2Published 2003“…Verzio FF This moving and tragic story of Aileen Wuornos, America's first woman serial killer, is a powerful indictment against capital punishment and the execution of the mentally insane. …”
3Published 1992“…Aileen Wuornos, allegedly the first woman serial killer, was convicted of killing seven of her clients. …”
6by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)“…Lesbian relations in a women's colony; gender roles; trans-sexuality; genetic explanations of the predilection for violence; interview with the serial killer Andrei Chikatilo. Лесбийские отношения в женской колонии; гендерные роли; транссексуальность; генетической обоснование предрасположенности к насилию; интервью с серийным убийцей Андреем Чикатило.…”
Published 1992-1994
7Published 1984“…Duration: 01:32:00 This marvelous horror parody is set in Belgrade, a typical modern metropolis, except that it lacks its own serial killers. That gap is soon filled when a series of women are strangled. …”
8by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)“…Передача Российской государственной телевизионной и радиовещательной компании (РГТРК) "Останкино" (Москва, Российская Федерация) была записана группой мониторинга Исследовательского Института радиостанции Свободная Европа/Свобода (Мюнхен) как часть проекта по анализу официальных средств информации стран бывшего Советского Союза. About the serial killer Andrei Chikatilo; segment on the leader of the revolt in the Vorkuta camp in 1953; interviews with former detainees; juvenile delinquency. …”
Published 1991-1993
9Published 2002“…Duration: 01:58:00 This is a grimly fascinating documentary about Iranian serial killer Saeed Hanaei, who murdered 16 women whom he believed to be prostitutes. …”