3801Published 1924“…It is the limit of absurdity that a patient treated at an infirmary, who pays the approved charges for his treatment, should count as a destitute person ! Bring to these State hospitals the inspiration which has made the voluntary hospitals what they are, and more will be done for the health of the nation than could be obtained by a scheme of "unification.…”
3802Published 1924“…Buchan began by observing that the hospital problem in this country owed its origin to four factors : (1) an increasing urbanization of the population with a deterioration of living conditions; (2) the awakening of the health conscience of the people, giving rise to a demand for further hospital provision; (3) a greater measure of thoughtfulness and care in the means for the relief of poverty; (4) an ever-increasing improvement and complexity in medical and surgical science, bringing within the scope of the hospital large numbers of cases which previously could be treated at home. …”
3803by Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (SPD), Landesverband Bayern, Schmude, Heinz, Druckhaus Neue Presse, Coburg“…Meine vielfältigen beruflichen und politischen Erfahrungen, meine Art, die Probleme deutlich anzusprechen und die Bereitschaft zum Gespräch mit Ihnen, das bringe ich mit. Dies soll für mich Grundlage für eine solide Vertretung der Bürger sein. [] Ihr [] Wolfgang Härtel [] Ihre Zweitstimme ist genauso wichtig! …”
Published 15.10.1978
3804“…[] Und wenn ich wieder kehre, [] bring ich euch Ruhm und Ehre ..." [] Ob die Mühle rickeracke [] sie wohl mahlet mit Geknacke?!? …”
3805by Socialist Labour Party of America“…It is the only conceivable form of social and industrial administration that gives the workers collectively a democratic mastery of their tools and products. [] Socialism is the answer to all our grave and pressing social problems. [] - It is the cure for recurring war because it replaces the international struggle for markets and other forms of economic competition with economic cooperation, thus creating a foundation for durable peace. [] - It is the cure for recurring economic depression because it replaces capitalist production for private profit with production for human needs, thus freeing social production from the anarchy, waste and restrictions of private ownership and an unpredictable market. [] - It is the answer to the problem of poverty in the midst of plenty, for it ends the exploitation of class by class and assures that every worker will receive the full social value of his labor. [] - It is the answer to the threat of unemployment - a threat underscored by the rapid spread of automation - because democratic control of industry empowers the workers to utilize new machinery to reduce working hours rather than to eliminate jobs. [] - It is the cure for race prejudice because it cleanses society of the sordid material interests that foment racism and because it creates the economic foundation and cooperative climate for universal human brotherhood. [] - Socialism is also the answer to crime and juvenile delinquency, to the alarming spread of mental illness, alcoholism, dope addiction, and other manifestations of capitalist decadence, for it will replace irrational, inhuman relationships with rational, human ones. [] To bring to birth this sane society of peace, abundance and freedom, the Socialist Labor Party appeals to the working class of America, and to all social minded citizens, to support its principles at the polls by voting for the candidates of the Socialist Labor Party. …”
Published 08.11.1960
3806“…Nationalisation of the land is essential if we are to improve the food situation, bring peace to our agriculture and alleviate the lot of many millions of refugees. …”
3807by Jackson, Starkey“…It means that instead of fighting for the overthrow of the whole decaying system which brings unemployment, misery and war to the masses, the working class must limit its struggles to electing a coalition government, which, they hope will grant them a few reforms and keep fascism at bay. …”
Published March 1939
3808“…Freitags vor die hohe Versammlung bringe, wozu es [] 3. nothwendig erscheinen dürfte, daß die hohe Versammlung sogleich die öffentliche Verhandlung bis auf Freitag vertage, und den von der Eommission zu bringenden Bericht über die Robotablösung mit Hintansetzung aller anderen Gegenstände als den wichtigsten und dringendsten zuerst und allein auf die Tagesordnung für Freitag bringe. [] Brünn, am 8. …”
3809Published 01 February 1938“…Port, Customs, Consular and other Regulations. (1) If the Shipper has not furnished all particulars necessary to enable the Bill of Lading to be made out in accordance with the prescriptions and regulations of the Port, Customs, Consular or any other Authorities, and all Consular, Health or other Certificates required to accompany the goods, then all detention, charges or penalties accruing to the ship or her cargo owing to the want of any such particulars or certificates shall be borne and paid for by the Shipper and/or Owner of the goods. (2) The Consignee and/or Owner of the goods shall bear and pay all tonnage dues, shed dues, harbour dues, custom dues and charges, wharfage charges, and other dues and charges payable in respect of the goods. (3) The Shipper and/or Owner of the goods shall comply with the regulations and requirements of all Port, Customs and other Authorities, and shall bear and pay all duties, taxes, fines imposts expenses, loss or damage of whatever nature incurred or suffered by reason of the breach thereof, or