Showing 241 - 260 results of 286 for search '(((( international press opposition ) OR ( international ((de l'opposition) OR (d'ete opposition)) ))) OR ((( ((international week) OR (internationale de)) opposition ) OR ( international a opposition ))))', query time: 1.59s Refine Results
  1. 241
    by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)
    Published 1989-05-13T00:00:00Z-1989-05-13T23:59:59Z
    “…International Politics: <br/>- Bush promises economic concessions for Soviet democratization and disarmament <br/>- Honecker on reform processes in some socialist countries <br/>- Shevardnadze's talks in Bonn <br/>- More tensions in Karabakh hill region <br/>- Two Soviet detectives allegedly have proof against Yegor Ligachev <br/>- Paris officially protests Romanian rights infringements <br/><br/>Domestic Affairs: <br/>- Ministerial council decides to suspend Nagymaros dam construction works with immediate effect <br/>- International conference on the future of Europe <br/>- On international, multi-party roundtable conference on the future of Europe held in Budapest <br/>- Party spokesman on the state of Kádár's health <br/>- Interview with Miklós Németh on reforming the government, the government's work and financial support for newly organizing parties <br/>- Two members of Marxist Centrum, docent Ida Vass and János Sántha, judge 1956 to have been a counter-revolution <br/>- Conversation with Ágnes Heller and Ferenc Fehér on how their fates took shape, and their publications <br/>- Interview with István Szabó, first secretary of Szolnok County Party committee on corruption in the county <br/>- Interview with László Maróthy on his career characteristic of the Kádár era <br/>- Debate between Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party (MSZMP) and Opposition Roundtable representatives over talks <br/><br/>Economy: <br/>- Ádám Angyal, managing director of Ganz-Danubius Ship and Crane Works on restructuring the industry Külpolitika: <br/>- Bush gazdasági kedvezményeket ígért a SZU-nak demokratizálásért és leszerelésért <br/>- Honecker az egyes szocialista országokban végbemenő reformfolyamatokról <br/>- Sevardnadze bonni tárgyalásai <br/>- Újabb feszültségek a Karabah-hegyvidéken <br/>- Két szovjet nyomozónak állítólag bizonyítékai vannak Jegor Ligacsov ellen <br/>- Párizs hivatalosan tiltakozott a romániai jogsértések miatt <br/><br/>Belpolitika: <br/>- A Minisztertanács úgy döntött, hogy azonnali hatállyal felfüggeszti a nagymarosi vízlépcső építési munkálatait <br/>- Nemzetközi konferencia Európa jövőjéről <br/>- Az Európa jövőjéről Budapesten tartott nemzetközi, sokpárti kerekasztal konferenciáról <br/>- Major pártszóvivő Kádár egészségi állapotáról <br/>- Interjú Németh Miklóssal a kormányátalakításról, a kormányzati munkáról és az újonnan szerveződő pártok anyagi támogatásáról <br/>- A Marxista Centrum két tagja, Vass Ida docens és Sántha János úgy ítélik meg, hogy 1956 ellenforradalom volt <br/>- Beszélgetés Heller Ágnessel és Fehér Ferenccel sorsuk alakulásáról és publikációikról <br/>- Interjú Szabó Istvánnal, a Szolnok megyei pártbizottság első titkárával a megyében meghonosodott korrupcióról <br/>- Interjú Maróthy Lászlóval a Kádár-korszakra jellemző karrierjéről <br/>- Vita a tárgyalások körül az MSZMP és az Ellenzéki Kerekasztal képviselői között <br/><br/>Gazdaság: <br/>- Angyal Ádám, a Ganz-Danubius Hajó és Darugyár vezérigazgatója a szerkezetváltásról…”
  2. 242
    by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)
    Published 1989-11-02T00:00:00Z-1989-11-02T23:59:59Z
    “…International Politics: <br/>- Changes in the GDR <br/>- Soviet legislature approves 40% increase in pensions <br/>- Warsaw Pact member countries' meeting in Sofia <br/>- Soviet citizen among protesters at Wenceslaus Square in Prague <br/><br/>Domestic Affairs: <br/>- Government in session <br/>- Bush<br/>- Pozsgay meeting <br/>- Mátyás Szűrös's tour of the provinces <br/>- Warsaw Pact membership <br/>- Financial situation of the Interior Ministry <br/>- József Antall on membership of the Council of Europe <br/><br/>Economy: <br/>- Customs allowance from the US <br/>- Financing agreement with IMF <br/>- Destruction of large companies worse than nationalization: Opposition Chamber of Commerce formed <br/>- Finnish government guarantees USD 100 million credit for Hungary Külpolitika: <br/>- Az NDK-változások <br/>- A szovjet törvényhozás 40 %-os nyugdíjemelést szavazott meg <br/>- A VSZ tagországok szófia találkozója <br/>- Szovjet állampolgár is volt a Vencel téri tüntetők között Prágában <br/><br/>Belpolitika: <br/>- Kormányülés <br/>- Bush-Pozsgay találkozó <br/>- Szűrös Mátyás vidéki körúton <br/>- VSZ <br/>- Tagság <br/>- A BM anyagi helyzete <br/>- Antall József az Európa Tanács tagságról <br/><br/>Gazdaság: <br/>- Vámkedvezmény az USA-tól <br/>- Finanszírozási szerződés a Nemzetközi Valuta Alappal <br/>- A nagyvállalatok szétverése rosszabb, mint az államosítás: Ellenzéki Gazdasági Kamara alakult <br/>- A finn kormány 100-miIlió dollár hitelt biztosít Magyarországnak…”
  3. 243
    by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)
    Published 1988-06-06T00:00:00Z-1988-06-06T23:59:59Z
