Summary: | This television documentary series offers the most comprehensive visual account of the 40-year history of a separate East Germany. The series covers all the important cultural, economic and political developments, from the founding of the GDR to the popular upheavals that finally brought the Berlin Wall down. Former GDR citizens share their personal feelings, experiences and attitudes toward the government of the East and the material difficulties and dominance of the state. Part 2: This documentary considers the events leading up to the construction of the Berlin Wall on August 13, 1961 - the final division between the two German states. From Economic Plan to Economic Collapse follows the development of the GDR's planned economy from its beginnings to its failure. Having risen from the ruins, Germany was a trophy in the struggle between the new powers after two world wars. Here the focus is not only on major political events but also on the spirit of the times as reflected in images from film, photographs, posters, caricatures, pop-songs and speeches.