Summary: | Extracts from Polish underground publications compiled and translated into English by the RFE Polish Publication Unit for broadcasting purposes. Introductions to most articles are provided by RFE staff, and items are compiled in issues based mainly on theme and date.
An Open Letter to Solidarity Members and Sympathizers / by Władysław Frasyniuk[from: Tygodnik Mazowsze, no. 112 (10 January 1985)]Władysław Frasyniuk is the Solidarity Chairman for the Lower Silesian Region. Immediately after martial law was imposed, Frasyniuk went underground and led in Wrocław one of the most active centers of Solidarity resistance. Arrested in October 1981, he was sentenced to six years in prison. He was released under the amnesty of 22 July 1984. In this open letter, published by the main underground weekly for the Warsaw area, Frasyniuk sums up the possible course of action for Solidarity members and supporters under the present circumstances. Frasyniuk was re-arrested, together with Solidarity leaders Adam Michnik and Bogdan Lis, on February 15 and charged with organizing an illegal protest action.
A Happy Solution? An Interview with Bogdan Borusewicz[from: Bez Dekretu, no. 1 (November 1984)]Bogdan Borusewicz has been active in the democratic opposition since the mid-1970s. He was a member of KOR and of the Founding Committee for Free Trade Unions of the Seaboard, which was instrumental in organizing the strike in the Lenin Shipyard in Gdańsk in 1980. When martial law was declared, Borusewicz went underground and joined Bogdan Lis, Aleksander Hall, Stanisław Jarosz, and Marian Świtek in setting up the underground Regional Coordinating Committee of Solidarity for the Gdańsk area. After the arrest of Bogdan Lis in June 1984, Borusewicz became a member of the National Interim Coordinating Committee (TKK). "Bez Dekretu" [Without Edict] is an underground journal published by Solidarity members and sympathizers in Kraków. This interview was published simultaneously in the Paris-based émigré publication "Kultura," no. 11(446) (November 1984).
Modus Vivendi: An Interview with Professor Klemens Szaniawski[from: Vacat, no. 17/18 (May/June 1984)]This interview wiuh Klemens Szaniawski, Professor of Philosophy at Warsaw University, took place in 1983 and was originally intended for "Tygodnik Polski" but was not accepted by the editors. In May 1984 Szaniawski was elected Rector of Warsaw University. His election, however, was not approved by the ministry.
A Party Poll[from: Kontra, no. 83 (20 December 1984)]The biweekly publication of Solidarity in the Toruń region describes the results of a poll that was conducted under party auspices in October 1984. It focused on problems of everyday life as seen by workers in Toruń Voivodeship, but its findings were never made public. The introductory paragraph from the Solidarity paper has been omitted in translation.
A Conversation with an Officer of the People's Militia about the Murder of Father Popiełuszko[from: Nasz Czas, no. 34 (29 November 1984)]This short interview was published in a biweekly underground publication "Nasz Czas" [Our Time] that appears in Gdańsk.