Summary: | Bemerkungen: [] = Absatzmarken im Volltext des Originals; Deutsches Propaganda-Flugblatt
American boys! [] Now, is this the "nice war" in Europe that has been promised to you? [] Is this the famous promenade through the countries of the Old World, known to your wealthy fellow-countrymen from their pre-war trips through Europe? [] Those at home were talking of the "nice war", of the promenade - you are standing in front of ever new obstacles! [] Many of them you have overcome - thousands of tombcrosses with the names of your dead comrades are the result. [] Again you are in front of an obstacle. This time it is the Westwall, the Siegfriedline. Do you remember the times when your Allies, whose precious skin you have to save now, "were going to hang their washing on the Siegfriedline"? Now try to hang your soaked kit on the wire entanglement! We will give you a hearty welcome! [] Not only pillboxes and barbed wire will await you, but an unshakable wall of men who are ready to defend their country. Courage and resoluteness have often before broken steel [] We are ready to do our utmost.