Summary: | An information bulletin produced by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty based on extensive monitoring of communist bloc news outlets and primarily intended for internal circulation. Pieces were generally contributed by the staff of the research and analysis departments and treated current affairs in the region.
The Popieluszko Trial
Legal Aspects of the Trial / by Anna Swidlicka
A Glimpse at the Security Police at Work / by Janusz Bugajski
The Church Attacked / by Ewa Chciuk Celt
Jaruzelski Visits Solidarity's Birthplace / by Jan B. de Weydenthal
Confessions of a Polish PLO Volunteer / by Janusz Bugajski
Hard Currency, Work Abroad, and International Fairs / by Roman Stefanowski
Rules Governing Hard Currency Accounts Changed / by Roman Stefanowski
Polish Medical Staff Abroad / by Roman Stefanowski
This Year's Main Trade Fairs / by Roman Stefanowski