61Published October 1944“…His results are shown below:—* Unemployed Employed Average income 29/2½ 51/6 Average size of family 4.26 3.83 Crude death rate 31 9 Standardised death rate 26 11½ * Adapted from Condition of Britain, p.95. 15X/2/98/13…”
62Published May 1944“…The following are the number of deaths during the first year of life per thousand live births.…”
63“…J. MACKENZIE, Secretary. 31st December, 1925. 200/B/3/2/C693/1/48…”
64by Roberts, Wilfrid“…This was our ordinary routine meeting of the National Joint Committee, and a number of questions quite apart from the Basque children were discussed. …”
Published 28 May 1937
65Published 31 March 1950“…1950-03-31 1950 1950s 8 pages NUTRITION Little change is shown, compared with earlier years, in the results of the clinical surveys of the nutritional state of school children, 94 per cent. of whom were found to be of good nutritional state. …”
66by Beveridge, William Henry Beveridge, Baron, 1879-1963. Social insurance and allied services“…Number of persons Proportion of these in poverty. …”
Published January-February 1943
67by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)“…Выходит в эфир в 21:00 (c 1972 года) с хронометражем в 30 минут, до 31 декабря 1989 года выходил также повтор программы в 12:30.…”
Published 1986-1988
68Published October 1944“…Omit the words Nearly all the remainder. Page 17. The numbers of unemployed (i.e., those registered with the Ministry of Labour) are given in thousands. …”
69by Atholl, Katharine Marjory Stewart-Murray, Duchess of, 1874-1960“…SEE printed matter 292/946/16b/31…”
Published 1 November 1937
70by Hill, Leonard, Sir, 1866-“…— In order to determine the kinds of dietaries provided for munition workers, specimen meals were obtained, by personal visit or otherwise, from a number of canteens attached to munition works, and to serve as a contrast, from other sources as well. …”
Published October 1917
71Published 31 March 1950“…1950-03-31 1950 1950s 8 pages The figures for diphtheria immunisation showed a gratifying improvement. …”
72Published 2 March 1938“…Another way in which the work of Student Nurses could be relieved would be by increasing the number of ward maids employed. We agree that considerable improvement has been made in this respect during the past decade, but we feel that there is room for further substantial reform in this respect. 30. …”
73Published October 1944“…£26 5s. 0d. maximum 10/- £31 10s. 0d. „ 8/- £36 15s. 0d. …”
74“…(a) The Council shall have power to add to its numbers. (b) The Council shall have power to elect an Executive, if development of the work renders this necessary. …”
75Published 24 May 1946“…In particular we consider the provision for appointment of "at least two members with experience in mental health" fixes too low a minimum and we should like an assurance that the actual number of such appointments will bear an adequate relationship to the mental hospitals in each region. …”
76by International Federation of Trade Unions“…They denounce the increasing and reckless support given by the Fascist Powers to the rebel generals in violation of international law, and especially the presence in growing numbers of German and Italian soldiers in Spain. In view of these alarming facts, the two Internationals repeat that there can be no question of equality between the legal Government of the Spanish Republic and the bloodstained bands led by the rebel generals, and that the Government is fully entitled to obtain all the means necessary for its defence. …”
Published 05 December 1936
77Published 31 March 1950“…1950-03-31 1950 1950s 8 pages Decline in Mortality. Dr. …”
78by Great Britain. Office of the Minister of Reconstruction. Social insurance ; Great Britain. Inter-departmental Committee on Social Insurance and Allied Services. Social insurance and allied services ; Beveridge, William Henry Beveridge, Baron, 1879-1963, Clarke, Joan Simeon“…Not only is the number of pensioners increasing, but there is a steady demand that the amount of the pensions shall also increase. …”
Published 1 October 1944
79by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)“…An Interview with a Solidarity Activist at the Wedel Works[from: Wola, no. 34(117) (15 October 1984)]Three years after the introduction of martial law and the subsequent banning of Solidarity, the labor union still has the passive, when not active, support of a large number of Poles. In many factories the Solidarity committees have survived to this day. …”
Published 1985-01-30T00:00:00Z-1985-01-30T23:59:59Z
80Published 1944“…The Minister of Health and his Ministry are still left responsible for a number of functions only remotely associated with health. …”