Showing 81 - 100 results of 288 for search '(((( international a opposition ) OR ( internationale de l'opposition ))) OR ((( international de opposition ) OR ((( internationale d'ete opposition ) OR ( internationale politiek opposition ))))))', query time: 4.68s Refine Results
  1. 81
  2. 82
    by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)
    Published 1989-05-29T00:00:00Z-1989-05-29T23:59:59Z
    “…International Politics: <br/>- Yeltsin still gets onto supreme council <br/>- NATO summit opens: Bush's speech <br/>- Situation in China <br/>- Brzezinski's statement to Polish opposition paper <br/>- Students' strike in Poland <br/><br/>Domestic Affairs: <br/>- Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party (MSZMP) Central Committee in session, decided to convene Party congress <br/>- György Jassó: loss of confidence not just in Károly Grósz but entire leadership can be felt in many Party organizations <br/>- Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party (MSZMP) Political Committee meets in Kiskunhalas, Imre Dudas, responsible for the massacre in 1956 at Mosonmagaróvár barracks, also discussed <br/>- It turns out 40 years later that Red Army also contributed to huge inflation of pengő <br/><br/>Economy: <br/>- Economic plan package <br/>- Government-IMF difference of opinion Külpolitika: <br/>- Jelcin mégis bekerült a legfelsőbb tanácsba <br/>- Megnyílt a NATO csúcs: Bush beszéd <br/>- Kínai helyzetkép <br/>- Brzezinski nyilatkozata egy lengyel ellenzéki lapnak <br/>- Diáksztrájkok Lengyelországban <br/><br/>Belpolitika: <br/>- MSZMP KB ülés: pártkongresszus összehívásáról döntöttek <br/>- Jassó György: sok pártszervezetben nemcsak Grósz Károly,de a vezetés egészével szemben bizalomvesztés tapasztalható <br/>- Kiskunhalasi MSZMP PB ülés: a mosonmagyaróvári sortűzért felelős Dudás Imre is szóba került <br/>- Negyven év után derült ki, hogy a pengő hatalmas inflációjához a Vörös hadsereg is hozzájárult <br/><br/>Gazdaság: <br/>- A gazdasági csomagterv <br/>- A kormány nézeteltérése a Valutaalappal…”
  3. 83
    “…Torture is a fundamental violation of human rights, condemned by the General Assembly of the United Nations as an offence to human dignity and prohibited under national and international law. …”
  4. 84
    by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)
    Published 1989-02-23T00:00:00Z-1989-02-23T23:59:59Z
    “…International Politics: <br/>- More oppositional figures judged in court in Prague <br/>- Case of young man shot at Berlin Wall investigated at high level <br/>- Situation in Kosovo <br/>- French press on the Rushdie affair <br/>- Shamir's Paris press conference <br/><br/>Domestic Affairs: <br/>- Commemorating 71st anniversary of Soviet military and naval force <br/>- A. …”
  5. 85
    by Green, Nan
    Published c. October 1950
    “…It must be emphasised that these Spanish Democrats have been arrested because of their continued activity and opposition to Franco&#039;s Fascist regime. We who remember their glorious struggle against German and Italian Fascism cannot remain silent while such a crime is being perpetrated against them. …”
  6. 86
    by Frantz, Laurent B.
    Published 12 December 1953
    “…Three of the organizations are charged with opposition to the Internal Security Act of 1950, under which they are currently on trial, and three with opposing its predecessor, the Mundt-Nixon bill. …”
  7. 87
  8. 88
  9. 89
    Published 05.1968
    “…La société de consommation est vulnérable parce qu'elle concentre dans un secteur limité de l'activité nationale les possibilités de réalisations de profit capitaliste, qu'elle suppose le fonctionnement régulier de larges secteurs non générateurs de profits devenus secteurs sociaux. [] En résumé, l'ampleur du mouvement, sa nature révolutionnaire socialiste, la paralyse de l'appareil répressif de l'Etat, l'inutilité de l'appareil parlementaire dont la dissolution a été voulue par l'opposition respectueuse puis le gouvernement, la fragilité sans précédent de l'économie dans la Société de Consommation ont créé une situation où l'instauration du pouvoir ouvrier par la [] démocratie directe des comités de base peut se réaliser avec le minimum de frais et de violence. …”
  10. 90
  11. 91
    “…Porte le sous-titre "Revue théorique mensuelle de l'Opposition communiste" de janvier 1930 à août-sept. 1931 (n° 17-34/35), puis "revue théorique mensuelle de la Ligue communiste, section française de l'Opposition communiste de gauche internationale" de mars 1932 à janvier 1933 (n° 36-46/47), puis le sous-titre disparaît. …”
  12. 92
    by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)
    Published 1972-06-15T00:00:00Z-1972-06-15T23:59:59Z
    “…Expanded Relations with Yugoslavia Border Areas Still a Problem Purge in Prague's National Theater New Pressures against Opposition Writers Deaths of two Bishops Create Further Vacancies…”
  13. 93
    by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)
    Published 1980-05-09T00:00:00Z-1980-05-09T23:59:59Z
    “…Western Bankers in Warsaw Reviewing Poland's Financial Needs Silver: Not Quite a Sterling Business Second National SPYU Congress Dissident Opposition Intensifies Student Priests No Longer to Be Drafted? …”
