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2021“…Analysis of the growth errors shows that the OECD projections in the crisis years were larger in countries with more international trade openness and greater presence of foreign banks. …”
2022Published 2014“…"In this important volume, nine studies identify the complexities of protecting labour rights in a mobile global economy by assessing the role of ILO standards, as well as public, private, and public-private initiatives, in countering the potentially negative impact of international trade and investment flows on labour rights. …”
2023Published 30 June 1937“…016a-0009-001 IFTU Warsaw June 1937 RESOLUTION The General Council of the International Federation of Trade Unions, meeting in Warsaw on the 30th June, 1937, with representatives of twenty-three National Centres and nineteen International Trade Secretariats in attendance, affirms with force its full and unconditional solidarity with Republican and democratic Spain, which is fighting heroically against the aggression of Italian and German Fascism. …”
2024by VN“…Tekst: 26 June – United Nations International Day in Support of Victims of Torture/26 juin – Journée Internationale des Nations Unies pour le soutien aux victimes de la torture/26 de junio – Día Internacional de las Naciones Unidas en Apoyo de las Víctimas de la Tortura FULL TEXT AVAILABLE AT AMSAB-ISH"…”
Published 1998-2010
2025“…Ingénieur des Arts et Manufactures ; militant blanquiste de l'Association internationale des travailleurs et de la Commune de Paris ; en exil à Londres jusqu'en 1880. …”
2027“…Tekst: In het kader van de Internationale Vrouwendag/dans le cadre de la Journée Internationale des Femmes. Feest van de vrouwen tegen armoede en geweld/Fête des femmes contre la pauvreté et la violence. …”
2028by VN“…Tekst: 26 June – United Nations International Day in Support of Victims of Torture/26 juin – Journée Internationale des Nations Unies pour le soutien aux victimes de la torture/26 de junio – Día Internacional de las Naciones Unidas en Apoyo de las Víctimas de la Tortura FULL TEXT AVAILABLE AT AMSAB-ISH"…”
Published 1998-2010
2029by De Well, J.“…Opschrift achteraan: Premières journées Internationale des Jeunesses Socialistes des fêtes de Pâcques. …”
Published 1930-1939
2030Published 1948.“…Rapport de la commission de la Fédération Démocratique Internationale des Femmes qui a visité les pays du Sud-Est Asiatique et additifs présentés, lors de la discussion de ce rapport, par le comité préparatoire de la F.D.I.F. pour la convocation de la conférence des femmes d'Asie, à Budapest du 22 novembre au 2 decembre 1948 (2em congrès international des femmes pour la paix). …”
2031“…Dans le cadre de lAnnée internationale des coopératives, Coop FR a organisé, le 15 février 2012, à linitiative du Groupe parlementaire détudes de léconomie sociale, un colloque à lAssemblée Nationale : « Les coopératives, des entreprises pour un monde meilleur ». …”
2034“…This was due to the differential effect of the downturn on different sectors where some sectors such as the construction and public sectors were significantly hit, while the international traded sectors have been relatively immune from the downturn and have seen continued growth. …”
2035by Schevenels, Walther, b. 1894“…To Affiliated National Centres. To International Trade Secretariats. Dear Comrades, In accordance with the urgent request received from our Spanish National Centre, and after consultation of the members of the Executive and the leaders of the LSI, we have decided to call a special joint meeting of the IFTU General Council and the LSI Executive to discuss the situation in Spain. …”
Published 27 November 1936
2036“…Chambelland à propos de la conférence de Berlin (1er Congrès CGTU à Saint-Etienne) - DOCUMENT 10 - Discours de Boüet à Saint-Etienne - DOCUMENT 11 - Discours de Lecoin à Saint-Etienne - DOCUMENT 12 - Discours de Semard à Saint-Etienne - DOCUMENT 13 - La partie internationale des deux motions en présence à Saint-Etienne - DOCUMENT 14 - Les résultats de Saint-Etienne jugés par un communiste internationaliste, Alfred Rosmer //…”
2039“…(ii) to what extent does wage bargaining shape the effect of trade on wages? International trade favours exports but also creates opportunities for offshoring. …”
2040by Pelkmans, Jacques, Lejour, Arjan M., Schrefler, Lorna, Mustilli, Federica, Timini, Jacopo“…The study was commissioned by the Ex-Ante Impact Assessment Unit of the Directorate for Impact Assessment and European Added Value, within the Directorate General for Parliamentary Research Services (DG EPRS) of the General Secretariat of the European Parliament, at the request of the European Parliament’s Committee on International Trade (INTA). The main conclusions were presented to the MEPs on 1 April 2014 in the INTA Committee."…”
Published 2014