Showing 61 - 80 results of 276 for search '((((international a) OR (international de))) OR (international group)) opposition', query time: 0.20s Refine Results
  1. 61
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    by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)
    Published 1989-06-02T00:00:00Z-1989-06-02T23:59:59Z
    “…The Election Campaign / by Jan de Weydenthal Intricate Election Mechanics, Simple Choices / by Louisa Vinton Opposition Campaign Clarifies the Public's Options / by Louisa Vinton Party Daily Prints Report about the Beginning of World War II / by Jan de Weydenthal Urban's New "Information Order" / by Anna Swidlicka Rzeczywistosc Closes Down / by Roman Stefanowski Problems in the Judiciary / by Roman Stefanowski The Home Army Veterans Get Their Own Organization / by Roman Stefanowski…”
  4. 64
    by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)
    Published 1987-06-15T00:00:00Z-1987-06-15T23:59:59Z
    “…CC Propaganda Chief Reportedly Dismissed for Chernobyl Articles / by Toomas Ilves Growing Opposition and Unrest over Massive Mining Project / by Toomas Ilves Protest from Belorussian [Belarusian] Intellectuals to Gorbachev Published in Estonia / by Toomas Ilves Controversy within the Evangelical Lutheran Church / by Dzintra Bungs The "Grasshoppers" Strike / by Dzintra Bungs Helsinki 86 Group on the 1941 Deportations and the Latvian Language / by Dzintra Bungs Griskevicius on Lithuanian Culture / by Saulius Girnius Writers' Union Plenum / by Saulius Girnius Confessions of a Self-Proclaimed Samizdat Editor / by Saulius Girnius Suggestion for a Re-evaluation of Lithuanian History / by Saulius Girnius Possible Return of Confiscated Church / by Saulius Girnius New Tactics for Antireligious Program / by Saulius Girnius…”
  5. 65
    by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)
    Published 1989-09-20T00:00:00Z-1989-09-20T23:59:59Z
    “…Fojtik Defines CPCS Stand on Reform / by Vladimir Kusin A Czechoslovak Economic Forecaster Describes Czechoslovakia's Decline / by Jiri Pehe Joint Committee Founded by Czechoslovak and Hungarian Opposition Groups / by Jiri Pehe Absurd Protests Ridicule Prague Regime / by Jiri Pehe Intellectuals Protest against the Prosecution of Five Slovak Dissidents / by Jiri Pehe Havel Appeals to Pozsgay and Mazowiecki / by Jan Obrman Three Slovak Artists Demand the Rehabilitation of Dubcek and the Reassessment of the Prague Spring / by Jiri Pehe Prague: Public Concern about the Ecological Situation Grows / by Jan Obrman Ethnic Minorities and Foreigners / by Jan Obrman…”
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    by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)
    Published 1989-01-15T00:00:00Z-1989-01-15T23:59:59Z
    “…<br/>- A vegyi fegyverekkel foglalkozó párizsi értekezlet <br/>- A Crna Gora-i fejlemények <br/>- A lengyel helyzet alakulása <br/>- A lengyel demokrata párt elítéli a hivatalos szakszervezet reform-ellenességét <br/>- Prágában rohamrendőrség vízágyúkkal oszlatta szét a tüntetőket <br/><br/>Belpolitika: <br/>- Egyházi személyiségek felhívása Európához a romániai magyar testvérekért való könyörgésre <br/>- Hazánkban az amerikai képviselőház küldöttsége <br/>- Társadalmi szervezetté alakult a Független Jogász Fórum <br/>- "Rádió Juventus Balaton " néven rövidesen új regionális stúdió kezd sugározni a Balaton partján <br/>- Gosztonyi Péter hadtörténész: "Nem a dilettantizmus, hanem a rosszul informáltság és a téves politikai látásmód okozta a doni katasztrófát" <br/>- A magyar holocaust <br/>- Című mű és szerzője <br/>- Csurka István: "A halottak nem kerültek elő, de a gyilkosok megvannak" <br/>- Romániai embercsempészek megjelenése Debrecenben…”
  10. 70
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    by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)
    Published 1989-06-16T00:00:00Z-1989-06-16T23:59:59Z
    “…The Aftermath of the Elections / by Jan de Weydenthal Official Results Confirm Opposition Triumph in Elections / by Louisa Vinton The Non-Solidarity Opposition after the First Round of Voting / by Anna Swidlicka Solidarity Citizens' Committee Prepares for Second Round of Elections / by Louisa Vinton Electoral Law Amended to Cope with Defeat of National List / by Louisa Vinton Reactions in Eastern Europe to the Elections / by Jeremy King Poland's Debts Hamper the Economy / by Roman Stefanowski…”
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  13. 73
    by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)
    Published 1989-07-30T00:00:00Z-1989-07-30T23:59:59Z
    “…International Politics: <br/>- New leadership of the Polish United Workers' Party <br/>- Group of representatives demands radical reform in the USSR <br/>- From Tuesday, restrictions on the price of foodstuffs will be lifted in Poland <br/>- Cambodia conference in Paris <br/><br/>Domestic Affairs: <br/>- Zoltán Király forms parliamentary opposition group <br/>- Conversation with two witnesses to the 1956 shootings at Salgótarjáni <br/>- Conversation with János Erdélyi and Dezső Zsigmond who for two months have been making a film about the massacre at Mosonmagyaróvár <br/>- What did János Kádár take with him to his grave? …”
  14. 74
    by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)
    Published 1989-10-16T00:00:00Z-1989-10-16T23:59:59Z
    “…Brandt Moszkvában <br/>- Parlamenti beszámoló Varsóból <br/><br/>Belpolitika: <br/>- Minisztertanács ülése: címer, nemzeti ünnepek, Munkásőrség, Bős-Nagymaros kérdése <br/>- Fővárosi Tanács: utcanevek <br/>- Erdős André beszéde a kisebbségvédelemről, nemzetiségi jogokról <br/>- Perez de Cuellar fogadta Paskai László bíborost <br/>- Menekültügy <br/>- A Tőkés-ügy további fejleményei <br/><br/>Gazdaság: <br/>- Jelképes földfoglalást tartott az Országos Gazdaszövetség <br/>- Az ellenzék a Világkiállításról <br/>- Magyar Alumíniumipari Tröszt <br/>- Estée Lauder cég leányvállalatot alapított Budapesten…”
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    by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)
    Published 1986-04-04T00:00:00Z-1986-04-04T23:59:59Z
    “…He recognizes that Solidarity can be effective as a pressure group, especially on the local, factory level; but he believes that it would stand a better chance of bringing about change if a struggle were to take place within the Polish communist party or a new configuration in the international political arena to come about. …”
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