  14. 94
    by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)
    Published 1982-09-07T00:00:00Z-1982-09-07T23:59:59Z
    “…Dissidents Demonstrate in Support of Solidarity Opposition Members Appeal to Peace Marchers Gabor Demszky Sentenced Polish Children Fail to Appear for Summer Vacation in Hungary Does the Jesuit Order Still Have a Future in Hungary? …”
  15. 95
  16. 96
  17. 97
    by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)
    Published 1988-05-30T00:00:00Z-1988-05-30T23:59:59Z
    “…International Politics: <br/>- Soviet-American summit <br/>- Reagan meets opposition politicians <br/>- International reactions to the summit <br/>- Yugoslav Party assembly <br/><br/>Domestic Affairs: <br/>- Legal committee discusses draft companies law <br/>- Developing the telephone and telecommunications network <br/>- Charges in the IKV director bribery case <br/>- Burial of atomic waste <br/>- Polish film week <br/><br/>Economy: <br/>- Academy and MÉM on the chances for agricultural adjustment <br/>- International conference on horned cattle Külpolitika <br/>- Szovjet-amerikai csúcstalálkozó <br/>- Reagan ellenzéki politikusokkal találkozik <br/>- A csúcstalálkozó nemzetközi visszhangja <br/>- Jugoszláv pártértekezlet Belföld <br/>- A társasági törvény tervezetét vitatja a jogi bizottság <br/>- Telefon és távközlési hálózat fejlesztés <br/>- Vádirat az IKV igazgatójának vesztegetési ügyében <br/>- Atomhulladék<br/>- Temető ügy <br/>- Lengyel filmhét <br/><br/>Gazdaság: <br/>- Az Akadémia és a MÉM a mezőgazdaság alkalmazkodási lehetőségeiről <br/>- Nemzetközi szarvasmarha tanácskozás…”
  18. 98
    by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)
    Published 1990-07-18T00:00:00Z-1990-07-18T23:59:59Z
    “…International Politics: <br/>- Russian parliament decides on free economic zones <br/>- On the independent Lithuanian armed forces <br/>- Poland prepares for monetary reform <br/>- Delors in Moscow <br/>- Mass resignations from the CPSU <br/>- Growing pressure on the Cuban opposition <br/><br/>Domestic Affairs: <br/>- József Antall in talks with NATO General Secretary <br/>- Delayed introduction of the new national curriculum <br/>- Arguments over changes to the constitution <br/><br/>Economy: <br/>- On the jurisdiction of dismissing enterprise directors <br/>- On reducing the environmental pollution caused by Trabant cars Külpolitika: <br/>- Szabad gazdasági zónákról dönt az orosz parlament <br/>- Az önálló litván haderőről <br/>- Pénzreform készül Lengyelországban <br/>- Delors Moszkvában <br/>- Tömeges kilépések a SZKP-ből <br/>- Fokozódó nyomás a kubai ellenzékre <br/><br/>Belpolitika: <br/>- Antall József a NATO főtitkárával tárgyalt <br/>- Késik az új nemzeti tanterv bevezetése <br/>- Alkotmánymódosítási viták <br/><br/>Gazdaság: <br/>- A vállalati igazgatók leváltásának jogköréről <br/>- A Trabantok környezetszennyezésének csökkentéséről…”
  19. 99
    by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)
    Published 1989-08-11T00:00:00Z-1989-08-11T23:59:59Z
    “…International Politics: <br/>- Upper house of Polish parliament criticizes Warsaw Pact countries' military intervention in 1968 <br/>- Strikes in Estonia <br/>- Two prominent intellectuals excluded from Chinese CP <br/>- Developments in chaotic Polish situation <br/>- Situation in Afghanistan <br/>- Shevardnadze's visit to Kabul <br/>- Developments in Lebanese hostage case <br/><br/>Domestic Affairs: <br/>- Disarmament begins <br/>- Hungarian Helsinki Committee and Independent Refuge Committee hold press conference on problem of fleeing East German citizens <br/>- Bonn government and Foreign Ministry spokesman request complete discretion concerning GDR refugees in Hungary <br/>- Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party (MSZMP) to take part again in opposition roundtable work and three-sided talks <br/><br/>Economy: <br/>- Is there a chance that Japan will help Eastern European reform countries in their economic recovery? …”
  20. 100
    by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)
    Published 1990-08-12T00:00:00Z-1990-08-12T23:59:59Z
    “…International Politics: <br/>- Developments in the Gulf crisis <br/>- Unity of Arab opposition to Iraq falling apart <br/>- Saddam Hussein's startling statement <br/>- Gorbachev rejects Estonia's independence efforts <br/><br/>Domestic Affairs: <br/>- Hungarian citizens have left Kuwaiti territory <br/>- Congress of homeless people <br/><br/>Economy: <br/>- New oil crisis on the horizon <br/>- New vehicle number plates in circulation Külpolitika: <br/>- Öbölválság fejleményei <br/>- Szétesőben az Irak elleni arab összefogás <br/>- Szaddam Husszein megdöbbentő bejelentése <br/>- Gorbacsov elutasítja Észtország Függetlenségi törekvéseit <br/><br/>Belpolitika: <br/>- A magyar állampolgárok elhagyhatják a kuvaiti térséget <br/>- Hajléktalanok kongresszusa <br/><br/>Gazdaság: <br/>- Új olajválság a láthatáron <br/>- Forgalomba kerülnek az új gépkocsi rendszámok…”
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