Rules of the Sunlight Sick, Funeral and Medical Aid Society

1909 1909 1900s 10 pages fund provided for secretarial duties. This arrangement is subject to the approval of the Committee. The Secretary shall arrange the work between himself and the Assistant Secretary, but is responsible to the Committee for the fulfilment of the duties of both. One or other of...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Leverhulme, William Hesketh Lever, Viscount, 1851-1925
Institution:MCR - The Modern Records Centre, University of Warwick
Published: [1909]
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Summary:1909 1909 1900s 10 pages fund provided for secretarial duties. This arrangement is subject to the approval of the Committee. The Secretary shall arrange the work between himself and the Assistant Secretary, but is responsible to the Committee for the fulfilment of the duties of both. One or other of them shall attend all General and Committee Meetings, keep a true record of all business transactions, note attendance of Committee, and report absentees. They shall keep correctly the books and accounts of the Society, in which shall be made due entries of all receipts and disbursements, and all fines incurred by each member. They shall receive the notices from sick members, enter the same in a book provided for that purpose, advise the Visitors of each case of sickness as it occurs, and direct them to visit the sick members; and pay all duly certified claims for benefit each Saturday. They shall also post on the Notice Boards at the beginning of each week a list of all claims paid on the previous Saturday. The Secretary and Assistant Secretary, though present at meetings of Committee, have no vote thereat, and do not count towards forming a quorum. TRUSTEES. VII.— The Directors of Messrs. Lever Brothers Limited shall be Trustees of the Society. The Trustees shall be admitted to all meetings of the Society, and shall be at liberty to take part in the proceedings thereof, and vote on any question under discussion. AUDITORS. VIII.— Two Auditors shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting by ballot. They shall audit the accounts half-yearly, and shall receive £1 11s. 6d each for the year. The Auditors shall attend each Annual General Meeting. ATTENDANCE AT MEETINGS. IX.— Every officer to attend or send sufficient and satisfactory reason for his absence, and in case of his neglecting to do so he shall be subject to the following fines:— Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Treasurer, and Secretary, 6d. each, Committee 3d. each. All fines to be added to the funds of the Society. FILLING UP VACANCIES. X.— Any vacancies amongst the Officers and Committee occurring between the Annual General Meetings, shall be filled up by the Committee from the Department where the vacancy occurs. CUSTODY OF FUNDS. XI.— The balance remaining in the Secretary's hands after receipt of contributions, fines, and levies, and the payment of claims due by the Society, shall each Wednesday morning be handed over to the Treasurer to be lodged with Messrs. Lever Brothers Limited (as Trustees), in the name and to the credit of the Society. No withdrawals for current expenses shall be made therefrom unless by order drawn with the approval of Committee at a regular meeting of Committee, and signed at that meeting by Chairman thereof, the Treasurer, and one other member of Committee, except in cases of emergency through death, when the Chairman and Treasurer, and three other members of Committee, shall be empowered to sign the necessary order without calling the Committee together. STEWARDS OR SICK VISITORS. XII.— Members shall be elected quarterly by the Committee to act as Stewards or Sick Visitors. They shall inquire into all cases of illness, visit the sick except in cases certified by the Doctor to be infectious, endeavour to prevent imposition on the Society, and report to the Committee any irregularity of conduct on the part of any sick member. They shall not be paid for their services, but shall receive authorized expenses incurred. Stewards who fail to make the necessary call or calls, unless a satisfactory explanation is given to the Committee, shall be liable to expulsion from the Society at the discretion of the Committee. MEDICAL OFFICERS. XIII.— The Doctors shall be elected by ballot of the members and the engagement and all arrangements shall be left to the Committee. They shall continue in office during the pleasure of the Society. Any proposal to dispense with their services must be made in writing, and state the reason for such proposal. This proposal form must be signed by 20 members over 18 years of age. A Special General Meeting shall then be called to consider the proposal, and if a majority of the members present are in favour of the same, a ballot shall be taken at the earliest convenient date. Three-fourths of the total number of the ballot papers issued must be returned in favour of a change before such can be made. CONDITIONS OF MEMBERSHIP. XIV.— Any person employed by Messrs. Lever Brothers Limited, at Port Sunlight, being not under 14 years or more than 45 years of age may become a member of the Society. Any employee over 45 years of age, or any person employed in the Village Institutions at Port Sunlight may become a member on production of a satisfactory certificate from the Society's doctor, if approved by the Committee. The Committee have power to decline the membership and refund subscriptions of any person who shall be proved by the Doctor (to the satisfaction of the Committee) within four weeks after joining, to have been in a bad state of health at the time of entering himself as a member. SUBSCRIPTIONS. WEEKLY BENEFITS ON DEATH OF CLASS SUBSCRIPTIONS SICK BENEFIT MEMBER MEMBER'S WIFE MEMBER'S CHILD UNDER 14 YEARS OF AGE A (Juniors) ... 2d. ... 3/- ... £3 — — B ............................... 3d. ... 5/- ... £4 £3 £1 C ..................... 6d. ... 10/- ... £8 £6 £2 Each of these payments entitles to medical attendance and medicine. CLASS A.— This includes all members under 18 years of age. CLASS B.— This is for all Female members over 18 years of age, and is optional for Male members under 21 years of age. CLASS C.— For all Male members not included in the two previous classes. Messrs Lever Brothers Limited are prepared to assist the Society by deducting the Weekly Suscriptions [Subscriptions] from wages payable by them, but arrangements to do this can only be made in the case of members who sign a written request addressed to Messrs. Lever Brothers Limited to that effect. Forms for this purpose can be obtained from the Secretary, or members of Committee. Where this arrangement is not practicable the Secretary shall collect the Subscriptions. Members wishing to leave the Society should request the Secretary to arrange that the amount of subscription be no longer deducted from their wages. A member not paying up his Subscriptions every fourth week (*) must pay a fine of 1d. the next week, and 1d. each succeeding week until all arrears are paid up. Any member who is two weeks' contributions in arrears shall not be entitled to Sick Benefit until all money due to the Society has been paid up; and, if four weeks' in arrears, he shall not be entitled to Sick Benefit until 14 days after he has made himself clear on the books. Any member eight weeks in arrears shall be expelled from the Society, and forfeit all claim for Benefit or Division. Should any lapsed member wish to re-enter the Society, the Committee shall have power of refusal, or to impose any special terms. 36/H24/20
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