Summary: | childhood of Rita Tamás, winter holiday in Jósvafő, stalagmite cave, Rita &grandpa & making coffee, 3 years old birthday, the happy family, washing hair, family visit, trabant with T sign (learner driver), Balatonlelle, sailing-boat, amusment park, TV for Christmas, Easter in Naszvad, climbing on the may-pole, closing celebration in the nursury, 1 day in the Margaret-island, Danika the young brother at home, children in sunglasses, playing, swing in the flat, grandma's funeral (2 photos), the Lake Velence, on the Gellért-hill, in the City-park, Tata Fényes-bath, 1967-1968, walking to Zsámbék, Rita making homeworks, Danika putting things together