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  1. 2821
    Published August 1942
    “…It would be purely consultative, and, in general, the patient would be accompanied by the practitioner who has recommended him and would attend at an appointed time to see a particular individual. Here again psychiatry would need to have a higher status than hitherto. …”
  2. 2822
    “…Le fonctionnement du Centre de Santé Mentale peut faire apparaître des facteurs chronifiants : le mode d’intervention lié à une seule grille d’interprétation, la sélection dans la prise en charge des patients, le psychiatre comme animateur de groupe pluridisciplinaire, la formation et la déformation de chacun des membres de cette équipe, l’absence de lien avec le secteur hospitalier et les services d’urgences, etc… Au moment où des options capitales doivent être prises dans le domaine de la santé par la remise en cause de la sécurité sociale et de la multiplication de l’assistance à l’individu, il semble important d’évaluer le travail entrepris dans les Centres de Santé Mentale. …”
  3. 2823
    “…We further pledge to promote and protect the full enjoyment of fundamental human rights and freedoms of all individuals, in particular, sexual and reproductive rights. …”
  4. 2824
    by Hill, Leonard, Sir, 1866-
    Published October 1917
    “…It is, however, proper to infer that the hostel inmates are not on the whole under-nourished, although individual instances show that the Ministry was well advised in adopting this systematic control. …”
  5. 2825
    Published 30 April 1938
    “…Their adoption would, however, involve a re-examination of the existing health provision for individuals. Such specialist services as those dealing with tuberculosis and venereal disease should continue much in their present form; such services as those provided for mothers and infants and for school children will need substantial modification if overlapping with the general medical service is to be avoided. 100. …”
  6. 2826
    “…Je weet dat het moet opgevat worden als de totale uiting van het scheppend vermogen van de mens als sociaal individu, dus van de manier waarop hij zijn leven in de gemeenschap beleeft. …”
  7. 2827
    Published 1924
    “…Moreover, it only applied to some workers in some factories, whereas all the individuals in the neighbourhood might use the hospital. …”
  8. 2828
    by Nursing Times
    Published 11 November 1944
    “…— Chief officials of the Division of Nursing, ex-officio ; nursing and midwifery representatives of the Central Health Services Council ; representatives of various nursing and midwifery interests appointed by the Minister as individuals; nominees of chief professional organizations in proportion to membership; chief nursing officers of other Ministries, for example * Existing national machinery for nurses and midwives, such as the Rushcliffe Committee and the National Advisory Council on Recruitment and Distribution, has an indispensable function at the present stage, and, for the time being, should be maintained. …”
  9. 2829
    Published 06 November 1936
    “…It meant the sinking of all petty differences; the sacrifice of a certain amount of individualism and personal preferences and ideas when Catholic Unity required it. …”
  10. 2830
    “…The GEFONT has formally been registered as the FIRST national Trade Union Confederation in the country [] Objectives: [] Co-ordinate and unite the individual unions under the umbrella of GEFONT and launch the movement effectively for the professional and political rights and build up solidarity in action, [] Expose and publicise the facts of social humiliation and suppression that workers of Nepal are facing in their everyday life, [] Undertake action oriented research and surveys on different issues related to the workers, [] Launch workers' struggle against socio-political exploitation, [] Advise and pressurise the Government and develop alternative programmes in connection with the formulation of labour policy [] Struggle for the Workers' right of participation in every socio-politikal activities, and for the building up of just society with full freedom, [] Struggle for the protection, promotion and progress of sovereignty, independent economy and culture of the notion and stand for to workers' internationalism, [] Extend relations with the workers of to world and support their movements, educate workers' by trade union education to attain the industrial democracy and to strengthen