Interviews (Interjúk)

Owing to his frankness and openness, András Hegedűs became a favorite target for interviewers from the mid-80s onwards. Not only was he a politician from the Stalinist era who did not hide his own mistakes or try to cover up uncomfortable facts, but he was also unique in his ability to become a crea...

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Bibliographic Details
Institution:Open Society Archives at Central European University
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Summary:Owing to his frankness and openness, András Hegedűs became a favorite target for interviewers from the mid-80s onwards. Not only was he a politician from the Stalinist era who did not hide his own mistakes or try to cover up uncomfortable facts, but he was also unique in his ability to become a creative professional scholar after his political career finished. As the political boundaries gradually melted, Hegedűs` ideas, beliefs and memoirs received outstanding attention in the Hungarian press during this transitory period. In Hungarian: Hegedűs András a magyarországi enyhülés idején, a nyolcvanas évek második felétől vált az interjúkészítő újságírók kedvencévé. Ennek alapvető oka Hegedűs nyílt, őszinte, a tényeket nem kendőző, saját hibáit vállaló emberi magatartásában található. Ezen kívül talán Hegedűs volt az egyetlen a sztálini korszak szocializmusának vezetői közül, aki nemcsak politikusként, hanem valamely szakma képviseletében is alkotó tudott lenni. Így a nemzetközi és hazai változások után a magyar sajtóban is igen nagy számban kaptak teret Hegedűs gondolatai, emlékei interjúk formájában. Accruals not expected