of the illegal, incorrect or insufficient marking, numbering or addressing of packages or description of their contents, and shall indemnify the Carrier and his agents and the ship and the Owners of the other cargo on board against all claims, demands, losses and expenses in respect thereof, and shall pay demurrage at the rate hereafter provided for any detention of the ship thereby caused. (4) In the event of the goods by reason of their not being marked with the name of the country from which they are exported, or for any other reasons of any kind, not complying with the Customs Regulations at the port of discharge, the Carrier shall be at liberty to bring back, or to re ship such goods to the port of shipment at the sole risk and expense of the Shipper and/or Owner of the goods. (5) Should the Carrier desire to discharge, beyond usual Customs hours the Consignee and/or Owner of the good shall if so required, sign immediately an application for that purpose. …”
3810Published 01 February 1938“…Port, Customs, Consular and other Regulations. (1) If the Shipper has not furnished all particulars necessary to enable the Bill of Lading to be made out in accordance with the prescriptions and regulations of the Port, Customs, Consular or any other Authorities, and all Consular, Health or other Certificates required to accompany the goods, then all detention, charges or penalties accruing to the ship or her cargo owing to the want of any such particulars or certificates shall be borne and paid for by the Shipper and/or Owner of the goods. (2) The Consignee and/or Owner of the goods shall bear and pay all tonnage dues, shed dues, harbour dues, custom dues and charges, wharfage charges, and other dues and charges payable in respect of the goods. (3) The Shipper and/or Owner of the goods shall comply with the regulations and requirements of all Port, Customs and other Authorities, and shall bear and pay all duties, taxes, fines, imposts, expenses, loss or damage of whatever nature incurred or suffered by reason of the breach thereof, or of the illegal, incorrect or insufficient marking, numbering or addressing of packages, or description of their contents, and shall indemnify the Carrier and his agents and the ship and the Owners of the other cargo on board against all claims, demands, losses and expenses in respect thereof, and shall pay demurrage at the rate hereafter provided for any detention of the ship thereby caused. (4) In the event of the goods by reason of their not being marked with the name of the country from which they are exported, or for any other reasons of any kind, not complying with the Customs Regulations at the port of discharge, the Carrier shall be at liberty to bring back, or to re-ship such goods to the port of shipment at the sole risk and expense of the Shipper and/or Owner of the goods. (5) Should the Carrier desire to discharge, beyond usual Customs hours the Consignee and/or Owner of the goods shall, if so required, sign immediately an application for that purpose. …”
3811“…Seine Aeußerung beweist, was man vom Zentrum zu gewärtigen hat: Regierung, bringe nur ein Arbeitswilligenschutzgesetz ein; wir lassen mit uns reden. [] Die ganze Nichtswürdigkeit der Zentrumspolitik aber kommt am Klarsten in seiner [] Haltung zur preußischen Wahlrechtsfrage [] zum Ausdruck. …”
3812by Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (SPD), Bundesvorstand, Hannoversche Presse“…[] Wenn ich das nächstemal komme, bringe ich Ihnen mehr Einzelheiten über alle die Fragen, die Sie interessieren, und ich hoffe sehr, daß Sie dann auch den Wunsch haben werden, mit uns zusammen zu arbeiten." [] Diese kleinen gedruckten Blättchen werden in den Briefkasten gesteckt, wenn niemand zu Hause angetroffen wurde. …”
Published 1950
3813“…Schenken Sie diesen Frauen und Männern, die in Ihrem Bezirk wohnen, Ihr Vertrauen: [] Jahre [] Brings, Klaus Beamter Merscheider Str. 11 29 [] Liß, Heinrich Sachbearbeiter Altenbrückstr. 93 52 [] Losch, Klaus Verkaufs-Ing. …”
3814by Fight for Freedom, Editorial & Publishing Services Ltd.“…We want it and we have to bring it, otherwise Socialism and all what it involves, has no future. …”
Published ca. 1943
3815“…., ich verspreche Ihnen, ich werde mich darum kümmern, daß möglichst rasch etwas geschieht. [] Herzlichen Gruß [] Irmgard Gaertner [] Ein Programm für Bad Godesberg [] Mehr, bessere, billigere Wohnungen/Altenheime [] Leistungsfähige Straßen und Nahverkehrsmittel [] Moderne Schulen, Kindertagesstätten und Tagesstätten [] Mehr Geld für Sport und Freizeitgestaltung [] Gaertnerin-Salat [] oder wie ich mir schnell helfe [] Ich höre die Stimme meines Mannes: "Hallo, Irmgard, ich bringe Gäste mit, hast du was zu essen?" [] Was jetzt? …”
3816“…Ich kann so zwei Fliegen mit einer Klappe schlagen, weil ich noch die Unterschriftensammlung für die Treueliste zur Kriegsgefangenen-Gedenkwoche im Ort durchführen will. [] Ich sagte schon, daß ich das Material nicht verstreue, sondern offen und legal jedem Bewohner unseres Ortes ins Haus bringe. Ebenso kann ich an zwei Stellen des Ortes Plakate kleben, was mir nach Rücksprache mit den betreffenden Stellen zugestanden wurde. …”
3817by Meitmann, Karl, Hamburger Buchdruckerei und Verlagsanstalt Auer & Co., Hamburg“…Bis dahin müsse man jedoch mit allen Möglichkeiten rechnen. Darum bringe er sein Geld in Sicherheit. [] Bestellzettel [] Hierdurch bestelle ich [] das "Hamburger Echo" * [] das "Volksblatt für Bergedorf-Lohbrügge" * [] das "Volksblatt für Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg" * [...] …”
Published 14.09.1930