Rasshirennoe zasedanie Pravitel'stva Rossii 4 marta 1994 goda . Rasshirennoe zasedanie Pravitel'stva Rossii 4 marta 1994 goda . Extended Session of the Russian Government on March 4, 1994. . Расширенное заседание Правительства России 4 марта 1994 года

This program was broadcast by Ostankino television (Moscow) in the Russian Federation and recorded by the moniotring group at the Research Institute of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty in Munich as part of their effort to track and analyze the official media of the countires of the former Soviet Unio...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)
Institution:Open Society Archives at Central European University
Format: VIDEO
Published: 1993-1995
Online Access:http://hdl.handle.net/10891/osa:59e6150c-f1f9-4edc-872f-5f2826eb59c7

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