Saját filmjeinek dokumentációja

The collection includes paper and photo documentation of Pál Schiffer's activities as a film director from his early works through non-fiction television works; sociological classics; and historical documentary films. Titles include “Cséplő Gyuri” (Gyuri Cseplo), “Black Train” (Fekete vonat), “...

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Institution:Open Society Archives at Central European University
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Summary:The collection includes paper and photo documentation of Pál Schiffer's activities as a film director from his early works through non-fiction television works; sociological classics; and historical documentary films. Titles include “Cséplő Gyuri” (Gyuri Cseplo), “Black Train” (Fekete vonat), “Probationer” (A pártfogolt), “By the Danube” (A Dunánál), “Fractions” (Törésvonalak). Research materials to his sociological films, oral history interviews, scripts, dialogue lists, field work essays, viewers reviews, film festival catalogues with his film synopses in them, and other non-textual documents of the filmmaker, mainly photographs relating to his films and promotional photos form part of the sub-fonds, too. Accruals not expected