81Published May 1944“…As a result of the serious increase in venereal disease during the last war, the Public Health (Venereal Diseases) Regulations, 1916, and the Venereal Disease Act, 1917, made it the duty of local authorises to provide free treatment for venereal disease patients. …”
82Published 2006“…Verzio FF Submission A documentary about an unusual cultural exchange between the Mexican Huicholes, people who venerate Mother Earth by consuming peyotl, and young disillusioned Japanese who turned to this culture to find answers for their disillusioned lives.…”
83by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)“…Role of the Broker's Enterprise Venereal Diseases on the Increase Excessive Consumption of Alcohol Progress in Agricultural Contacts with the West…”
Published 1972-07-03T00:00:00Z-1972-07-03T23:59:59Z
84Published 1942“…A final chapter warns against poor ventilation in the home and 'loose living', stressing the need to treat sexually transmitted / venereal diseases early.…”
85Published [1928?]“…The following is a summary of the work done during the year :- Visits to Schools by the Nurses 7,180 Visits to homes by the Nurses 30,981 Number of minor ailments treated by Nurses at own homes or School Clinics 48,019 Treatment of defects of nose and throat (2304 under the West Riding Scheme in Clinic or Hospital). 4,427 TREATMENT OF VENEREAL DISEASES. Facilities for the diagnosis and treatment of Venereal Diseases on the most modern lines are provided all over the Riding, agreements being made with the County Boroughs, and where the distance is too great to attend at these places Clinics have been opened by the County Council at suitable centres. …”
86by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)“…Further Purge in the Czechoslovak Trade Unions Situation of the Private Farmers Death of Josef Jodas Prostitution and Venereal Diseases in the CSSR Economic Agreement with FRG…”
Published 1970-06-19T00:00:00Z-1970-06-19T23:59:59Z
87by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)“…Trade Unions Organize Legal Aid Service Increase in Venereal Disease Causes Concern 1974 to Be a Record Year for Tourism Bumper Bread Grain Crop Expected The Transformation of Rural Society Gathers Momentum…”
Published 1974-08-27T00:00:00Z-1974-08-27T23:59:59Z
88by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)“…Czechoslovakia in World Rankings Ecclesiastics, Peace, and Missiles Charter 77 in 1983: Documents Hungarian National Rights Activist Joins Charter 77 Drug Addiction Becomes a National Menace Venereal Disease Spreading Wide and Fast A Cornucopia of Problems…”
Published 1984-02-06T00:00:00Z-1984-02-06T23:59:59Z
89by Hall, Lesley A.“…Topics discussed include social, political, legal, medical, psychological, sociological and scientific discourses around questions of sexuality, eugenics, birth control and abortion, homosexuality and lesbianism, venereal disease, prostitution, social purity, sex education, ideals of marriage and sexual relationship, censorship, the role of women and changing masculinities. …”
Published 2000
90Published 2000“…They start receiving anonymous letters saying that the animal distracts children at school, fouls the streets and – worst of all – could be carrying some special kind of African venereal disease. Sawicki and his wife are slowly excluded from the community. …”
91by Great Britain. Department of Health for Scotland“…1944 1944 1940s 32 pages had little chance to develop substantially during the war, will pass with the other responsibilities of that Act to the new joint authorities as a part of the general hospital and consultant service. Venereal diseases The service for venereal diseases is at present in the hands of the county and county borough councils, and its allocation between those authorities and the new joint authority presents difficulty. …”
Published 1944
92by Comité International (section belge) pour la Libération des Prisonniers Politiques du Sud-Vietnam (CI(SB)LPPSV)“…Orateurs: Madame Pham Thi Minh, déléguée du Gouvernement Révolutionnaire Provisoire de la République du Sud-Vietnam ; Vénérable Thich Thien Chau, bouddhiste ; Monsieur Nguyen Van Cong, catholique ; délégué de la Communauté Vietnamienne à Paris. …”
Published 1973-1973
93by Morgan, H. B. (Hyacinth Bernard Wenceslaus Morgan), 1885-1956“…Clinics for the treatment of Venereal Diseases are being set up in various districts. …”
Published [1920?]
94by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)“…Exhibition of paintings by Paul Gauguin; exhibition of posters displaying Soviet history entitled "Conscience"; a report from the children's psychiatric clinic; the story of the most venerated Orthodox icons; an international children's camp focused on creativity and the arts; vandalism in cemeteries; the International Music Festival in Jordan. …”
Published 1988-1990
95by Monogrammist "MC"“…", auf der Mitteilungsseite gedruckt "fabrication francaise"; [Mitteilung]: auf der Ansichtseite gedruckt "Qui donne-es soldat qu´un peuple entier vénère sous cet Arc triomphal dressé pour les Héros?... …”
Published 01.01.1921
96“…Personne n'était plus digne d'occuper la charge honorifique - naguère remplie par le vénéré Constant de Kerchove de Denterghem - que son sympathique parent, Ch. de Kerchove de Denterghem, qui devint un jour le chef de l'opulente famille patricienne; sa nomination fut accueillie avec une vive joie par la population gantoise. …”
97by Labour Party (Great Britain). Advisory Committee on Public Health. Sub-committee on Maternal Mortality“…Apart from beds for sepsis there should also be beds for mothers suffering from venereal disease and from tuberculosis; these should be available before and after confinement and should be linked up with the specialist services of the County Authority for these disorders. 33. …”
Published November 1929
98“…Deafness and all cases of Locomotor Ataxy and General Paralysis of the Insane are due to this disease. 400,000 Casualties in the British Fighting Forces in 1916 from Venereal Disease alone would probably be a moderate computation. …”
99by Melman, Seymour“…Just as the Soviet planned economy venerated “the State” above all else, American capitalism views the health and eternal expansion of the free market as the ultimate goal: both propagate vast and harmful income gaps, both rely on and promote militarism—and neither leaves much room for consideration of workers’ well-being. …”
Published 2001
100“…Expo: vrij 14/1 t/m zo 20/2: 'Kin-Pression', fototentoonstelling over straatberoep Kongo; vrij 25/2 t/m zo 26/2: 'Places of Power, Objects of Veneration', fototentoonstelling over de Inuït in Canada i.s.m. het Candian (sic) Museum of Civilisation in Hull en de Canadese Ambasade (sic). …”