram, D. B., Capener, Norman“…His Royal Highness expressed approval of all he saw and spent some time talking with the Hon. Warden and some prospective patients, a few of whom were brought from the Hospital to meet him. …”
Published 1932
237by Mew, E. B. ; Miller, Mary F. ; Norman, E. M. ; Roberts, D. ; Galbraith, H. ; Worden, M. ; Daukes, A. ; Waterworth, E. M. ; Mottram, D. B., Capener, Norman“…., who has since written that he was very pleased with all he saw. During the year 18 boys have been enrolled as Wolf Cubs. …”
Published 1932
238by Stevenson, Daniel M., Sir“…Transport House, Smith Square, London, S.W.1. Saw HVT Jan 7 292/946/42/80…”
Published 05 January 1938
240by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)“…Analysis of the last decades of Romanian politics <br/>- Armenian catastrophe <br/>- Walesa's Paris schedule <br/>- West Germany will pay more in future for Germans emigrating from Romania <br/>- MTI correspondent saw more protestors in Prague than Rude Pravo <br/>- Literary debate in the USSR over Solzhenitsyn <br/>- Romania reduces net foreign debt to zero <br/>- GDR cultural leader in talks in Israel <br/><br/>Domestic Affairs: <br/>- Construction and transport, industry, and cultural committees in session <br/>- Hungary-EEC joint committee set up at founding meeting in Budapest <br/>- Szűrös on Romanian-Hungarian relations at the Püspökladány Party activists' meeting <br/>- Budapest Council does not agree with separation over time of parliamentary and local council elections <br/><br/>Economy: <br/>- Agreement: London Stock Exchange will assist in shaping the Hungarian stock exchange <br/>- Somogy representative Vida urges creation of parliamentary committee to inspect the awarding of support for companies <br/>- Journalist Zoltán Farkas did not hear much reassurance in Brussels concerning chances for Hungary exporting to the Common Market Külpolitika: <br/>- Arad után, ki tudja merre? …”
Published 1988-12-12T00:00:00Z-1988-12-12T23:59:59Z