Maternal mortality : report of meeting held at Friends' House. Euston Road on November 15, 1932

1932-11 1932 1930s 36 pages MRS. BARTON (Women's Co-operative Guild) : Madam Chairman and friends, I have great pleasure in seconding that vote of thanks. I am glad that the Minister has found time to come here to-day, because we shall all know him better and shall watch his work in the fu...

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Bibliographic Details
Institution:MCR - The Modern Records Centre, University of Warwick
Published: London : Maternal Mortality Committee, November 1932
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Summary:1932-11 1932 1930s 36 pages MRS. BARTON (Women's Co-operative Guild) : Madam Chairman and friends, I have great pleasure in seconding that vote of thanks. I am glad that the Minister has found time to come here to-day, because we shall all know him better and shall watch his work in the future with greater interest. I am glad that he told us that there shall be no retreat. He realises, as he said, that there can also be no standing still, so if there is no retreat, there must be an advance. I would like to say, too, to the Minister that this Conference represents a tremendous amount of public opinion. You can't focus it on just the numbers that are here. Those of us who are representing organisations of thousands can tell him to-day that we will in the country do all we possibly can with all our members and all the people with whom we come in contact to support him in any work that he undertakes to put the findings of the Report into operation. I feel sure that everybody present will agree that we should give him, a busy man like him, a hearty vote of thanks to-day, and I have great pleasure in seconding the motion. The motion was put to the meeting and carried unanimously. THE MINISTER OF HEALTH : Lady Iveagh, ladies and gentlemen, I have only to say thank you very heartily for your too kind reception, and to assure you that it is a very great pleasure and privilege to me to be present here this afternoon and to exchange ideas with you upon this subject, and to wish you in conclusion a very interesting afternoon and the most profitable results from your deliberations here under Lady Iveagh. THE CHAIRMAN : Ladies and gentlemen, we now have to consider the resolution of which you have all seen the wording. Before calling upon the mover of that resolution, I would just like to say that there have been a large number of apologies from people who would have liked to have been here had they been able to do so. Among them, perhaps, I might mention Miss Bondfield, Mrs. Wintringham, Mrs. Baldwin, and the Duchess of Atholl. I will now call upon Miss Sutherland to move the following resolution :— This Conference reaffirms its belief in a comprehensive National Maternity Service and welcomes the recommendations of the Departmental Committee's Final Report on Maternal Mortality which support this Conference's persistent demand for the development of ante-natal care, skilled midwifery, and the services of skilled obstetricians. As no Local Authority is as yet using all its powers to safeguard mothers, and many only a very small percentage, and as in many cases reorganisation of the Maternity (12) 292/824/1/45
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