Summary: | Extracts from Polish underground publications compiled and translated into English by the RFE Polish Publication Unit for broadcasting purposes. Introductions to most articles are provided by RFE staff, and items are compiled in issues based mainly on theme and date.
A Few Pointed Remarks[from: Tygodnik Mazowsze, no. 86 (5 May 1984)]As the title implies, these are critical remarks about Solidarity's shortcomings in certain areas, with suggestions on how to remedy them under the present circumstances. The publication is generally considered to represent the views of Solidarity's underground leadership. Such strongly-worded criticism may on the one hand point to divergencies among the leaders and on the other reflect a high degree of democracy and independence of the lower ranks. At the same time it makes clear that the mass of former Solidarity members is waiting for some sensible plan of action.
Why the System Has Still Not Collapsed / by Rafał Krawczyk[from: Errata, no. 1 (December 1983)]Subtitled the Independent Paper of the Intelligentsia in Białystok, "Errata" is a bimonthly that first appeared in December 1983. This article on why the system has managed to remain intact by Rafał Krawczyk (an economist and during the Solidarity period Secretary General of the Polish Economic Society) was printed without his agreement or knowledge.
A Lesson in Ethics - Crisis over Work / by A. Zwolon[from: Tu Teraz (15 March 1984)]The monthly "Tu Teraz" [Here, Now] (sub-titled A Publication of Independent Education), appearing in Warsaw, considers with dismay the disappearance of the work ethic in Poland.
Program of the Social Commission on Health[from: Biuletyn Informacyjny Solidarności Walczącej, no. 37 (12 March 1984)]This program of the unofficial Social Commission on Health appeared in the Information Bulletin of the Fighting Solidarity Organization in Lower Silesia. This is a regular weekly publication that has been appearing since early 1983. In addition to news items it reprints statements and appeals and publishes information about the latest arrests and trials of Solidarity activists.
The Tragedy of the Tatars / by WT[from: Tygodnik Mazowsze, no. 88 (17 May 1984)]"Tygodnik Mazowsze," the official Solidarity weekly for the Warsaw region, regularly devotes space to articles about other countries and nationalities in the Soviet bloc. Below is a translation of an article signed WT about the tragic fate of the Crimean Tatars.
Your Six Złoty[from: Solidarność Walcząca, no. 4(71) (12-19 February 1984)]The "Fighting Solidarity" weekly from Wrocław has been issuing short instructions on how to resist by simple means. This suggestion on how to distribute underground publications has also been reprinted by other regional periodicals.
Art in a Suitcase[from: Baza, no. 2(9) (February 1984)]"Baza" [The Base] is the paper of the Local Committee of Resistance in the Warsaw region (one of the Solidarity organizations active in the area) and the Club of Workers' Thought, whose aim is the creation of "a forum that brings people together who want to exchange ideas and opinions." "Baza" is a monthly sociopolitical journal aimed at workers and has appeared regularly since May 1983. The editors of "Baza" have also invited representatives of the émigré community to submit articles (via the "Baza" representative in Sweden) that reflect contemporary Polish ideas as they are formulated in the West. The following article about the current state of art and culture in Poland was, however, written by a Pole who is still in Poland.