Showing 181 - 200 results of 349 for search '((((((international left) OR (international a))) OR (internationale des))) OR (((((international press) OR (international de))) OR (international women's)))) opposition', query time: 0.30s Refine Results
  1. 181
    by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)
    Published 1989-04-20T00:00:00Z-1989-04-20T23:59:59Z
    “…International Politics: <br/>- Two-day NATO meeting ends with announcement <br/>- Austrian delegation deported from Romania after ten hours in detention <br/>- Walesa visits Pope John Paul II <br/>- Last week's disaster in Sheffield, England <br/>- Soviet, Czechoslovak, Poland and GRD correspondents on whether the institution of recall exists in these countries, and if so, whether it works <br/>- Warsaw statement on peasant solidarity <br/><br/>Domestic Affairs: <br/>- Ministerial council in session today: motorway toll rescinded, chief prosecutor requests investigation of Imre Nagy trial <br/>- Pozsgay statement to Polish paper on future post of the president of the republic <br/>- Patriotic Popular Front prepares to submit motion of no confidence against the government <br/>- László Sólyom and Péter Tölgyesi commissioned to conduct opposition roundtable preparatory talks <br/>- Danube Circle opens office to prepare referendum <br/>- "Panorama" program expresses displeasure of Czechoslovak foreign ministry and press concerning Dubcek's interview <br/>- Will the Party pull out from workplaces? …”
  2. 182
    “…Bodies have been mutilated, burned, buried, dumped in rivers and left hanging from trees. The victims have included prisoners awaiting trial, detained suspects, suspects’ relatives, lawyers and witnesses to human rights violations, journalists, opposition politicians and civilians slaughtered in reprisal raids. …”
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    by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)
    Published 1972-06-15T00:00:00Z-1972-06-15T23:59:59Z
    “…Expanded Relations with Yugoslavia Border Areas Still a Problem Purge in Prague's National Theater New Pressures against Opposition Writers Deaths of two Bishops Create Further Vacancies…”
  14. 194
    by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)
    Published 1980-05-09T00:00:00Z-1980-05-09T23:59:59Z
    “…Western Bankers in Warsaw Reviewing Poland's Financial Needs Silver: Not Quite a Sterling Business Second National SPYU Congress Dissident Opposition Intensifies Student Priests No Longer to Be Drafted? …”
  15. 195
    by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)
    Published 1982-09-07T00:00:00Z-1982-09-07T23:59:59Z
    “…Dissidents Demonstrate in Support of Solidarity Opposition Members Appeal to Peace Marchers Gabor Demszky Sentenced Polish Children Fail to Appear for Summer Vacation in Hungary Does the Jesuit Order Still Have a Future in Hungary? …”
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  18. 198
    by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)
    Published 1988-05-30T00:00:00Z-1988-05-30T23:59:59Z
    “…International Politics: <br/>- Soviet-American summit <br/>- Reagan meets opposition politicians <br/>- International reactions to the summit <br/>- Yugoslav Party assembly <br/><br/>Domestic Affairs: <br/>- Legal committee discusses draft companies law <br/>- Developing the telephone and telecommunications network <br/>- Charges in the IKV director bribery case <br/>- Burial of atomic waste <br/>- Polish film week <br/><br/>Economy: <br/>- Academy and MÉM on the chances for agricultural adjustment <br/>- International conference on horned cattle Külpolitika <br/>- Szovjet-amerikai csúcstalálkozó <br/>- Reagan ellenzéki politikusokkal találkozik <br/>- A csúcstalálkozó nemzetközi visszhangja <br/>- Jugoszláv pártértekezlet Belföld <br/>- A társasági törvény tervezetét vitatja a jogi bizottság <br/>- Telefon és távközlési hálózat fejlesztés <br/>- Vádirat az IKV igazgatójának vesztegetési ügyében <br/>- Atomhulladék<br/>- Temető ügy <br/>- Lengyel filmhét <br/><br/>Gazdaság: <br/>- Az Akadémia és a MÉM a mezőgazdaság alkalmazkodási lehetőségeiről <br/>- Nemzetközi szarvasmarha tanácskozás…”
  19. 199
    by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)
    Published 1990-07-18T00:00:00Z-1990-07-18T23:59:59Z
    “…International Politics: <br/>- Russian parliament decides on free economic zones <br/>- On the independent Lithuanian armed forces <br/>- Poland prepares for monetary reform <br/>- Delors in Moscow <br/>- Mass resignations from the CPSU <br/>- Growing pressure on the Cuban opposition <br/><br/>Domestic Affairs: <br/>- József Antall in talks with NATO General Secretary <br/>- Delayed introduction of the new national curriculum <br/>- Arguments over changes to the constitution <br/><br/>Economy: <br/>- On the jurisdiction of dismissing enterprise directors <br/>- On reducing the environmental pollution caused by Trabant cars Külpolitika: <br/>- Szabad gazdasági zónákról dönt az orosz parlament <br/>- Az önálló litván haderőről <br/>- Pénzreform készül Lengyelországban <br/>- Delors Moszkvában <br/>- Tömeges kilépések a SZKP-ből <br/>- Fokozódó nyomás a kubai ellenzékre <br/><br/>Belpolitika: <br/>- Antall József a NATO főtitkárával tárgyalt <br/>- Késik az új nemzeti tanterv bevezetése <br/>- Alkotmánymódosítási viták <br/><br/>Gazdaság: <br/>- A vállalati igazgatók leváltásának jogköréről <br/>- A Trabantok környezetszennyezésének csökkentéséről…”
  20. 200
    by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)
    Published 1990-01-21T00:00:00Z-1990-01-21T23:59:59Z
    “…International Politics: <br/>- 100,000-strong human chain formed in Ukraine for national independence <br/>- Mongolia: opposition demonstrations <br/>- Yugoslav communist congress <br/>- GDR: Krenz excluded from the Party <br/><br/>Domestic Affairs: <br/>- Dunagate scandal <br/>- Visit to the Tőkés family <br/>- Elections: predicting radio and TV appearances, parties canvassing <br/>- Reactions to Csurka's radio address <br/>- András Nagy Bandó organizes Homeless Party Külpolitika: <br/>- 100 ezres élő lánccal tüntettek Ukrajnában a függetlenség mellett <br/>- Mongólia: ellenzéki tüntetés <br/>- A jugoszláv kommunisták kongresszusa <br/>- NDK: Krenzet kizárták a pártból <br/><br/>Belpolitika: <br/>- Dunagate-ügy <br/>- Látogatás a Tőkés családnál <br/>- Választás: sorsolás a rádiós és tv-s megjelenésről, pártok korteshadjárata <br/>- A Csurka rádiójegyzet visszhangja <br/>- Nagy Bandó András a Hajléktalanok Pártját szervezi…”
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