their capacity in CBA-tactics, [] Struggle and contribute the movement against all forms of international reactionary networks, [] Basic Principles: [] GEFONT believes, [] that people and nation are the supreme source of power. [] that the sovereignty lies on people. [] that the prosperity of a nation is fully possible only when enemies of people, e.g. feudalism, imperialism, hegemonism, bureaucratic and compradore capitalism are abolished. [] that only the people of Nepal have the right and responsibility to eliminate unelected institutions and to establish peoples' democracy in Nepal. [] that the revolutionary solidarity among he people of oil suppressed stratas and exploited profession is the key force of workers' movement. [] that exercise of oil possible means of peaceful movement such as dialogues, pressures and strikes can solve the workers' problems and only the militant solidarity can safeguard the dignity, unity and rights of the worker us a whole. [] Immediate demands of GEFONT: [] 1 Declare he National Labour Policies based on our "labour policy" passed by second national congress of GEFONT. …”
  11. 2831
    “… [] Zur Bewältigung unseres öffentlichen Individual- und Massenverkehrs brauchen wir leistungsfähige Umgehungsstraßen (West- und Ostumgehung) sowie attraktive Straßenbahnen und Omnibusse. …”
  12. 2832
    “…L’horreur instinctive que ressent tout individu sensible devant la mécanisation progressive de la vie est une réaction pleinement justifiée. …”
  13. 2833
    Published 1924
    “…" Such statements are absurd, for the medical and nursing staffs rarely know on what terms individual patients are admitted, and the doctor does not lend himself to such exploitation — he has too much respect for his work. …”
  14. 2834
    by Nursing Times
    Published 11 November 1944
    “…At the present stage in the development of our nursing services, the promotion of local money-raising activities in aid of individual nurses is felt to be derogatory to the nurse's professional status. …”
  15. 2835
  16. 2836
    “…., grandes écoles, etc.) dans un même ensemble universitaire cogéré, permettant évolutions et interconnexions, supprimant cloisons étanches, impasses et cascades d'éliminations, favorisant une orientation progressive sans caractère autoritaire. [] - Contenu nouveau : contre les idéologies réactionnaires et les pédagogies autoritaires, pour la science liée à la recherche et à la technique vivantes, ouverte sur l'ensemble de la pratique sociale, formant l'individu, le producteur, le citoyen, participant activement à toutes les décisions concernant la vie économique, politique, culturelle de la nation. [] - Moyens puissants : construction de nouveaux établissements; formation rénovée d'un nombre suffisant de maîtres. [] - Style de vie : allocation d'études permettant à tous les étudiants de se consacrer à temps complet à leur formation; développement des oeuvres socio-culturelles cogérées. [] Il est possible d'imposer au pouvoir de premières mesures. …”
  17. 2837
    “…Elle n´existe pas car, pour cela aussi, la France a conservé une manière de penser datant de 1789 : "la souveraineté réside essentiellement dans la Nation. Nul corps, nul individu ne peut exercer d´autorité qui n´en EMANE, expressément". [] Il ne pouvait être question en 1789 de démocratie directe, le tiers état étant composé dans sa majorité de gens qui ne savaient même pas lire. [] La démocratie est représentative par tradition. [] LE SOUVERAIN, C'EST L´ELU. [] Etant citoyen, je suis une partie du souverain. …”
  18. 2838
    “…Pourquoi Adorno a changé d’avis sur le surréalisme après 1945, Heinz Steinert L’avènement du fascisme provoqua l’ambivalence d’Adorno face à un processus artistique où l’individu est présenté comme anéanti et impossible, comme « effacé ».Dès lors, les apparences de libération ne servent, selon lui, qu’à physiquement procéder à une liquidation camouflant une incapacité à s’identifier avec le collectif. …”
  19. 2839
    “…Le sentiment de crise n’est-il pas présent là encore lorsque l’individu ne perçoit plus l’État comme instance exclusive et suprême de gouvernance ? …”
  20. 2840
    “…The courts have said a municipality may enact regulations in the interest of public safety, health, welfare or convenience, but these may not abridge the individual liberties secured by the Constitution to those who wish to speak, write, print or circulate information or opinion. [] 4. …”
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