    “…International Politics: <br/>- Correspondence from Beijing <br/>- American sanctions against China <br/>- Czechoslovakia also has believers in economic reform <br/><br/>Domestic Affairs: <br/>- Workers' Militia to be reduced by thirty per cent, HUF 56 million cut from military portfolio <br/>- Hungarian political organizations protest against bloodbath in Beijing <br/>- World environment day: opposition's petition to the government on Gabčíkovo-Nagymaros dam <br/>- Conference at ELTE university on human rights <br/><br/>Economy: <br/>- Talks with IMF continue <br/>- On sale of state-owned land Külpolitika: <br/>- Pekingi tudósítások <br/>- Amerikai szankciók Kína ellen <br/>- Csehszlovákiában is vannak hívei a gazdasági reformgondolkodásnak <br/><br/>Belpolitika: <br/>- 30 százalékkal csökkentik a munkásőrség létszámát; 56 milliárd forintot vonnak el a honvédelmi tárcától <br/>- Magyar politikai szervezetek tiltakozása a pekingi vérfürdő ellen <br/>- Környezetvédelmi világnap: az ellenzék petíciója a kormánynak bős-nagymarosi beruházás ügyben <br/>- Tanácskozás az ELTE-n az emberi jogokról <br/><br/>Gazdaság: <br/>- Folytatódnak a tárgyalások a Nemzetközi Valutaalappal <br/>- Az állami tulajdonú földek megvásárlásáról…”
  4. 244
    “…A plain declaration by James Walker, M.P., as to the undoubted War Guilt of the German people (Chairman's Address, Labour Party Annual Conference, 1941) provoked a storm of opposition among the German refugees and their British friends. …”
  5. 245
  6. 246
  7. 247
  8. 248
    “…Ceasefire in the Azerbaijani-Armenian conflict; trials of opposition leaders in Tajikistan; Russia's role in ending the war in Bosnia; Day of Slavic writing and culture; opening of a Green Cross International office in the Hague; elections in Hungary; Berlin joins the competition for the right to host the 2000 Olympic Games. …”
  9. 249
  10. 250
    “…Television coverage from the landing site of the astronauts; cooperation between the USSR and China; appeals from the Committee of Soviet Women to the Embassy of Pakistan to find Soviet soldiers; opposition to Pinochet's regime in Chile; Friendship Festival between youth of the USSR and Hungary; the international television festival Zlatá Praha (Golden Prague). …”
  11. 251
  12. 252
    “…Continues: Red weekly. Paper of the International Marxist Group (ZF 31333). …”
  13. 253
    Published c. October 1936
    “…015a_0008_001 SPAIN The National Executive Committee of the Labour Party, having heard the Report of the Leader and Deputy Leader of the Opposition, who visited London, and through them the reply of Mr. …”
  14. 254
    Published October 1936
    “…015a_0013(ii)_001 SPAIN The National Executive Committee of the Labour Party, having heard the Report of the Leader and Deputy Leader of the Opposition, who visited London, and through them the reply of Mr. …”
  15. 255
    “…At the same time, pressures from employers can pull in the opposite direction as organisations try to organise time in order to be more responsive, meet consumer demands, and compete both domestically and internationally. …”
  16. 256
    by Trotski, Leon
    Published 1932
    “…Trotsky ; édité par La Ligue Communiste (Section française de l'opposition communiste de gauche internationale) Fonds Perrone"…”
  17. 257
    “…Only his hunger strike, pressure from some opposition parties and the international community's outrage forced the Serbian regime to set Drašković free.…”
  18. 258
    “…Gasoline shortages in Serbia; life of old-age pensioners in Belgrade; economic situation in Yugoslavia; government economic policies; Serbo-Montenegrin relationship; political opposition in Croatia; a comic map of ex-Yugoslavia; trial of a group of officers of the Varazdin Corps; political and economic changes in Central European countries; Internet as a means to fight isolation; low aesthetic standards of Serbian state television; life-stories of Belgrade-Zagreb coach passengers; international conference on multiculturalism in multiethnic settings; the symbol of ‘Havala’ in Belgrade culture.…”
  19. 259
    by Schevenels, Walther, b. 1894
    Published 20 February 1937
    “…022_0017-001 F&Eacute;D&Eacute;RATION SYNDICALE INTERNATIONALE INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF TRADE UNIONS INTERNATIONALER GEWERKSCHAFTSBUND 9, AVENUE D&#039;ORSAY, PARIS - VIIe ADRESSE T&Eacute;L&Eacute;GRAPHIQUE: TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS: INTERFED, PARIS TELEGRAMMADRESSE: T&Eacute;L&Eacute;PHONE: INVALIDES 45-88 Situation Espagne 57 Sch/H/B. 20th February, 1937 To National Centres To International Trade Secretariats Dear Comrades, In view of the steadily increasing gravity of the Spanish situation, giving rise to fears of still more serious international complications, the IFTU Executive and the LSI Bureau, which met in Paris on the 17th February at the request of the Spanish comrades, have decided to call a special international Conference to examine the Spanish problem and its international repercussions. …”
  20. 260
    Published 2010
    “…An interdisciplinary and international team of China scholars draw on perspectives from sociology, anthropology, psychology, history and political science and covers a broad range of issues. …”
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